• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


  1. T

    Triumph and Tragedy: Bronze Age to Late Antiquity v1.0a ToTPP

    NOTE: This is an alpha version of this mod (currently in playtesting). Report bugs here. This mod simulates, in general, a Mediterranean/Ancient Near East-like world moving from the bronze age to late antiquity (~1800 BCE to ~500 CE). The preferred game mode is a new game, with a custom-made...
  2. PlutonianEmpire

    [TOT] [ToTPP] AI civs are refusing to fight

    I have encountered an unplayable problem where all AI civs refuse to fight each other or even me. This happens no matter what mod or scenario I use. I am on 0.18.4, and I have this issue on previous versions too. I ran an AI Original game and started with Marco Polo's Embassy to keep track of AI...
  3. Blake00

    CivSprite Tool (ToT) 2.0 Beta

    About: Mercator's brilliant CivSprite Tool that allows you to extract animation and mask frames from Test of Time sprite spr files and also replace them with your own new custom animating units! Latest version also supports ToTPP's extra unit and terrain slots! Original 1.0 website: 2012 Backup...
  4. Blake00

    Civilization II: Test of Time Technical Poster 2022-05-27

    Civilization II: Test of Time Technical Poster Mirror copy on Archive org here: https://archive.org/details/civ2-tot-tech-poster/mode/1up I've also 7zipped the original giant PNG files I fed into the PDF and uploaded them to that archive org page too. Scanned & stitched together by Blake...
  5. Nightgoblin

    Help with scenario conversion (FW/MGE->TOT)

    Hi. Long time lurker here. I'm trying to convert an old FW scenario named Alba de America by Jesús Balsinde into TOT format. First version will not use any TOT Patch Project features, nor will feature any changes over the original. Progress so far: I've used CivConverter to convert .scn file...
  6. Pablostuka

    The Spanish Civil War v4 for ToT + ToTPP + Lua - Development Thread [ON HOLD]

    Introduction to SCW v4 I first started designing and creating the Spanish Civil War scenario for Civ2 MGE back in 2002 when I was just a teenager. Back then I reached José Pellón (a.k.a. @Kramsib) in the Spanish Apolyton Site for permission to use his wonderful Iberian Peninsula map. The first...
  7. P

    The Great Lua Library

    This thread is meant to serve two related purposes. The first is to provide a general Q&A thread for Lua and related topics. The second is to provide a link index for questions and their answers, as well as other resources. I'll edit this post periodically to add links to the questions and...
  8. Blake00

    Empire Earth Mod (ToT) 1.0

    About: An amazing total conversion modpack with Civ4 themed custom graphics, animation & videos by Leif and Faye. Mod files downloaded from Mediafire and repacked in 7zip by Blake. Successfully tested in Civ2 ToT. Also there was no Title.gif so Blake added one for fun. Modpack discussions...
  9. Blake00

    [TOT] Lalande 21185 Deluxe ToTPP Edition

    Hey guys, Just had to share this here! Over at the German Civ Webring forum Tehulotl has just posted a special enhanced overhauled ToTPP version of the brilliant good old Test of Time Scifi scenario Lalande which I had such a great time playing a few years ago. I asked his permission to share...
  10. Blake00

    Age of Colonialism - 1680AD Scenario (ToT) 1.0

    About: A scenario inspired by Sid Meier's Colonization by Sebastian Melde. Mod files rescued from Apolyton backups and repacked in 7zip by Blake. Successfully tested in Civ2 ToT. Also there was no Title.gif so Blake added one for fun. File added to this area as part of Blake's lost...
  11. Blake00

    Mars NOW Expanded Scenario (ToT) 1.11

    About: @Kestrel18 's excellent expanded Mars NOW scenario for Test of Time. Contains 4 Worlds: Earth, Mars, 2x underground. Mod files repacked in 7zip by Blake. Successfully tested in Civ2 ToT. Also Blake has added in all required animation & sound files as well as Kestrel's html unit info...
  12. gapetit

    THE 4 SEA REPUBLICS - GOLDEN EDITION scenario for ToT 2021-02-07

    This is a wartime scenario, however it gives many possibilities for empire builders fans. Anyway when it comes to ressume your achivments only political\territorial goals counts. Every civilization has its own principia according to their historical aims. You can find it "MOREINFO.TXT" in...
  13. gapetit

    Gok Blue: first Turk empire for ToT 2021-01-30

    Skytians are the Turks… as well as Avars. …(Turks) are the only barbarians that mantain a battle order, and they proved to be brave and bold in battle many times.” – Pseudo-Mauritius, Strategikon
  14. P

    [TOT] Installing Test of Time in Linux Mint 20

    EDIT: Test of Time Patch Project v0.16 was released, so a couple instructions are no longer necessary. I've edited the relevant sections (but didn't bother changing TOTPP15 references). It's probably worth checking this page to see if a later version is available before starting. This thread...
  15. gapetit

    CHARLEMAGNE 2020-12-27

    The Age of Charlemagne is seen by modern eyes as if from a great distance. The time of the Carolingian kings lies on the cusp of the classical and the medieval. It was a time of transitions. Where German warlords had once ruled sovereign domains, now the Frankish Empire would establish a new...
  16. gapetit


    Historical Background --------------------- Julius Nepos was the last Roman Emperor of the west, dying in the province of Dalmatia, which he had turned into a mini-empire, in 480AD. Now the west was under Germanic rule and all of them, except for the Franks, subscribed to the heretical Arian...
  17. gapetit

    Hammer of the North 3.0

    In the year 793 AD, heathen men plundered and destroyed the monastery of Lindisfarne, off the coast of Northumbria (present day Northern England). A shockwave of terror ran like a fire through all of Christian Europe, chronicled by monks and churchmen, which has since provided the history of the...
  18. Knighttime

    Medieval Millennium release thread

    Medieval Millennium is an adaptation of Civilization II: Test of Time, based on Western Europe during the one-thousand-year period from A.D. 500 to A.D. 1500. It requires the Test of Time Patch Project (TOTPP) version 0.15.1 and takes advantage of many features that this enables. This is a...
  19. Knighttime

    Medieval Millennium 1.0

    Medieval Millennium is an adaptation of Civilization II: Test of Time, based on Western Europe during the one-thousand-year period from A.D. 500 to A.D. 1500. It requires the Test of Time Patch Project (TOTPP) version 0.15.1 and takes advantage of many features that this enables. In a technical...
  20. Dadais

    Casual Wwii Europe for Tot Definitive Updated

    Europe, September 1939 Dantzig's events leads Europe to war. Like in original wwii scenario, Nazis are the main character here. Like in original scenario, all civ are playable with YOUR own objectives. It shall run for 120 months, leaving you little more time than history to achieve your goals.
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