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Relics in Civilization Revolution


Oct 25, 2000
An interesting new feature in Civilization Revolution is the relics. There are six of them in the game and they scattered randomly around the world. The first civ to discover a relic will receive a unique bonus, such as a large sum of gold or free temples in your cities. Below are the relics in the game and their bonus:
  • The Ark of Covenant: Discovering the Ark of the Covenant will immediate create a Temple in every one of your cities that does not have one. Cities that already have Temples will immediately receive Cathedrals to replace their Temples.
  • The Seven Cities of Gold: Discovering the Seven Cities of Gold will give an immediate and hefty Gold bonus to your treasury.
  • The Angkor Wat: Discovering Angkor Wat will immediately build a wonder in one of your cities!
  • The Lost City of Atlantis: Discovery of the Lost City of Atlantis Artifact will touch off a golden age of discovery in your Civilization. Your scientists will immediately complete the research on several new technologies.
  • The Knights Templar: Finding the bastion of the Knights Templar immediately grants its discoverer an immensely powerful unit.
  • The School of Confucius: Stumbling across the School of Confucius immediately grants its discoverer access to a slew of Great People!
Fun facts and images related to the relics can be found in the article on the official site.

>> Civilization Revolution Gallery
I hope we can disable this. Definitely a cool idea, but not what I'd want on a regular basis. However, it is "revolutionary." ;)
I hope we can disable this. Definitely a cool idea, but not what I'd want on a regular basis. However, it is "revolutionary." ;)
You may end up liking it.

Remember when civ-specific unit was being added to Civ3... everyone was skeptical at first? :)

What's with all the exclamation marks? I'm dizzy now...
I removed some of them. :crazyeye:
Indeed. The best way to counter AI stupidity is by player stupidity. In short: Civ Rev = Civ for kiddies.:sniper::sheep::sarcasm::trouble::faint:
"And that's all I have to say about that" Forrest Gump
I heard if any germen unit tries to pick up the ark of the covenant their face will melt off. That's pretty unfair.
Discovery of the Lost City of Atlantis Artifact will touch off a golden age of discovery in your Civilization. Your scientists will immediately complete the research on several new technologies.

Several new techs?! I'm finding this relic. :p
They're just "super goody huts" by the sounds of it.

Fortunately, they've realized this is a feature many people like to turn off, so we can (in Civ4; I am not going to consider Revolutions a real Civ game). If only they had toggles for everything ("No Corporations", "No Espionage", "No Wonders", etc). Not that I dislike them, but I'd like to shake up the game more now and again.)
These relics, as well as the civilization bonuses, seem extremely powerful when compared to goody huts and leader/civilization bonuses in Civilization IV. What I think it means, is that luck plays much larger part in Civilization Revolution than in Civilization games released for PC. That makes me think that this can very nice game, but some of features make such a huge difference to the balance between luck and tactics, that they definitely won't be seen in Civilization V, at least not in their current form. When criticism to luck-factor is put aside, these relics are indeed very revolutionary to Civ franchise, and can make (with the other new features) the game very fun. Some people will probably like the fact you don't need such a great strategy to win, if you're lucky, some won't like that at all. I really hope that Firaxis has found a great balance between luck and tactics, because giving luck too much power would make this an odd Civ game, very odd indeed.

Edit: Has there earlier been any information about victory conditions? I noticed that the relic article of the official site mentions Cultural, Economic, Technological and Conquest Victories.
This will need to be VERY carefully balanced to avoid screwing up multiplayer, which is one of CivRev's main strengths.
Fun, although I'm a bit puzzled at having the School of Confucius in there - not exactly a hidden/lost/secret place or organisation in quite the same way as the rest!
I agree with Plotinus, The Ark of the Covenent was not lost, It was captured
Fun, although I'm a bit puzzled at having the School of Confucius in there - not exactly a hidden/lost/secret place or organisation in quite the same way as the rest!
Yea, the Shambhala would've been a much more suitable choice.

EDIT: or if they wanted to add smthing for the chineese/japs/whatever then maybe Mu the lost continent or smthing
You may end up liking it.

Remember when civ-specific unit was being added to Civ3... everyone was skeptical at first? :)

This is obviously CIV for Kids! CIV-specific units was something quite different, and welcomed by most veterans as a good addition. These mega huts I don't like. Hopefully they never make it to CIV5. Don't make CIV a fantasy/treasure searching game of luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is there a new Indiana Jones unit as well?
How about making a Relics mod for BTS? With the use of BTS quest events it should be easy.
It's weird concept.. how can there be a relic on the area, where no man has ever stepped before
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