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  1. adan_eslavo

    Unique City-States v16.8

    Link to the original mod. Special thanks to @Enginseer for creating the base mod and lots of help during this expansion. Compatible with VP 4.X. See changelog for more info. Enjoy!
  2. I

    City-State and Barbarian colors problem

    Sorry if this has been posted already, but I need help. I want to change few colors. In perticular: Barbarian colors Venetian colors Standart City-State Primary color. So, let's start with the most problematic - Venice. So for some reason, when I try to define colors for Venice city-state, it...
  3. Brixter

    Protect City-States with Walls, Flood Barriers and Loyalty

    AI can raze city-states but this mod can help prevent that. Features: 1. City-states start with Ancient walls, Medieval walls and Renaissance walls in all difficulty levels. 2. City-states start with Flood barriers in all difficulty levels. 3. City-state's innate bonus Loyalty is increased...
  4. Brixter

    Preslav wall loyalty and amenity

    Preslav is close to useless and this mod makes it more useful. 1. Walls grant +2 loyalty bonus instead of Encampment buildings. 2. Adds +1 amenity to Encampment buildings.
  5. F

    Graphic problem with City-States

    In my last couple of games, I have been experiencing an issue with how city-states appear on the map. At the beginning of the game, I can see them normally. But at some point, the name of the city-state's name bar no longer appears on the map. Therefore, there is no information I can obtain...
  6. £

    [GS] [] Cities producing buildings, districts or wonders losing 1% production

    In all my cities that are producing buildings, districts or wonders I'm getting -1% towards my total production in that city. Because it only affects when I'm producing buildings, districts or wonders and not when I'm producing units I'm assuming it is related to Industrial city-states, more...
  7. H

    Poll - Create a delay between a DoW and Peace against a City-State

    Hello everyone, As you know, in the current City-State diplomacy system, it is possible to declare war on a City-State and impose peace in the same turn (the City-State has no say in the matter). This has created a lot of exploits where players can declare war, kill specific units, and then...
  8. A

    City-State difficulty setting in multiplayer

    So I have noticed after many multiplayer games, the city-states don't start with walls in immortal and diety settings. The diety/immortal AI civs and aggressive players kill all the city-states around them with ease and snowball like crazy. this makes it difficult to play civs that depend on...
  9. Duke William of Normandy

    My proposal on how to bring more Civilizations into the Civilization Franchise.

    So, basically, the proposal I have and the premise of this thread will be based on two ideas: Make it so that if a Civilization isn't in a game, it can appear as a City-State. For example, if I have Gathering Storm, but I don't have Sweden in that game, there is a chance that either...
  10. anonxanemone

    AI Razing City-State: Bug or Feature?

    AI attacking city-states is nothing new but one of the recent updates made AI have little to no reservation in razing city-states. When the developers introduced the function, they quoted the Maya for needing to keep cities close to their capital as per their ability so eliminating city-states...
  11. Trashperson

    Periphery (Now compatible with CIVITAS CSE) 1.3

    Periphery is a deceptively simple mod for Civ 6 which renames all base game and DLC city-states after their real-life current and historical nations. This is by renaming the mini-'Civ' which owns the city-state- so what appears in the city-state menu- but not the actual city owned by said...
  12. hhhhhh

    [NFP] Improving the "bad" City States

    I was following the City State Elimination Thread and had fun. Now that the last 21 are decided (there's a total of 42 city states, so these are the ones that are "below average"), I'm thinking how they can be improved. The goal is not to make all of them super powerful ones, just to make them...
  13. TheFinalChiTown

    [NFP] [] Levied units disappearing within border of rebelling city

    Patch Conditions: Levied city-state units are set to return to city-state at the end off the turn (levy is ending). These same levied units are within the border of a city that will rebel to become a free-city at the end of the turn. Result: These levied units disappear at the end...
  14. Xandinho

    Suggest your own world wonders, natural wonders and city-states

    I've been having a free time with nothing to do during the quarantine, so I thought of creating a thread for bonus suggestions for world wonders, natural wonders and city-states that you would like to see in the game. I started with 5 wonders of the world that I really want to see in the game...
  15. TahamiTsunami

    Poll: Which 10 city-states would you like to officially see in the game?

    There were many good suggestions for desired city-states in the other thread I made so I thought it was about time that I made a poll for city-states as well. You can also decide on what type of city-state you'd like your choices to be if you want but you don't have to since who knows what kind...
  16. TahamiTsunami

    Top City-State Choices

    It's been fun going over polls for Returning Civs, Brand New Civs, etc. While I'm not overly familiar with the popular choices enough to confidently do a poll, I figured I'd start by finding out which city-states would be the most desired. I'd definitely recommend checking out the ultimate...
  17. Hippie_Peace_man

    Soviet Union (Concept)

    After a recent unfinished Denmark game, I was inspired to create a puppet civ (like Venice) that could settle cities. I've never made a mod before, so I figured before attempting to create the civ, I would post my idea here and listen for feedback on whether this is OP or UP: Soviet Union...
  18. StardustKing

    [GS] ( active a random city state in the world builder

    I'm a mod-lover and I tried the new world builder in the first time, and find something wrong with it. First, I open a map randomly created by the world builder, then I add some AI Players with the "Advanced" function. In the "Player Editor" panel, I set some of them to be "Random, Civilization"...
  19. Das Capitolin

    Where to find Garrison Defense Strength for City-States?

    When playing against AI at advanced difficulty, I find that City-States are almost immediately wiped out by civilizations with 5x the strength. To remedy this, I would like to make the Garrison Defense Strength stronger than the other AI so they can survive the game. Perhaps a modifier value can...
  20. adan_eslavo

    City-States Leaders for VP

    CITY-STATES LEADERS FOR VP This is third iteration of underestimated UI mod made by @mihaifx and then improved by @Nutty. It adds leader icons for every City-State encountered on the map giving the player much more flavor and making memorizing CSs the most valuable for him easier. This version...
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