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Better City Defenses for VP 6

:c5strength: Better City Defenses for VP :c5strength:
Originally made by Tofusojo, overhauled for Vox Populi by N.Core

City defense rebalance and adds new defense buildings!
I heard that some people complained about cities getting harder to capture in early-mid game.
Especially after the new defense building addition, Bastion Fort, that adds CS and HP to city defense and unlocks at Navigation (early Renaissance) which kinda troubling for units around that time.

So I made this mod, which an overhauled version of Better City Defenses (here on Steam) and adapted to VP city defenses.

Defense buildings rebalance, and adds three new defense buildings plus one new national wonder!
All existing defense buildings had its Combat Strength, Hit Points, and other stats reduced.
Now, city defense upgrade become exponential, so it's easier to attack and conquer at early eras and harder at later eras where you already have lots of strong units.

Spoiler :
- Unlocked at Agriculture.
- Walls now require Palisades.
- +4:c5strength: CS and +25 HP.
- +5% Military Supply based City's population.
- :c5citystate: Empire Size Modifier is reduced by 5% in the City.

After VP 3.0, barbarians are getting more harsh and difficult to defend a city. So adding a defense building that instantly unlocked at the start of the game is good to ease things out.

Spoiler Changes :
-1:c5strength: CS and -50 HP
Requires Palisades.

+6:c5strength: CS and +125 HP
+5:c5strength: CS and +75 HP

To make Walls not as a huge spike of HP when you built it.
The city still has more :c5strength: CS thanks to Palisades, but it's better than more HP.
The city also needs to build Palisades first, so there is a friction to build Walls.

Total city defense:
9:c5strength: CS and 100 HP

Spoiler Changes :
-2:c5strength: CS and -75 HP

+8:c5strength: CS and +150 HP
+6:c5strength: CS and +75 HP

Same thing like Walls, to make Castle not as a huge spike of city defense when you built it.
Big nerf to HP, but I think that's the proper one if you consider how many attacks you need to take down a city with a proper siege.

Total city defense:
15:c5strength: CS and 175 HP

Bastion Fort
Spoiler Changes :
-2:c5strength: CS and -50 HP

+10:c5strength: CS and +150 HP
+8:c5strength: CS and +100 HP

Reduce CS and HP a bit, so it's not as a huge increase as before.

Total city defense:
23:c5strength: CS and 275 HP, +5 Heal rate

Spoiler Changes :
-1:c5strength: CS and -50 HP

+12:c5strength: CS and +175 HP
+11:c5strength: CS and +125 HP

Same things as Bastion Fort.

Total city defense:
34:c5strength: CS and 400 HP, +10 Heal rate

Military Base
Spoiler Changes :
-4:c5strength: CS and -75 HP
-15 Heal rate for units
-10% Military Supply from City's population
-10:c5strength: CS to air strike defense

+20:c5strength: CS and +200 HP
+20 Heal rate for units
+20% Military Supply from City's population
15:c5strength: CS to air strike defense

+16:c5strength: CS and +125 HP
+5 Heal rate for units
+10% Military Supply from City's population
5:c5strength: CS to air strike defense

This building is way too OP and create a huge city defense spike when you built it.
It already has that many abilities, so it doesn't need to have more. So instead, some of it moved to Weapons Depot.

Total city defense:
50:c5strength: CS and 525 HP, +15 Heal rate

Weapons Depot
Spoiler :
- Unlocked at Combined Arms.
- Requires Arsenal.
- +10:c5strength: CS and +125 HP.
- +10:c5strength: CS to air strike defense.
- +15 Heal rate for units in City.
- +30% Military Supply based City's population.
- :c5citystate: Empire Size Modifier is reduced by 5% in the City.

Some of Military Base abilities moved to this building, so it won't create a huge city defense spike after you build Military Base, and you have to build this building to get back the perks of old Military Base, with an extra +20% Military Supply based on City's population.

Total city defense:
60:c5strength: CS and 650 HP, +30 Heal rate

Strategic Defense System
Spoiler Changes :
-50 HP

+5:c5strength: CS and +200 HP
+5:c5strength: CS and +150 HP

Just a minor total city HP adjustment.

Total city defense:
65:c5strength: CS and 800 HP, +30 Heal rate

Defense Satellites
Spoiler :
- Unlocked at Satellites.
- Requires Military Base.
- +1%:c5strength: CS in all cities.
- +2:c5rangedstrength: City Range Strike.
- +5%:c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking enemy units.
- +20% Nuke interception chance.
- All owned Defense Satellites gain +2 :c5science: Science.
- Maximum of 5 of these satellites in the Empire.
- :c5production: Production cost increases based on number of owned cities.
- Requires 1 Aluminum.

A fun and kinda unique "building" that affects global city defenses if you build more of it, of course at a limited amount.
Also gives other Defense Satellites gain +2 :c5science: Science as a kind of "sharing intelligence".
In addition, provides insane perks to the city that owns it, but it's an end-game building anyway, so it matters a bit to the whole gameplay I think.
The most important thing, the more city you own, the more production it needs to build.

Satellite Network Headquarters - National Wonder
Spoiler :
- Unlocked at Satellites.
- Requires Defense Satellites.
- +10%:c5strength: CS in all cities.
- +1 :c5production: Production and +2 :c5science: Science to all owned post-Industrial defense buildings. +3 :c5science: Science from all owned Defense Satellites.
- :c5production: Production Cost and :c5citizen: Population Requirements increase based on the number of cities you own.

As a kind of end-game national wonder which ability is to improve :c5strength: CS in all cities. Also provides additional "intelligence" to all post-Industrial defense buildings, and also get "intelligence" from Defense Satellites.

Total city defense altogether:
+61:c5strength: CS and 1000 HP
+65:c5strength: CS and 800 HP

Substantially less HP, and slightly more :c5strength: CS, and more friction for building defense buildings.

I know there are other mods that also change city defenses, but I don't recommend you to combine this mod with that mod since it will make city defense weaker.

It's a standalone mod, so the original mod is not needed.
- Tofusojo, for the mod inspiration and artwork.
- N.Core, code rewrite and ability overhaul
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