A fantasy crossover scenario using races from other fantasy scenarios by G R Fullman-Hall.

Mod files rescued from Apolyton backups and repacked in 7zip by Blake. Successfully tested in Civ2 MGE. Also there was no Title.gif so Blake added one for fun.

Entry added to this area as part of Blake's lost scenario/mod files restoration & cataloging project which can be found here:

Browse other Civilization 2 scenarios & mods in the collection here:

Join the Civilization 2 Scenario League at CivFanatics here:

Original Description/Intro:
The premise of the scenario is that magic has been exploited and
developed in place of scientific advancement. Any of the tribes can
be played with equal chances to win the game by any of the usual
routes. There are no Events in this scenario, and nor are there any
sounds included.

This Scenario requires the Fantastic Worlds expansion.

The graphics in this modpack have all been altered to some extent,
with some entirely new units and icons by me. Feel free to steal
any of them you like :).

The tribes have been reorganised and many of them renamed, so that
if the files are substituted for those in the main game, then one
can have the Celts and Romans in the same game, for example. Just
remember to create copies of any files before you replace them. I
have a folder in the library containing all the original graphics
and text files.

The tribes are roughly organized into sets of 7 - a pseudo-victorian
with the Secret Society of Evil from the FW CD; a pseudo-bronze age
with the Atlanteans from the FW CD; and an oriental set with the
only truly new tribe, the Cult of Khali.

The Tech tree is largely intact, but almost all the advances have
been renamed and a few extra ones added.


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