
  1. S

    Editing scenario, problem with tech imbalance

    Hi. I'm sorry if this shouldn't be a new thread, or if it shouldn't be in this location. I'm creating a gigantic world map scenario for ROM: AND2; 28 civs, start year more or less 1925 technologically speaking (and on the calendar), but with many liberties taken to reflect an alternate history...
  2. G

    I Was on a Winning Streak, Then the AI Started Hustling Me!

    I'm not sure what, if anything changed, but shortly after winning enough games handily, I'm suddenly finding it much harder to find that same mojo. I've been playing Metropolis difficulty on a Huge map at Endless speed (because even that barely seems to leave me with a satisfactory span of time...
  3. Q

    Single Player Tip: get Great People with change in Era

    When the Era changes, new Great People will be of the new Era. (True for me on Deity; not sure the mechanism at lower levels of difficulty.). That means any available Great People of earlier Eras will be succeeded by a Great Person costing more. If you play Single Player, you are player #1, so...
  4. inquisitive_otter

    [NFP] Start an era behind?

    I'm looking to create a mod where the AI starts one era ahead of the human player. The AI would get all of the same bonuses that if you would normally start the game in that advanced era. My first line of though was to do this manually by giving them a settler, techs, etc. but there has to be a...
  5. AaronTBD

    Idea - Neolithic Era

    This would be an era before the Ancient Era this is how I think it might work out You start at 7000 BC or 15 Turns more on standard speed Tree Ideas Tech Tree Hunting -> Animal Husbandry Agriculture -> Pottery + Animal Husbandry Civic Tree City Development -> Code of Laws...
  6. King Phaedron

    Razing Cities in the Modern Era - Is it even Reasonable?

    I've been playing Civ6 for a year, and Civ5 for a lot longer, and I've been missing something... Mainly that Razing down a city in the modern age is ridiculous. It makes sense to Raze cities in pre-industrial times, but it takes a heck of a lot of effort to raze down a modern city with all it's...
  7. S

    Civilization 4 multiplayer pop ups

    Hey folks When in multiplayer games I miss some single player game aspects, like some pop-up features. Does someone know a way to reintroduce the "The Greatest civilizations" rank and the changing-era notifications, which are missing in multiplayer direct-IP-connection games?
  8. nauberry

    [GS] [Request] Civilization specific starting dates

    I have had this idea for a while now. I'd like to play on a huge true starting map with all civilizations so that technological advancements of certain civs (the Europeans, American colonies etc.) would be taken into action. I was wondering if it is possible to create a mod where each civ can...
  9. Hippie_Peace_man

    QoL Suggestions

    World Maps should be available to trade in the mid renaissance era at the latest. Gameplay-wise, I would prefer trading world maps to be available in late-medieval, early-renaissance era. It seems stupidly bizarre to me that world maps can’t be traded until late industrial era (which is late...
  10. M

    no era points from goody huts

    Hi i'm new to modding. all i did so far was alter some existing mods, and alter .xml files directly. my biggest problem is finding what to alter. because there are so many .xml files. I'm trying to create a mod that removes the era points from goody huts(i like exploration and playing with...
  11. M

    no era points from goody huts

    Hi i'm new to modding. all i did so far was alter some existing mods, and alter .xml files directly. my biggest problem is finding what to alter. because there are so many .xml files. I'm trying to create a mod that removes the era points from goody huts(i like exploration and playing with...
  12. B

    [R&F] Advice: Dark Age / Loyalty - timing/micro era management!

    Hi all, Long time civ fan and player... can't afford GS ($54 CAD!!!) so consistent R&F gameplay for me,,, I enjoy it and look forward to first GS sale but need R&F advice,,, not sure that anything has changed in GS but I'll ask that too. --I've been watching a lot of youtube gameplay, reading...
  13. sman1975

    SMAN's The World at War V5, Hotfix 3

    The World at War (WAW) is a comprehensive modification to Civ V (BNW) that adds a much deeper playing experience to the second half of the game. Usually when I play Civ V, I'm often taken aback at how quickly the last few Eras fly by. There is little time to experience what should be the most...
  14. sman1975

    SMAN's The World at War -- Testers Needed!

    Greetings, I'd like to announce the rough Beta release of a family of mods designed around global conflict in the 20th Century and beyond.... Currently available at Steam: There are several companion mods, as well: Unique...
  15. E

    [R&F] Unenjoyable after Renaissance Era. Tips???

    Hello fanatics, I wanted to open a new thread, this time to talk about the late part experiences of CIV VI R&F. At the beggining when I start a CIV VI game I enjoy very much the first part: exploring the map, planning (wich city will be specialized in what..., what part to explore, deffending...
  16. T

    Eternal Dark Age v1.0.0.220 (334528)

    So just got to the information age on my first game and I went from a golden age to a dark age when I entered the information age due to my lack of era points. During the information age I have accumulated enough era points to enter a golden age, but the problem is that no new age comes after...
  17. CivilizationAce

    Unit era with two prerequisites?

    If a unit has only a single civic or tech requirement then obviously it's era is the same as that, but what if it has two. In my new Jedi mod (link in sig) I've created a unit that requires Theology (Classical era civic) and Astrology (Ancient era tech). Meanwhile some effects only work if a...
  18. BigTerj

    Unit Upgrade Path Cheat Sheet

    Update: Added special case units and adjusted the categories and color scheme. Howdy, I put together a little cheat sheet for unit upgrade paths and when they become available. The upgrade path is the column and the era available is the row. The support units are the only units that have no...
  19. UncivilizedGuy

    Universal History (Version 1.01)

    UNIVERSAL HISTORY This is a simple mod that changes the era names to the eras that historians use when presenting world history on a macro scale. Eras Prehistoric Era replaces Ancient Ancient replaces Classical Post-classical replaces Medieval Early Modern replaces Renaissance Modern replaces...
  20. JohnCJR

    Restricting historical eras GUIDE

    I have figured out a way to limit the eras you want to play in. It is a temporary solution until the mod workshop is released on steam and someone with more know-how than myself creates the relevant end in era mods. I first created one which kinda ends the game in the Classical era, so that...
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