No CS credit for dispersing barbarians via settlement


Mar 1, 2010
City state offers reward for dispersing barbarian encampment. I disperse the barbarian encampment by settling next to it, then I receive message that "someone has destroyed barbarian encampment so the cs no longer needs your help". I expect to be rewarded for dispersing the camp.

Steps to reproduce:

Receieve city-state disperse barbarian encampment mission and build settler
Settle beside barbarian encampment
Finish turn

I dont have time to get before and after saves but maybe somebody else wants to. I discovered this when playing as the Iroquois lol, maybe its a feature :dunno:
I think this is a bug due to the engine checking for whose *unit* destroyed the settlement.

Since you destroyed by settling next to it, it weren't your units, but some "other" thing which did it. And that is what the system does not get.

Many things in this game seem to be checked on unit level, which may be an easy way to approach it in terms of programming, but gameplay-wise is just a desaster.
This one is just another in the list.
Someone please post a save file that illustrates the problem. I think we've seen similar situations in which the CS wanted a different Barbarian Camp removed, not the one that was actually dispersed.
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