Éa III, Sword & Sorcery: Bugs/Crashes thread

OK, here comes the wet blanket with a bug report...
Playing v7e (though I have noticed this before), it seems that my Warrior GPs cannot lead charges against barb encampments. They can lead charges against units adjacent to the encampments, but not against a unit fortified in an encampment. So in the early game they are pretty much seriously nerfed. Also, this doesn't happen all the time, but I haven't spotted any noticeable patterns yet. But more often than not, I can't lead charge.
And Paz, I am back at school but my scores are going down since Éa was launched... for some mysterious, unfathomable reason I blame you.:p
(:joke:: my grades are doing fine.)
@Ufnal, I'm pretty sure we can blame this on your system. I haven't seen other posts like this. It may be that your system is right on the edge of "barely plays Civ5 but can't play Éa". It could perhaps be solved by re-scaling all of the images in the mod. But, well, there are several hundred of those... (and the UI lua/xml expects those dimensions so code changes would be required too...)

I agree with the system analysis, sorry mate but 32 bit is just asking for problems with mods (I remember buying a new computer ie 64bit, 8 gig ram, just to play some of the larger mods in civ 4).

That's what i feared. Oh well, I intended to upgrade my pc this year, so I might survive a few weeks/months without playing Ea [although the little I managed to play made me want to play much more; it really seems to be a wonderful mod, potentially of magnitude comparable with that of Fall from Heaven <3]. I will try defragmentation and somesuch to see if I can squeeze that extra bit of power from my system (I did manage to play to turn 117 before the CTD finally defeated me, and it plays smaller overhauls like the Faerun mod fine, so maybe I can do something to make it work), but meanwhile thank you for answers, good luck with the modding and see you when I can actually play your wonderful game. ;)
Playing v7e (though I have noticed this before), it seems that my Warrior GPs cannot lead charges against barb encampments. They can lead charges against units adjacent to the encampments, but not against a unit fortified in an encampment. So in the early game they are pretty much seriously nerfed. Also, this doesn't happen all the time, but I haven't spotted any noticeable patterns yet. But more often than not, I can't lead charge.
Just a question about this. Does the UI seem to think you can lead the attack, but then you can't? Let me explain further. There is first a "TargetTest" function to see if there is a potential target. If that says true, then the UI button will appear (for human). Be careful if you say yes that you are not answering for a situation where there was also an adjacent non-encampment enemy unit (the target test only needs one target to return true).

The reason I'm asking is because, possibly, this accounts for an AI glitch I see in logs. The "TargetTest" passes for AI to do this action. The AI warrior is given the command to do the attack, but then the log indicates that the attack never happened. This happens for maybe 10 - 20% of the times that AI attempts this action.

Edit: A Lua.log will help a lot regardless of your answer above (best if you just tried the action or can tell me the turn you tried the action).
I ran into a bug earlier, but forgot to make an actual save and the autosave is long gone. It shouldn't be too hard to recreate if you want me to try though. Basically I just used the option from debtor's court to maintain current population with indenture. When population grew, however, I lost the point of population but didn't get a worker. It also came up with an error message telling me to turn on some debug report settings or something. I didn't want to bother with that at the time and just went back to indenturing manually. I then proceeded to completely forget about the whole thing until now.
Recreating is work. So easier for me if you post Lua.log and gamesave.

The "turn on some debug report settings" is something that will give me a lot more information (in Lua.log) when debugging. Faster debugging = faster mod development.

All you need to do is open your config.ini file (with Notepad or any text editor) and change setting below to 1. Then save/exit. This file is in your C:\Users\Me\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5 directory.
; Enables the use of the standard Lua debug library.
EnableLuaDebugLibrary = 1
I'm hesitant to post a Lua.log atm as I am still playing the same game as I type and after I posted that another bug showed up.
First, I'll explain exactly what happens with encampments. Even if there is only the encamped unit available to attack, the UI button to Lead Charge shows up. But the red circle indicating that I can attack the encamped unit does not appear, and clicking on the encamped unit merely returns the red "attack cursor" to its normal blue-and-white state. When there are other enemies around, the red circle appears around them, and I can attack them normally (as normally as attacking a Mûmakil ever gets! Hit me up to convert that guy if I forget within the next few days!).
The other bug: Aldebar proposed to renounce Maleficium if I'd accept a peace treaty after I'd been bashing their heads for a while and captured their capital (then razed it because it was the Anjra holy city). The moment I left the leaderscreen dialog, a message about a serious Lua bug popped up, advising me to post the Lua.log on CFC. I intend to do just that once my game is finished (it's getting boring so shouldn't be long - I'm kind of isolated, which makes it hard to conquer other civs...).
BTW, I've been going for a different specialization every time I play - right now I'm going Conquer Everyone on land with Heavy Infantry/Great Bombarde as Milesia, last game I went cause Armageddon with Lichs and Skeleton Hordes as Stygia, next game I want to go for naval supremacy and see how that goes. Is there another style you'd like me to try out and check for bugs?
Well, I meant I'd be the one trying to recreate it since I don't have the save anymore. Anyway, I think I did that right, so I guess I'll go start up another dominionism / slavery game and see if it happens again.

