A mod template to add new mapscript into the game
To install: extract in your "{user}\AppData\Local\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VII\Mods" folder
Change the mod's folder name to your mod's name, as well as the "mapscript-template.modinfo" file name
In that file change the modid
it must be unique, so either use a UID or something other modders won't use
for example
The ID must also be copied in the config.xml file, that's how the game will know the path to the mapscript file.
Also edit the "LOC_" tags in the various files to something unique to your mod.
The included example script is the Continent script without any forced ocean separation
To install: extract in your "{user}\AppData\Local\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VII\Mods" folder
Change the mod's folder name to your mod's name, as well as the "mapscript-template.modinfo" file name
In that file change the modid
<Mod id="yourname-mapscript-template" version="1"
it must be unique, so either use a UID or something other modders won't use
for example
<Mod id="gedemon-newcontinent" version="1"
The ID must also be copied in the config.xml file, that's how the game will know the path to the mapscript file.
<Row File="{gedemon-newcontinent}maps/continent-mod.js" Name="LOC_MAP_MAPSCRIPT_TEMPLATE_CONTINENT_NAME" Description="LOC_MAP_MAPSCRIPT_TEMPLATE_CONTINENT_DESCRIPTION" SortIndex="9"/>
Also edit the "LOC_" tags in the various files to something unique to your mod.
The included example script is the Continent script without any forced ocean separation