• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


  1. G

    [BTS] Difference in movement animations between Warlords and BTS

    Hi! I am wondering if someone else has noticed this. I've searched for a long time but can't find this issue being mentioned anywhere, which is quite frustrating. Basically, I am a long time Warlords player, but recently began trying out the BTS expansion. While I think BTS has been a major...
  2. Ford_Friendly

    [BTS] New guy...trying to improve

  3. doum.geno27

    [BTS] Help with my mod and map

    So I've installed the mod to have more than 18civs in Beyond The Sword that is detailed here : https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/modding-maps-with-a-text-editor.374496/#5 I've followed all the steps one by one with attention, but everytime I try to start a game it just crashes (even if it...
  4. Sir Clive

    Administrator privilege to run CIV4 ?

    I love Civ4 BTS and have been playing it for many years. My old laptop had Windows 10 and was running it fine until it died a few weeks ago I now have a new laptop ( also running Windows 10 ) I reinstalled BTS but I now have the error that I have seen reported a lot on the internet about...
  5. Perdedor

    [BTS] All Sound Cuts Out When Loading 'Audio Init"

    Hey again Civ fam, Having another issue...this is with sound. All sound from my computer cuts out when the Beyond the Sword splash screed loads 'Audio Init". My media player cuts out, and so does the game sound itself. Nothing from the computer makes a sound at all. Just wondering if anyone...
  6. B

    Scenario not Working

    I downloaded Earth 2010 and Giant Earth Scenario (the one with 1,100 cities), both of which are BTS mods. I downloaded them, put them in BTS's mods folder, which has worked with other mods. I was able to load them (advanced : load mod) and from the Civilopedia it seems like all the data is...
  7. Alkiviades

    Serious font issue

    Hi, I just purchased the CivIV full edition on steam sales (owned the game when it first came out, but haven't got the disks for some years) - it was for only 6 euros and I thought what the heck, I'll give it a shot. Installed all three games and fired BTS up... and got busted. Can't see the...
  8. GravityWave

    [BTS] Civilization IV Live Stream

    One day a week (Tuesday normally) I'll be live streaming a game of Civilization BTS on YouTube. You can also watch after the fact and so can observe all my mistakes, and maybe some triumphs. Here is Part I: My YouTube channel, where I post retro as well as current gaming stuff, is here...
  9. Yellownaut

    [BTS] Some Terrain Modding Queries

    Hello there, I'm a long-time CIV4 player who finds modding CIV4 to be a therapeutic way of keeping my mind sharp and logically-focused (always helpful as a computer science student!) whilst winding down my stress. Thus I'm in the process of making a sub-mod for Realism Invictus. I have a large...
  10. Zerver

    T14 "Armata" 2017-02-19

    Requested by Bananass. Thread: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/t-14-armara.610374/ Uses vanilla modern armor animations.
  11. Zerver

    Witcher "RPG" female units

    Greetings everyone. Before all, I wanted to thank SaibotLieh for giving useful hints and a final push towards mastering my unit making experience. :assimilate: I'm proud to present my first ever "living" unit converts (all models belong to CD Project Red). Those are the female characters, the...
  12. Zerver

    Triss Merigold 2017-02-10

    Sounds & animations included. Proper XML tags and dicsussion: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/witcher-rpg-female-units.610229/
  13. Zerver

    Yennefer of Vengerberg 2017-02-10

    Sounds & animations included. Proper XML tags and discussion: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/witcher-rpg-female-units.610229/
  14. Zerver

    Cirilla 2.0

    Sounds & animations included. Proper XML tags and dicsussion: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/witcher-rpg-female-units.610229/
  15. Krugi

    Greek World for BtS 1.1

    This is a faithful port of the Greek World scenario, written by Rhye, that came with the original Civ4. The most intrusive change I have made was to grant Babylon, the Celts and Phoenicia, which were not present in vanilla, access to both of their uniques. In addition to Rome, Macedon and...
  16. PPQ_Purple

    Civ4 - The History of Three Kingdoms 2017-01-28

    The History of Three Kingdoms is one of the better mods for CIV4 BTS. However it is also most dead. Being an avid fan I have taken it upon my self to upload the mod from my own storage for the benefit of anyone who can no longer get this gem. Aside from providing this download I am in no way...
  17. Thorvald of Lym

    The New and Improved Civ4 Mod Thread

    Welcome to the actual, official, OP-belongs-to-the-devs development thread for the Imperium Offtopicum Civ4 mod! Started by Reus, this project aims to codify the IOT community and its most cherished memes within Firaxis' popular genocide simulator turn-based strategy game, Civilization IV...
  18. Screenshot


    Fight scene
  19. Screenshot


    Dead guy
  20. Screenshot


    Good way to hunt elephants
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