The Worst Trait

Worst Trait

  • Aggressive

    Votes: 35 9.0%
  • Financial

    Votes: 13 3.3%
  • Expansive

    Votes: 133 34.1%
  • Creative

    Votes: 62 15.9%
  • Philosophical

    Votes: 19 4.9%
  • Organized

    Votes: 58 14.9%
  • Spiritual

    Votes: 39 10.0%
  • Industrious

    Votes: 31 7.9%

  • Total voters


Oct 2, 2005
Granite Falls, MN, USA
Now that we know the best trait, lets find out the worst one...
Eventhough I like using Creative, I would have to say I think its the worst trait. +2 culture per city is nice when you need to expand to the fat cross quickly, but I find that any civ can become partially creative when they build Stonehenge (which I find easy to finish). Half price production on theartre's is OK, but I do enjoy half price on collesuems. I will put off building collesuems, unless I am a creative civ.
My vote goes to expansive. On the higher difficulty levels, the happiness cap is much more important, and unless you're blessed with an abundance of pre-Calender resources or cursed with a lot of unhealthy terrain, you'll hit it long before you hit your health limit. Cheap granaries are nice, but I'd rather have cheap courthouses or forges. Generally speaking, Expansive is not a very good trait.
For me, it's a close call between expansive and creative. I voted for expansive, because at least creative is useful for a short period of time, while expansive is often useless for the whole game. Health is rarely a problem for me, happiness is.

Philosophical would be the third most useless, but it has its uses. Spiritual comes in too late to make a real difference, but it's the best trait in the end game, which compensates a little. Industrious won't help you build wonders at Deity, but it will still give you cheaper national wonders and forges.
I find expansive just a little too benign. It really doesn't stand out much. I can see Creative being panned for the same reason...
so people really do think expansive isn't that great. i'd wondered...

i voted creative. i've been convinced by others on these forums that creative kinda sux and now i have to agree. i've been 1-pop pop-rushing obelisks instead. since i only really build 2 cities before i go war-mongering 2 obelisks isn't a big deal. creative is viable if you're gonna go for cultural victory, but there are some other good cultural traits too (phil, spir, fin).
I voted Expansive. Even with the recent boost it is still too weak. Cheap Granaries / Harbours are very nice since you probably want to build them everywhere you can, but that does not make up for the poorness in its main bonus: the +3 health bonus.

Having unhealthiness is usually not a huge problem and if you do run into it, it simply means that a citizen eats 3 food instead of 2 food, which is not much of a problem.

As has been said above, managing happiness is a much bigger problem than managing healthiness.
I find expansive fairly useful, especially on the higher levels where you need it more-that +3 health can be a real godsend as many times health is whats causing my cities not to grow.
Inspired by this thread, I'm going to try a Genghis (Agg/Exp) Emperor, relying on numerous cities and massive Granary/Barracks/Axeman/Keshik whipping. Health won't do alot, obviously.
I voted expansive, although I'm not a fan of creative or organised either.

Expansive and organised just seem so boring. I know organised is powerful and it saves you a lot of money throughout history, but you don't really notice the difference, like you do with other traits.

Expansive should just be the food equvilent for creative, with extra food on tiles that produce 2 or more.
I actually like Exp/Cre, I'm currently in a game with Cyrus right now anyway. Creative helps in an early land grab situtation, while expansivea allows you to trade away health resorces for happiness. Not to mention that Cyrus has a very nice UU for early game on Marathon speed.
Hm I think it depends what kind of game you play.

If you know how to use the various traits all are very useful but creative might be neglectable there are enough other ways to handle cultural growth.

Expander is very strong esp. in multiplay. You are always able to improve happiness with help of monarchy and many troops or by increasing the spendings on culture. Its harder to do that with health at a certain point health won't improve further.

I think expander is well underrated here.
Its between organized and spiritual for me cause the civics i use arnt that expensive and you rarely change civics or religon.
Im fairly surprized at all the anti creative people out there. Even if your going for a Military victory creative comes in handy cause now that city you just captured can get its border(and resources) back quicker than if you dident have it.
If spiritual i switch religion/civics 50 times in a game
its one of the most powerfull traits actually.
acidsatyr said:
If spiritual i switch religion/civics 50 times in a game
its one of the most powerfull traits actually.

I agree, you don't realize how great 5 turn civic switches can be until you use them frequently.
acidsatyr said:
If spiritual i switch religion/civics 50 times in a game
its one of the most powerfull traits actually.

I agree. Spiritual is extremely powerful on Emperor. I have not started playing Immortal or Diety yet and imagine they are even more powerful on those levels. Just imagine playing a non-spiritual civ and you have a large empire. Just 2 or 3 civic switches can cost you 3+ turns of anarchy per switch which equates to several turns of lost research, building etc... although you can still war during anarchy.
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