explorer, any use?


Sep 6, 2007
Ur Sorry Ass
When they are around, whatever huts left has barbs guarding them. So why would you ever build them?

Explorers are great for exploring a civilization that you are friendly with because they have two movement points. Also, they work as very cheap fogbusting for late-game tundra locations.
If you need a medic unit right away, build an explorer in a city where you can get a 2-promo unit right away.
Medic I explorers always have two moves and will almost never come up in defending, so if you lack healing or need to reinforce your troops, it's a cheap and dirty way to do so.
I find explorers very useful for dispachment on another continent while there is a war there to see who has the advantage and to see if I need to intervene by bribing AI's to peace (or war) to preserve the balance of power.
...I swear I've met you before. Is this you?

I usually just use scouts or a spare chariot or something to map AI lands and follow them, but I guess an explorer would do as well.

They're not terribly useful overall though, huh.
@ Tecibbar

If you want to pop guarded huts, use a spy. The spy can pop the hut even with a barb defender.

I don't think that I have ever built an explorer. I use a spare unit like a chariot or a scout to map AI lands rather than building an explorer like TMIT said.
Explorers are also useful on those terra maps because they can move through terrain faster than chariots can in many cases. You will still need some offensive unit to pop huts so their usefulness is, still, limited. It's a shame since they could be very useful if they could attack (easier for them to be medics).
My explorer gets the circumnavigation bonus on about 25% of maps :eek:
I use them to explore the New World, unless there is already an A.I. there, then a nice map trade is in order :)
I don't think I've ever really built one. :p

Well I did once for a terra map but he was so pathetic that I felt like deleting him so my spies could do things properly.

I would rather explore with a chariot than an explorer. At least chariots can take out a warrior.
There are uses for explorers, but a more salient point is whether or not there are better uses for the hammers that would go into an explorer. I'm a monarch level player but for what it's worth, I'd always rather have a chariot/HA etc instead of an explorer.
My explorer gets the circumnavigation bonus on about 25% of maps :eek:

Explorers can ride on caravels.
So can missionaries and great people. Any could explore an AI but only explorers would be safe in barbarian territory. Spies too, but they are slow.

How can you make Chariots or Horse Archers after you've discovered Guilds?
Make them late-game SuperMedics. They can get to Woodsman III and Medic III in 6 promotions.
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