A fantasy scenario with cool retro graphics by Jomb based on the classic NES JRPG game Crystalis.
Mod files rescued from DSquared's Zandanian League backups and repacked in 7zip by Blake. Successfully tested in Civ2 MGE.
Scenario discussions, comments, bug reports, feedback can be found here:
File added to this area as part of Blake's lost scenario/mod files restoration & cataloging project which can be found here:
Browse other Civilization 2 scenarios & mods in the collection here:
Join the Civilization 2 Scenario League at CivFanatics here:
Original Description/Intro:
^ 1997, October 1,
^ the END DAY
^ Savage war engulfs the world
^ ...
^ Civilization is destroyed....
^An evolution had taken place.
^The earth's axis shifted and
^all creatures became mutated.
^Life would never be the same..
^This is my civilization game based on the NES game Crystalis.
^I highly recommend the NES game to anyone who hasn't played it,
it's alot of fun. I hope to continue in the same vein as my earlier
Final Fantasy Civ here by attempting to capture the essence of the
game through graphics and new units (and in this case terrains to).
Hope you enjoy it!
^ -Jomb, 1998.
A fantasy scenario with cool retro graphics by Jomb based on the classic NES JRPG game Crystalis.
Mod files rescued from DSquared's Zandanian League backups and repacked in 7zip by Blake. Successfully tested in Civ2 MGE.
Scenario discussions, comments, bug reports, feedback can be found here:
File added to this area as part of Blake's lost scenario/mod files restoration & cataloging project which can be found here:
Browse other Civilization 2 scenarios & mods in the collection here:
Join the Civilization 2 Scenario League at CivFanatics here:
Original Description/Intro:
^ 1997, October 1,
^ the END DAY
^ Savage war engulfs the world
^ ...
^ Civilization is destroyed....
^An evolution had taken place.
^The earth's axis shifted and
^all creatures became mutated.
^Life would never be the same..
^This is my civilization game based on the NES game Crystalis.
^I highly recommend the NES game to anyone who hasn't played it,
it's alot of fun. I hope to continue in the same vein as my earlier
Final Fantasy Civ here by attempting to capture the essence of the
game through graphics and new units (and in this case terrains to).
Hope you enjoy it!
^ -Jomb, 1998.