Update: Ok, it still happened as soon as I tried to auto-indenture. I'll attach a gamesave and lua log to my next post since apparently I can't add attachments in edits.
Ok, I think I did all that right. The gamesave is immediately prior to clicking "end turn" when my city's population would grow. The other file is what I assume is the lua log. It's a file called lua and was in a folder called logs, so I imagine that's probably it.



Upon settling as O I did not receive Ozymandias as founding GP but another wizard, Drumba, which was made Queen automatically.
No xp gain from casting Hex (have yet to test the other spells)
@Llednar Twem, found and fixed error for next version. (It didn't matter for this error, but make sure you turn off other mods. The Barbarians - Unlimited mod could do no possible good here, since the mod controls all barb unit types and spawning.)

No Ozymandias in mod yet (this is a Manual error, just now fixed).
On xp, this might be a balance issue to discuss, but there is no xp for casting this spell and several other spells that add a promotion. But caster gets 1 xp per turn per unit that has a hex promotion on it.

Tried to puzzle this out in code but no success. I think I'll need a gamesave in addition to Lua.log to solve it.
Are you sure it needs to be turned off? What the mod does is remove the arbitrary cap on experience your troops can get from barbarians. It seems to have been working fine so far, and when I tried playing without it for a while out of concern for potential compatibility issues I remember disliking going back to the 60exp cap enough to try reactivating the mod and seeing what happened.
What about Drumba being self-crowned?

- What are the prereqs for the academies? I don't have an option to build any with Sages or Mages (and techs ofc).
- Once dual classed to Mage, a Sage cannot learn Scholarship any longer (Wizard becoming mage continues with schools of magic promotions). WASD?
- Horsemen have firearms sounds on their attack animation. Might be using vanilla's Cavalry?
- Loading a game where a Wizard is casting Summon Abyssal Creatures causes a LUA error (about plot). However, clicking the summoning action again (hence overriding the sustained feature) fixes the issue.
- No movement sounds for Abyssal Creatures (WASD?)
- Typo in the description of Burning Hands (transformation instead of transmutation)
- LUA error during interturn, log attached.


@onedreamer: The firearm sounds are from Wolves, Wargs, and Lions, not the Horsemen. I'm working on new timed trigger files for all of those so as to fix that.
Similar issue with the Abyssal Creatures, they don't have an ftsxml so no visual or audio effects.

--fixed for 7g:
Dual-class problem with some promotions (e.g., Mages and Scholarship)
transformation/transmutation typo

There's only a tech prereq for academies. But they are built outside of cities so maybe you were trying inside a city? (I'll fix UI to show disabled and reason.) I've seen AI building these so I think they are OK.

Attached Lua.log was corrupt. Can you upload again? I'd need a Lua.log for the other error also (tried, failed to see error by code gazing).

Was it human or Sidhe Horsemen? And you're sure it wasn't Equites or some other horse unit?
played the 7f version, here's the gamesave (turn 400; ignore the filename). Standard settings (maybe 10 city-states instead of 8, not sure), planet simulator map (thanks!), King level. Started as Man, became Sag... +1 culture from buildings upon adopting a policy in the tradition tree.

Issues (I'd rather not call them bugs yet as some of them may work as intended):
1. (major) Turn 400, Anjra not founded yet.
2. Forestry tech is supposed to double the chop output, isn't it? Don't know if this is the case, but the message in the middle of the screen keeps showing that 10 Production has been added to the city.
3. Maybe I don't understand how living terrain spreads... I assumed that if there's only one tile of marsh around, and I clear it, it can never appear again, but alas... Can living terrain transform from forests/jungles to marsh and/or back?
4. In principle, I became a cultural nation but did not emphasize culture too much; all the cultural buildings were built quite late, and the first festival was created on turn 300+. No cultural ruins found. In the end (I assume, turn 400 is somewhere around the end) I'm about to finish my third policy tree. Isn't is a bit too much?
5. Now it seems possible to plan your research in such a way, that embarked units can enter deep water, but ships cannot.
6. I think this was already raised at some point; Scurvy. If it hurts an already damaged ship, it works as if the ship was initially at 100% health. Moreover, it also affects cargo ships which is probably not what we want, as in this way it depends on the movement of cargo ships, which a player can't control.
7. Airships seem to get slowed down by rough terrain; really?
8. (minor) the building taking the courthouse role, removeing the unhappiness in the occupied cities (forefathers statue?) has an error, it is shown as KEY_TXT_whatever.
9. It is weird to see sand scorpions in the jungles... shouldn't they be limited to deserts and plains, if that's possible?

