I've attached a prospective fix for the Lua error at the bottom of this post. Swap this out for the existing EaReligions.lua file in the EaMain directory, load game from before error, and let me know if all goes well. If this is the only fallen civ, then you should now be able to Seal Ahriman's Vault now and win game.
If this works without error, I'll release it as 7h.
Sorry, didn't have a chance to try this yet. Anyway, I trust you it should work
Actually, I doubt if I can reload from the autosave because I started another game after that one. And there I noticed that if you play evil and burn mana, the internal mana counter is not synchronised with the number you see when you hover you mouse on the mana-per-turn value in the header of the screen. The notification screens about 10%, 50%, 90% mana burnt appear too early with respect to the top counter. Also, I won the game when the top counter was at about 78% mana or so.
I shall post a screenshot later if you want.
One more thing: when you're building a(n evil) temple (or a tower), and the exact tile gets blight, the building process stops, and you have to bring a worker over to clear it and then continue. Is that ok?