[TOT] Installing Test of Time in Linux Mint 20

Prof. Garfield

Mar 6, 2004
EDIT: Test of Time Patch Project v0.16 was released, so a couple instructions are no longer necessary. I've edited the relevant sections (but didn't bother changing TOTPP15 references). It's probably worth checking this page to see if a later version is available before starting.

This thread contains instructions for installing Test of Time (with TOTPP) in Linux Mint 20, though I strongly suspect that it would work for many other Linux Distributions. At the bottom of this post, there is a Youtube video where I go through the installation process.

If you run Windows, have a look at this installation guide for Test of Time. You could also run a virtual pc with Linux Mint and follow this guide. You can find a guide to virtualization (with a Linux Mint install as an example) at the end of this post.

Below are the instructions and links. I've also attached a text file with this information.

Lutris Download

Test of Time V1.1 Patch:

Test of Time Patch Project:
V0.16: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/the-test-of-time-patch-project.517282/page-54#post-16064118
V0.15: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/the-test-of-time-patch-project.517282/page-47#post-15089974

Custom Music Patch:

Civlua Bug Fix: (Not necessary with TOTPPv0.16)

Medieval Millennium:

1. Install Lutris

2. Install Wine Version tkg-protonified-4.1-x86_64
(Version I use, no particular reason to choose it that I know of.)
Find the option under runners, manage wine versions

3. In your home directory, create a directory for Lutris files. Call it "Games"

4. In the Games directory, create a directory for each instance of Test of Time that you want. For this example, we'll create 2, called TOTPP15, and MedievalMillennium

5. Insert CD or mount ISO image.

6. In Lutris, select Add Game.

7. In the Add a new game menu, make the following selections
In Game Info
Name: TOTPP15 (or whatever you want)
Runner: Wine
in Game options
Executable: Navigate to SETUP.EXE in the test of time disk
Working Directory: Navigate to and select Games/TOTPP15
Wine Prefix: Navigate to and select Games/TOTPP15
Prefix architecture: 32-Bit
in Runner Options
Wine Version: tkg-protonified-4.1-x86_64
Enable DXVK/VKD3D: If using virtual machine, turn off
Save when these changes are made.

8. Run TOTPP15

9. Install All packages (e.g. Mono, Gecko) that you are prompted to

10. Accept the License Agreement

11. CHANGE the installation folder to C:\Test of Time
There is a bug that if file names are too long, the game crashes. This could be an issue with scenarios stored in directories a couple levels deep.

12. Choose the type of installation you want (everything should be fine)

13. Accept The default for the next choice.

14. Don't install DirectX 6 drivers, since TOTPP will use DirectX 9 anyway (probably no harm if you do install them)

15. Never register the game. DON'T launch Civ II test of time.

16. Download Test of Time V1.1 Patch, save (not extract) the executable into
Games/TOTPP15/drive_c/Test of Time

17. Configure TOTPP15 and make the following changes
Game Options
Executable: Navigate to ~/Games/TOTPP15/drive_c/Test of Time and select civtot11.exe
Working Directory: ~/Games/TOTPP15/drive_c/Test of Time
Save Changes

18. Run TOTPP15 again. Apply the patch, don't launch test of time.

19. Download Test of Time Patch Project, extract files to the Test of Time directory

20. Configure TOTPP15, and make the following changes
Game Options
Executable: Navigate to Test of Time directory, select TOTLauncher.exe
Save Changes

21. Unmount The Test of Time disk image.

22. Run TOTPP15 once again.
Press Apply Patch; you can backup civ2.exe if you like. In the checkboxes to select patches, make sure to enable lua scripting.
Press Save and Launch (If you forgot to unmount the disk image the game will freeze.) This will open the game.

23. There are several options here:

A. Do nothing (you won't get game music)

B. Download and Install the Custom Music Patch
To Download, Press Code button, and select download zip.
Extract the zip file to a convenient location on your system (NOT the Test of Time directory).
Copy the Music Folder (including the folder itself) to the Test of Time Directory.
Copy the 3 files in the folder "Copy Contents to lua" into the lua folder in the Test of Time directory. Overwrite when prompted.
Note: This code does overwrite the content of the music folder in your totpp directory from time to time using lua code. If you're not comfortable with this, then don't use this patch.

C. Prepare the TOTPP music patch without using my custom version
Follow the instructions under Patch Description for the DirectShow music patch in the TOTPP launcher.
You might use the files from the Custom Music patch rather than encoding them yourself.