On a unrelated note, speaking of the lead charge command against a lone barbarian encampment problem; I tried this and for me it works smoothly.


There's only a tech prereq for academies. But they are built outside of cities so maybe you were trying inside a city? (I'll fix UI to show disabled and reason.) I've seen AI building these so I think they are OK.

Right, I inteded to try outside of city but I forgot :D

Attached Lua.log was corrupt. Can you upload again? I'd need a Lua.log for the other error also (tried, failed to see error by code gazing).

It's during the turn of my neighbour (Sidhe)

Spoiler :

[16394.488] EaMain: About to try action-specific Finish function, if any
[16394.488] EaMain: UngenericizePerson 	3	15	nil
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:919:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:920:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:921:  Cannot find key - Mage
[16394.488] EaMain: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua:921: attempt to perform arithmetic on field '?' (a nil value)
[16394.488] EaMain: Stack traceback:
[16394.488] EaMain: 1: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\Utilities\EaErrorHandler.lua: 26
[16394.503] EaMain: 2: PickPersonRowByClassOrSubclass .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua: 921
[16394.503] EaMain: 3: UngenericizePerson .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua: 881
[16394.503] EaMain: 4: ? .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaActions.lua: 3196
[16394.503] EaMain: 5: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaActions.lua: 477
[16394.503] EaMain: 6: Tail call
[16394.503] EaMain: 7: PeoplePerCivTurn .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaPeople.lua: 453
[16394.503] EaMain: 8: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\EaMain\EaMain.lua: 312
[16394.503] EaMain: 9: Tail call
[16394.503] EaMain: 10: C function
[16394.503] EaMain: 11: .\Éa III, Sword and Sorcery (v 7)\Utilities\EaErrorHandler.lua: 67
[16394.503] EaMain: 12: Tail call
[16394.550] EaMain: RunCombatSim 	2	278538	0	0	100	63	2310206	19	96	100	false	79	8	80	8
[16394.550] EaMain: Attacker: UNIT_CATAPULTS; Defender: UNIT_MEDIUM_INFANTRY_BARB
[16394.550] EaMain: RunCombatSim 	2	-1	0	0	200	63	2555960	10	37	100	false	68	26	69	26
[16394.550] EaMain: Attacker: nil; Defender: UNIT_HOBGOBLINS
[16394.550] EaMain: EndCombatSim 	2	278538	0	0	100	63	2310206	19	96	100	79	8	80	8
[16394.550] EaMain: Attacker: UNIT_CATAPULTS; Defender: UNIT_MEDIUM_INFANTRY_BARB
[16394.550] EaMain: EndCombatSim 	2	-1	0	0	200	63	2555960	10	37	100	68	26	69	26
[16394.550] EaMain: Attacker: nil; Defender: UNIT_HOBGOBLINS

Was it human or Sidhe Horsemen? And you're sure it wasn't Equites or some other horse unit?

Civatar has it right I think. It was lions or some other animal.

One question also. I wanted to try Anjra this time since I'm playing a magic civ and azzandara is spreading in my cities. But I can't adopt the policy or research the techs (it's all locked). Do I need the religion to be the majority in my civ to unlock Anjra?
@onedreamer, thanks, I'll fix the Lua error for 7g.

To found A&#331;ra:
1) Found Azzandarayasna first (only possible for Man), then Fall with Prophemi Tzimtzum (see below)
2) Learn Maleficium, have Devout (somehow), then make Prophemi A&#331;ra.

Only Devouts can make prophecies, so to do #2 you either have to dip into the Theism branch (only possible for Man) or Pantheism branch. There's a specific problem right now for Sidhe, which is that having Pantheism locks you out of Anti-Theism policies (these branches are exclusive). I'm trying to think of a fix for that that works in the overall logic. Perhaps I will restrict them from adopting new Pantheism policies but open Anti-Theism for A&#331;ra founder only. There's nothing wrong with playing evil Pantheists, it's just the A&#331;ra founder that may need special treatment so they always have access to Anti-Theism.

Prophemi Tzimtzum: any Devout (Druid, Paladin, Priest, Fallen Priest, Eidolon) can make it when any civ has researched Reainmation or Sorcery. This causes all civs that know Maleficium to Fall. It opens higher tier evil techs for research but also allows Seal Ahriman's Vault (though it's not easy to do that).

So you shouldn't see any blocks on Maleficium, Reanimation or Sorcery. Only higher tier evil are blocked at game start.

