µTorrent Problem ~ "Port 56887 does not appear to be open"

Those are separate from ports that need forwarding via the router.

Windows firewall stuff is usually done automatically, router stuff is only done automatically if both the router and OS support and has enabled UPnP.

Oh, Router ports?

The question was worded really ambiguously...thou8gh I guess I'd have noticed that it wasn't a 4 digit port number.

This is when you really want a router made by a fairly big company; I dislike Belkin, but at least they make their ports easy to access.
Thanks for the help but I don't need it anymore, because for some reason, a combination of resetting and unplugging/replugging everything opened up the port.
How on earth do I ensure my "ports" are open?

Its downloading.. but incredibly slowly for what it can be...

I use eMule and aMule in different parts of my campus network, the dorm is connected to a complicated NAT server to Internet; the office is connected to a router to Internet.

In dorm, Bittorrent is dead while eMule has constant speed of 25 K/s
In office, Bittorrent can reach up to 5M/s while downloading heavily seeded file, but kad network is dead, and going eMule is painfully slow.
You can also try installing DD-WRT or Tomato if your router is compatible. It makes them so much more powerful.
googling "tomato" really isnt going to get me far...
Then try applying some thought to it.

"Hmm, they're talking about tomato and routers. Maybe I should try using those two search terms together"
Re: Tomato, does it increase speed/performance? Is it safe for a relatively average PC user (not a complete nitwit but not very network savvy either)? Or is it only useful for folks doing more technical stuff? My linksys apparently supports it.

My allegedly 12 mbps comcast (provisioned speed, not including BS "powerboost") never seems to get much more than 4-5 mbps bandwidth when streaming and around 2-3 mbps when downloading...
Router wont make much of a difference on your connection speed. That is up to the ISP and the quality of the last mile.

Tomato will give you more options though, including a bunch of different services that you can run on your router (like for instance, a paywall hotspot) or better and more precise QoS settings, but it wont speed up your connection significantly.
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