24. If you chose option B or C above, run TOTPP15 again, and enable the DirectShow music patch.

25. Download the Civlua Bug Fix, and extract it into Test of Time/lua. Replace the existing file. The updated file comes with TOTPPv0.16.

26. Choose How you will deal with the Movement Multipliers Bug TOTPPv0.16 corrects this problem, so you don't have to work around it.

Spoiler :
Option 1: Add some lines of code to all rules.txt files made before the TOTPP. The lines are:
RailroadMultiplier, -1
RiverMultiplier,1, 3
AlpineMultiplier,1, 3
If the road multiplier is different from 3 in the scenario, change the 3s to the appropriate number. Check
3       ; Road movement multiplier

Option 2: Disable the movement multipliers patch when playing old games.
Set the game executable to the TOTLauncher.exe instead of civ2.exe (Don't change it in step 27).
Under Extra Cosmic Parameters, uncheck the movement multipliers box when playing a pre TOTPP game.

Option 3: Maintain a separate installation for pre TOTPP games.
Follow the instructions 29 and 30 below for copying the game for Medieval Millennium, and disable the movement multipliers patch in that installation.

27. You can skip this step if you want the TOTPP launcher to run every time you start the game.
Configure TOTPP15 again.
Game Options
Executable: in the Test of Time Directory, choose civ2.exe
Save Changes

28. Creating a separate installation for Medieval Millennium is optional, but recommended. Follow instructions 29-33 to achieve this.

29. Copy all the contents of the TOTPP15 directory (directly under games) to the MedievalMillennium Directory.

30. Add a new game to Lutris:
Game info
Name: Medieval Millennium
Runner: Wine
Game Options
Executable: Navigate under MedievalMillenium directory to the Test of Time directory, and select civ2.exe
Working Directory: ~/Games/MedievalMillennium/drive_c/Test of Time
Wine Prefix: ~/Games/MedievalMillennium
Prefix architecture: 32-bit
Runner options
Wine Version: tkg-protonified-4.1-x86_64
Enable DXVK/VKD3D: If using virtual machine, turn off
Save when these changes are made.

31. Download and save Medieval Millenium files.
Create a directory called MedievalMillennium (or, some other name you prefer) directly below your Medieval Millennium Test of Time directory.
Extract all the contents of the download to this directory (not nested one directory deeper).

32. Run Install Medieval Millennium bat file
Navigate in the file browser to the MedievalMillennium folder, right click, and select the Open in Terminal Option.
In the terminal, run the command
wine cmd
Then, when promted (there will be a line Z:\Stuff\MedievalMillenium>)
Press any key, wait for the installation, then press any key again
enter commands
33. Start Medieval Millennium in Lutris
If all went well, you will see a Medieval Millennium welcome screen instead of the regular welcome screen.
If you want flashing unit icons, disable animated units (ctrl+p to get the menu)

34. For your TOTPP15 installation, navigate to the Test of Time directory, and create a folder Scenarios.
Right click on that folder and select "create a link."
Move that link to the desktop.
It will make navigating around to install scenarios easier, or run bat files.

Here's a video on virtualization.
Installing Linux Mint 20 is essentially the same as 18. You should probably allocation 20 or 25 GB for the virtual hard disk (if dynamically allocated, it won't take up any more space than actually used anyway), and make sure to select the box to download the third party graphics and media software.


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Do the videos work for you?
Yes, they do.

That said, a few months ago, I got most of the way through writing a Lutris installation script. I think I stopped because I couldn't find a configuration that made videos work well. Perhaps it is time to have another look.
I've tried and the best I can do so far is have the sound playing, but the videos are just black. That is with the DirectShow video patch. I couldn't get them to work without it either. It might work to reencode the videos, but I was hoping to find a better solution.
I've tried and the best I can do so far is have the sound playing, but the videos are just black. That is with the DirectShow video patch. I couldn't get them to work without it either. It might work to reencode the videos, but I was hoping to find a better solution.
Oh, I misunderstood. I thought that you were asking if the Youtube linked videos were still good, 'cause you were having trouble watching them or something.

Having played around today, I would suggest trying this wine version: lutris-fshack-7.2-x86_64

The opening videos were kind of bad (you can disable them in the TOTPP configuration menu, the bottom option in the very first menu when the game opens), but the spaceship arrives event worked reasonably well.

Sometimes when changing wine versions with Lutris, I find I get better results if I delete the drive_c/windows directory. Lutris will rebuild it.

I believe that using the "windowed (virtual desktop)" option improved the video experience, but it came at the cost of having the game draw the map and status windows below the bottom of the screen for some reason, and fiddling with that every time you wanted to play would be very annoying.
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