civilization 2

  1. C

    C-evo: New Horizons

    C-evo: New Horizons is a turn-based empire building strategy game inspired by Civilization II game. It is a fork and Lazarus/FPC port of the original C-evo game which can be found at It is a free & open source game (FOSS). The source code is available with public domain license...
  2. Blake00

    [Civ2] Early beta screenshots of Civilization 2

    Last year I posted about how someone on the socials posted a cool early beta shot of Test of Time. Well now another person has posted early beta shots of the original Civilization 2 over in my Colonization fans Discord as well. Interesting to see all the little differences.
  3. Blake00

    Heroes of Might and Magic 2 Scenario Modpack (MGE) 1.0

    About: This project is a Heroes of Might & Magic 2 total conversion mod and scenario created by MetroPolis and Blake00 for Sid Meier's Civilization II MGE. Inspired by Tom2050's amazing HoMM3 mod for Civ3 we hope to create the most HoMM2 like experience within the limitations of the old Civ2...
  4. Blake00

    Heroes of Might and Magic 2 Scenario Mod (& HoMM1 Addon) - Release Thread

    In 2001 the creator of this site @Thunderfall asked his community to make a Heroes of Might & Magic Civ2 scenario. Well sorry it took nearly 23 friggin years for us to do it mate but here it is haha! Yes this project is a Heroes of Might & Magic 2 total conversion scenario modpack created by...
  5. J

    [Civ2] New Cold War Scenario - "Duck and Cover"

    Hi everyone, I made a new Cold War scenario and thought I'd post it here. Here's the link: It's focused on the Northern Hemisphere, as I thought it would be nice to get away from the usual representation of the US and...
  6. J

    The Cold War - "Duck and Cover" 1.02

    This is a Cold War scenario focused on the Northern Hemisphere. I thought it would be nice to get away from the usual representation of the US and the USSR being so far apart geographically. In this scenario, you can lob nukes at one another over the top of the world. Nukes are cheaper than...
  7. Thorvald of Lym

    Historical Accuracy Upgrade

    Thanks to various user patches, many of Civ2's original engine limits have been overcome: a game map can cover over 30,000 tiles, thousands of units and hundreds of cities. Suffice to say, the original 20–30 city namelist average starts to feel inadequate. Several weeks ago I started musing...
  8. Blake00

    Civilization II: Ultimate Edition (MGE) Technical Poster 2022-05-27

    Civilization II: Ultimate Edition (MGE) Technical Poster This is a PDF version of JPG files found on the old CivFanatics pages here: Mirror copy on Archive org here: I've also...
  9. Blake00

    Civilization II: Test of Time Technical Poster 2022-05-27

    Civilization II: Test of Time Technical Poster Mirror copy on Archive org here: I've also 7zipped the original giant PNG files I fed into the PDF and uploaded them to that archive org page too. Scanned & stitched together by Blake...
  10. Blake00

    Final Fantasy 6 (3 US) Scenario Modpack (MGE) - Unfinished ALPHA

    About: A fantasy scenario modpack with cool retro graphics by Dustin Dunn based on Final Fantasy 6 (3 US) for SNES. Mod files rescued from DSquared's Zandanian League backups and repacked in 7zip by Blake. Successfully tested in Civ2 MGE, although is incomplete. Also there was no Title.gif so...
  11. Blake00

    Final Fantasy 4 (2 US) Scenario Modpack (FW) 2.0

    About: A fantasy scenario modpack with cool retro graphics by Frank Johnson based on Final Fantasy 4 (2 US) for SNES. Mod files rescued from DSquared's Zandanian League backups and repacked in 7zip by Blake. Successfully tested in Civ2 MGE. Renamed to FF4 primary & FF2 secondary since even the...
  12. Blake00

    Final Fantasy 1 Scenario (FW) 1.0

    About: A fantasy scenario with cool retro graphics by Jomb based on Final Fantasy 1 for NES. Mod files rescued from DSquared's Zandanian League backups and repacked in 7zip by Blake. Successfully tested in Civ2 MGE. Scenario discussions, comments, bug reports, feedback can be found here...
  13. Blake00

    Crystalis Scenario (FW) 1.0

    About: A fantasy scenario with cool retro graphics by Jomb based on the classic NES JRPG game Crystalis. Mod files rescued from DSquared's Zandanian League backups and repacked in 7zip by Blake. Successfully tested in Civ2 MGE. Scenario discussions, comments, bug reports, feedback can be found...
  14. Blake00

    Dune - Pour l'epice! (For the spice!) Scenario (FW) - French 1.0

    About: A classic French language scenario based on Dune 2 and the battle for Arrakis by N. Chautru. Mod files rescued from DSquared's Zandanian League backups and repacked in 7zip by Blake. Successfully tested in Civ2 MGE. Also there was no Title.gif so Blake added one for fun. No English...
  15. Blake00

    Sands of Dune Scenario (FW) 1.0

    About: A classic scenario based on Dune 2 and the battle for Arrakis by James Dahl. Watch out for sand worms! Mod files rescued from DSquared's Zandanian League backups and repacked in 7zip by Blake. Successfully tested in Civ2 MGE. File added to this area as part of Blake's lost scenario/mod...
  16. Blake00

    Dune The Battle for Arrakis Scenario (CiC) 1.0

    About: A classic scenario based on Dune 2 and the battle for Arrakis by Isaac Ashdown. Mod files rescued from DSquared's Zandanian League backups and repacked in 7zip by Blake. Successfully tested in Civ2 MGE. Also there was no Title.gif so Blake added one for fun. File added to this area as...
  17. Blake00

    Starcraft: Terran War Scenario (MGE) 1.1

    About: A alien world colonization scenario set in the Starcraft universe during the Terran civil war by aland007. Mod files rescued from DSquared's Zandanian League backups and repacked in 7zip by Blake. Successfully tested in Civ2 MGE. Also there was no Title.gif so Blake added one for fun...
  18. Blake00

    Dawn of the Dead Scenario (FW) 2.0

    About: A zombie apocalypse scenario by Blackclove inspired by the Dawn of the Dead film. Mod files rescued from DSquared's Zandanian League backups and repacked in 7zip by Blake. Successfully tested in Civ2 MGE. Also there was no Title.gif so Blake added one for fun. File added to this area as...
  19. Blake00

    Orion Alpha Centauri Scenario (CiC) 2.0

    About: A scifi alien world colonization scenario on Alpha Centauri with Master of Orion factions by ?unknown? Mod files rescued from DSquared's Zandanian League backups and repacked in 7zip by Blake. Successfully tested in Civ2 MGE. Also there was no Title.gif so Blake added one for fun. No...
  20. Blake00

    Star Wars Tatouine Scenario (CiC) - French 1.0

    About: A French language Star Wars scenario set on the surface of Tatooine by J. Belanger. Mod files rescued from DSquared's Zandanian League backups and repacked in 7zip by Blake. Successfully tested in Civ2 MGE. Intro txt file was incorrectly named so Blake fixed it. No English version sadly...
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