• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


  1. Thlayli

    TNES VII - Consider the Laurel

    The first mistake the gods made was in giving man ambition. It was in that choice that they gave him, even in a rock or a clod of dirt, the weapon with which to bring their end. -Alcidus of Dianthea, semi-apocryphal, ~250s FA
  2. TerrisH

    Out of the Portals, a Never Ending Story.

    Out of the Portal, a Never Ending Story. (inspired by "LINES-World of Magic") This is a simple game, from a simpler time. One driven more by the narrative than the rules, and stats are more reference points than anything greater. One driven primarily by the players as they build the world...
  3. Crezth

    In the Beginning Was Napoleon: Game Thread

    :coffee::badcomp::bump::old:The deadline for sending orders for Update 3 is June 4, at 11:00 PM Pacific Time.:wallbash::dance::ar15::banana: The vibe is The World Turned Upside Down, people. Background In the beginning was Napoleon. He, at the crest of the heroic French Revolution, sought...
  4. Crezth

    In the Beginning Was Napoleon: Background Thread

    The vibe is The World Turned Upside Down, people. Background In the beginning was Napoleon. He, at the crest of the heroic French Revolution, sought to overthrow the old and oppressive Ancien Régime, and succeeded. The Holy Roman Empire was destroyed. The Iberian Empires, bowed. Italy, united...
  5. Blake00

    Final Fantasy 1 Scenario (FW) 1.0

    About: A fantasy scenario with cool retro graphics by Jomb based on Final Fantasy 1 for NES. Mod files rescued from DSquared's Zandanian League backups and repacked in 7zip by Blake. Successfully tested in Civ2 MGE. Scenario discussions, comments, bug reports, feedback can be found here...
  6. Blake00

    Crystalis Scenario (FW) 1.0

    About: A fantasy scenario with cool retro graphics by Jomb based on the classic NES JRPG game Crystalis. Mod files rescued from DSquared's Zandanian League backups and repacked in 7zip by Blake. Successfully tested in Civ2 MGE. Scenario discussions, comments, bug reports, feedback can be found...
  7. J.K. Stockholme

    Autumn of Nations

    AUTUMN OF NATIONS a geopolitical roleplaying game for the 21st century Welcome to Autumn of Nations, a geopolitical roleplaying game where players take on a handful of ideologically diverse peer powers at the dawn of the new millennium and make what they will of the world with dice rolls...
  8. Immaculate

    After Deicide

    Introductory Statements: Welcome to After Deicide, a game where you take control of a small nation newly freed from the shackles of a dead theocracy, balancing its own ambitions with those of the real gods that walk in your midst and the ambitions of your neighbors. A lot of the material...
  9. Daftpanzer

    DaftNES VI: Of Light and Dust

    Orders deadline: Friday Midnight GMT (6th March) Hello and welcome to the sixth official DaftNES. This is a ‘galaxy sandbox’ game, inspired mainly by GalaxyNES, Swirly Lights Yonder, as well as the computer game Stellaris. In this project, I want to give players more creative freedom, and...
  10. Angst

    NewNES - Our Origins

    NEWNES - OUR ORIGINS In the beginning the earth was without form, and void. But the sun shone upon the sleeping earth, And deep inside the brittle crust, massive forces waited to be unleashed. The seas parted, and great continents were formed. Mountains arose, earthquakes spawned massive...
  11. Thlayli

    TNES VI - The Mythopoeia

    TNES VI - The Mythopoeia You're still here? After all this time? I suppose that shows a certain brand of dedication. Not exactly edifying, but it's...something. Well, if you're certain you really want to do this... Hello, and welcome to TNES VI. Recently, I’ve found myself in Africa, which...
  12. Ahigin

    December World: sign-up thread

    Welcome to the December World sign-up thread. It's going to be a global strategy game in a steampunk setting that will evolve as the game moves forward. In this game, I'll put under test a lot of ideas I've been playing with for a while, and hopefully you'll have fun playing with them, too...
  13. Eltain

    FeudalIOT: Britain or Bust

    FeudalIOT: Birth of Britain Welcome to a game inspired by Amon Savag's FeudNES. https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/asfeudnes.398226/ According to the Pope, it is spring of the year 1100 Anno Domini. This world did not follow history as in our timeline, and the slate is clean for new...
  14. Terrance888

    Terrance Project Thread

    Welcome to Echoes of Glory! Introduction More than a century ago, strange men landed upon these shores beneath their innumerable banners, claiming all for their Emperor from across the seas. Although they seemed to sweep all before them, soon the native tribes organized a resistance and...
  15. Eltain

    CYOAI: Uncle Billy vs the World

    Map: http://i.imgur.com/6TdKc8c.png You are unfortunate enough to be military, political and domestic advisor to your Uncle, Billy Goodbody, who happens to be the King of a small city-state in the middle of nowhere. He neglected to tell you that he was declared war on for his stupidity by...
  16. Citygdp Map 2007

    Citygdp Map 2007

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