There's variation on above. You could conquer the Azzandarayasna Holy City, then Fall with Prophemi Tzimtzum.

Issues (I'd rather not call them bugs yet as some of them may work as intended):
1. (major) Turn 400, Anjra not founded yet.
It's not always going to happen. There's a pretty strong mechanism to make at least one AI go "evil". However, some will go pure arcane (non-religious) evil. So they are working up the evil arcane techs but never founding that religion. I'll run some autoplays though to make sure I haven't broken something.

2. Forestry tech is supposed to double the chop output, isn't it? Don't know if this is the case, but the message in the middle of the screen keeps showing that 10 Production has been added to the city.
Only doubles Timber (from chops and timberyards)
3. Maybe I don't understand how living terrain spreads... I assumed that if there's only one tile of marsh around, and I clear it, it can never appear again, but alas... Can living terrain transform from forests/jungles to marsh and/or back?
They can self-generate even after removed, with chance the same as spread chance (strength of terrain). Each time you remove them you are reducing strength by 1. But a strength 30 forest will keep coming back for a long time. On spreading, a terrain normally spreads its own type (forest/jungle/marsh) and passing on some strength to it. There is an "edge case" where a terrain tries to spread to an adjacent plot but there is a currently-absent (recently removed) terrain at that plot that is very strong. In that case, the old terrain is "awakened".
4. In principle, I became a cultural nation but did not emphasize culture too much; all the cultural buildings were built quite late, and the first festival was created on turn 300+. No cultural ruins found. In the end (I assume, turn 400 is somewhere around the end) I'm about to finish my third policy tree. Isn't is a bit too much?
Probably OK for turn 400. Sounds like you did what the new system is supposed to allow: late cultural development letting you continue getting policies late in game. An early stronger focus could probably get you 3 completed branches by turn 300 (?).
5. Now it seems possible to plan your research in such a way, that embarked units can enter deep water, but ships cannot.
Embarked and all ships can enter with Astronomy. (Let me know if that is not the case.)
6. I think this was already raised at some point; Scurvy. If it hurts an already damaged ship, it works as if the ship was initially at 100% health. Moreover, it also affects cargo ships which is probably not what we want, as in this way it depends on the movement of cargo ships, which a player can't control.
Oops! I hadn't ever thought of cargo ships! (The mechanism pre-dates BWN.) I'll make sure it doesn't happen for those in 7g.
7. Airships seem to get slowed down by rough terrain; really?
This was listed above and I forgot to respond. It'll be fixed in v8. Can't patch it without adding a promotion which will break saves.
8. (minor) the building taking the courthouse role, removeing the unhappiness in the occupied cities (forefathers statue?) has an error, it is shown as KEY_TXT_whatever.
Fixed in 7g
9. It is weird to see sand scorpions in the jungles... shouldn't they be limited to deserts and plains, if that's possible?
Yeah, the terrain preference only affects where they spawn. They can walk anywhere they like. (Something maybe to work on later...)
On a unrelated note, speaking of the lead charge command against a lone barbarian encampment problem; I tried this and for me it works smoothly.
Yeah, Civtar said it wasn't always the case. I need either a gamesave (right before the Warrior can't attack one) or someone has to find a pattern/logic to it (captured civilian present?). I don't disbelieve it because there was a lot of modding in dll to let GPs attack the way they do.
I saved the game right in the middle of bashing at a barb encampment without being able to use my Warrior GP - it should have taken one turn but ended up taking about five. The problem is, I don't know where to find the .civ5save file - I looked in the obvious "Saves" folder, but couldn't find it...
I saved the game right in the middle of bashing at a barb encampment without being able to use my Warrior GP - it should have taken one turn but ended up taking about five. The problem is, I don't know where to find the .civ5save file - I looked in the obvious "Saves" folder, but couldn't find it...

there's a folder called Moddedsaves (or smth like that), right next to your MODS folder.

Pazyryk said:
It's not always going to happen. There's a pretty strong mechanism to make at least one AI go "evil". However, some will go pure arcane (non-religious) evil. So they are working up the evil arcane techs but never founding that religion. I'll run some autoplays though to make sure I haven't broken something.
Should they burn mana then? I remember checking the victory screen couple of times, mana sum was still at 300K.
there's a folder called Moddedsaves (or smth like that), right next to your MODS folder.

Indeed there is: Mystery of the Missing Save File resolved! Thanks Jekke.
Attached is the Save from (I think) right while I was fighting the barb encampment without a Warrior's help. The Lua.log is from the same game, which I quit for the night quite a bit later on from the save.
@onedreamer: It could have been Griffons and maybe Giant Spiders too, since those don't have custom effects. I think the only animals for which I'm yet to hear inexplicable gunshots while fighting are the Kraken and the Scorpions...


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