• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


  1. S

    Grassland Texture Fix

    There is a certain graphical feature in Civ V that many are not aware of. The first post of this thread lays it out nicely (https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/continent-flavors.599154/). I realized long ago that whether or not I was on a pretty 'continent texture pack' was very important to...
  2. S

    Continents Texture Change Help Request

    There is a certain graphical feature in Civ V that many are not aware of. The first post of this thread lays it out nicely (https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/continent-flavors.599154/). I realized long ago that whether or not I was on a pretty 'continent texture pack' was very important...
  3. Lacanne

    I would like to use Civ 6 icons and art

    Hello everyone. I hope i'm posting this in the right section, i'm not used to using forums. So i'm just your regular civ 6 player and i first would like to say i'm french (so my english is poor) and i'm not interested in modding. For what i'm about to ask, i've already done researchs on this...
  4. Deliverator

    Ninja Ripper 1.7.1

    Utility that can extract high resolution DX11 textures from Civ V, for example Leader textures. Instructions can be found here: https://cgig.ru/2012/10/ho-to-use-ninja-ripper/
  5. B


    Okay im going to keep this short as I assume the lack of response to my other posts is due to their daunting length. I want to develop a mod that alters a single '.dds' texture file. That is all. As it stands, I have looked at MANY tutorials, and examined dozens of different mods to try and...
  6. B

    De-Colored Districts [Request/Help]

    Decolored-Districts ------------------------------------------------- So this will probably be my third and hopefully final post on this What I need help with is learning how to inject my changes into the actual game. ---------------------------- My goal is to make it so most districts and...
  7. fluffy465

    What ways are there to reduce memory usage that don't change gameplay?

    Considering the size of this mod and the 4GB limit imposed by 32-bit executables, It seems pretty important to reduce the memory usage. Usually the advice is to reduce the map size, number of turns, or number of civs. While that does work it might change the experience of the game. What I'm...
  8. Haustmyrkr

    Environment Skin Sid Meier's Civilization VI graphics issue, pls help

    Hi all, guys! I have some strange and really annoying graphics bug - after 3-5 minutes of gameplay all the colors ingame kind of crashin, it's like I'm playing on 16-bit console, dunno how how else to describe it, as if the bitness of the colors is drastically reduced. Screenshot: I've...
  9. The Fuzzician

    Issue with "unable to load texture"

    SOLVED: After verifying the integrity of the files, the problem has gone away. When I start up the game, I get this error when I go to the Tech Tree. The sprite for the Zepplin unit is gone, replaced with a red square. Now that I am researching the tech, I get this popup several times a turn...
  10. KardienLupus

    Does any Modder interest on making texture or drawing on Custom Lego Mini-Figure

    * It's off Topic from Civ but I can't find no place for free talking. I decided post topic in here. Hello, I'm Kardien Lupus. My mail are kardienlupus@gmail.com . An, A long time CIV user and Mania Who have little job of selling Lego and Oxford Block. Recently I started another works Make...
  11. C

    Resource is white ingame

    The art for my resource shows up white, or more specifically with a pale yellow glow: What may be causing this? I'm using paint.NET and saving them as DXT5, iterative fit compression, perpetual error metric Also I've uploaded the specific art files and the whole mod as an attachment, if that helps
  12. H

    Multiple different Errors when trying to play multiplayer game

    I'll put this in jot note format so it's easier to go through. Any help will be greatly appreciated! I really just want to play multiplayer with my friends.. :cry: - When I host the game breaks for everyone - When I try to join others my game breaks and they continue - If i don't get a texture...
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