[R&F] [] War Weariness Meltdown After Liberating Eliminated Civ


May 9, 2016
Leeds, UK
See game saves. (Games 1&2 may require The United Nations Earth Maps Pack). On both occasions a civ that'd been eliminated was liberated. (Why? It's grinding diplomacy)

1. Chandragupta:
This turn absolutely no war weariness. Next turn war weariness meltdown as in screenshot.

2. Genghis:

(This game also uses the mods Simplified Gossip and its AddOn)

3. Chandragupta:
Same but this time The Netherlands was eliminated then liberated. Gandhi was not playing. (This game uses the map/mod Scrambled Antarctica)

4. Lautaro
Same. The Khmer this time. (The game uses the map/mod Scrambled North America).


  • CHANDRAGUPTA 181 1200 AD.Civ6Save
    2.8 MB · Views: 193
  • GENGHIS KHAN 301 1860 AD.Civ6Save
    4.3 MB · Views: 204
  • CHANDRAGUPTA 227 1580 AD.Civ6Save
    1.8 MB · Views: 180
  • LAUTARO 238 1635 AD.Civ6Save
    3 MB · Views: 104
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I was playing an epic awesome game as Genghis on (TSL) The Ancient World (UN Earth Maps Pack) and it happened again. This time I noticed it was the turn after liberating Gandhi.

Although in the previous game I think I'd eliminated Gandhi completely :confused:
Ok. I think I know when this bug occurs. It's not anything to do with Gandhi. It happens when you liberate a civ you've eliminated. War weariness meltdown happens a couple of turns later. See game save no. 3.
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When you "resurrect" civ you was at war before, all WW points with this civ against you are reinstated to the level immediately before elimination. This is not "fair" but this is not a bug.
When you "resurrect" civ you was at war before, all WW points with this civ against you are reinstated to the level immediately before elimination. This is not "fair" but this is not a bug.

War weariness were never at any time in the game at the levels in the screenshots. Have you ever seen that much war weariness in any game you've played? :undecide:
War weariness were never at any time in the game at the levels in the screenshots. Have you ever seen that much war weariness in any game you've played? :undecide:
Yes. Most my games WW goes beyond -10. This is normal.
Yes. Most my games WW goes beyond -10. This is normal.

Well, I suppose it depends how you play. Normally I do not war for much longer than 10 turns at a time. It doesn't make sense. (So I've rarely ever got -10).

Also It's pure laziness to just make up excuses cos there are 3 game saves from 3 different games, which have been saved a turn or two BEFORE the war weariness and amenities meltdown and AFTER the liberation of the eliminated civs :rolleyes:
Actually there is another bug with WW. I am currently collecting info for reporting. Sometimes you get ENORMOUS amount of WW points in certain situations. Enormous means in the range of millions. This is excerpt from my Player_WarWeariness.csv current game:

Player,FromPlayer,Delta,New Total Weariness,Reason,,
5,4,-200,13384, At Peace Decay,,
2,4,-200,1420, At Peace Decay,,
3,0,20696756,20696756, Attacking,,
0,3,5340738,5340738, Getting Attacked,,
3,0,20713062,41409818, Attacking,,
0,3,5336826,10677564, Getting Attacked,,
3,0,20740164,62149982, Attacking,,
0,3,5330320,16007884, Getting Attacked,,

4,5,-200,2058, At Peace Decay,,
5,4,-200,13184, At Peace Decay,,
0,3,-200,16007684, At Peace Decay,,
2,4,-200,1220, At Peace Decay,,
3,0,-200,62149782, At Peace Decay,,

You see - over 20 mln.! ww points in one attack. This is crazy!
...and it happened again playing an awesome game as The Mapuche on Scrambled North America. (See OP which has a game save uploaded).

At least now I know when it happens. I can go back to an earlier auto save and replay the game, this time not liberating The Khmer. :smug:
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Could you just look through Player_WarWeariness.csv log? Anything weird there? Like 20 MLN points???

This is what it says:

Only line #17?

With the Magnus production overflow bug, and bugs I've fixed on their map generation code, perhaps Firaxis need a math grad on their team :D
Line 17 gives you 1.5 MLN wwp! This is the bug we've been looking for!
Accumulated WarWearnessPoints from Player[4] caused this meltdown on your side. Who is Player[4] in your game?
Line 17 gives you 1.5 MLN wwp! This is the bug we've been looking for!
Accumulated WarWearnessPoints from Player[4] caused this meltdown on your side. Who is Player[4] in your game?

I'm guessing it's the Khmer. But I wasn't at war with them that long. More than 10 turns but not much more. Well, Firaxis can try to fix this bug now please. Thx. :rolleyes:
This 1.5 mln wwp will never wear out. Peace decay is only -200 per turn. The only way to get rid of this is to eliminate Player[4]. WarWearinessPoints are counted separately for each opponent.
It would be very interesting to find out when exactly this 1.5mln accured. Do you have your logs from the begining of this game by any chance?
Also could you tell if you or Khmer were using Bombers during your wars?
It would be very interesting to find out when exactly this 1.5mln accured. Do you have your logs from the begining of this game by any chance?
Also could you tell if you or Khmer were using Bombers during your wars?

Here's the WW from the turn The Khmer is eliminated ->

No bombers cos this is still a long way before flight. (The game is late start - Classical. Turn 76).
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As you could see nothing wrong here. You attacked Player[4] and got +68 wwp. Your accumulated wwp 3010. Player[4] 3332.
If you have logs try to find where this 1.5 mln accured. Look for huge Delta.
As you could see nothing wrong here. You attacked Player[4] and got +68 wwp. Your accumulated wwp 3010. Player[4] 3332.
If you have logs try to find where this 1.5 mln accured. Look for huge Delta.

But that's it. That log is taken after Player[4] (The Khmer) has been eliminated. Next is the turn in the save game when they've just been liberated. You see the log in a previous post. It goes from ~3000 to ~1.5 million.

This is the Firaxis math that has been there since Civ I when Gandhi warmonger overflow turned him into a brown Hitler :lol:
I read the table in post #11 as Player[0] / human is 'Attacking' Player[9] in line 3, 5 & 7
Then Player[4] receives 'At Peace Decay'
Last Player[9] is 'Attacking' Player[0] / human in line 11, 13 & 15
At the end of THIS turn or at the beginning of the NEXT turn the lines 17 & 18 are written.
I mean: in this case after Player[0] the players 4 & 9 became ACTIVE = the turn was completed for _all players_ and so the faulty line 17 got written.

In this sense the table in post #15 isn't complete yet?!? Right now just Player[0] / human is 'Attacking' in line 3, 5, 7, 9 & 11.
I suppose, at that moment Player[0] is still active ("The Khmer is eliminated"). Maybe something becomes written later in the same turn after players 4 & 9 were active?
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