
As the game loads up (ie before it crashes):

"Do not fight a land war in Asia"

Priceless. I wonder if Dubya plays?
In early noble game I played :-

Isabella (furious) "Strange as it may seem, but I believe you actually have something which may be of some use to us" :- Astronomy

I was building nukes at the time :)
DrewBledsoe said:
In early noble game I played :-

Isabella (furious) "Strange as it may seem, but I believe you actually have something which may be of some use to us" :- Astronomy

I was building nukes at the time :)

LOL, in my current game, Mansa Musa practically begged me for Code of Laws. I was researching Electricity at the time.
"You have our gratitude!"
I know it's been there since CivII or so, but it's still a funny reference (that most people here are probably too young to get).
I don't know what it means, but in the "why are people happy/unhappy" detail listing in the city screen, some citizens are happy because, and I quote:


What the...? Anyone know where this comes from? Rock 'n' Roll maybe?

Naskra said:
From Kublai Khan on the occasion of a first turn meeting:

"Cower before the might of my No Unit!"

Ah. Positively sterling.
Dailing up Genghis Khan after crushing his empire to one city:

"And they call US barbarians?"
I cant remember the exact text of the quote, but when Montezuma is pleased with me, Ive often had him say

"Welcome [Insert name] let us slaughter 40,000 slaves to celebrate this auspicious occasion!"
"Christianity has been founded in Mecca"
DeltaV said:
"You have our gratitude!"
I know it's been there since CivII or so, but it's still a funny reference (that most people here are probably too young to get).

You know, that took a LOT of Googling to find. It's used a million times in forum .sigs, riffed off a jillion times ("We are building a network of extraordinary magnitude"), but original attributions were few and far between.

Anyone figure out the "OH YEAH!"?
This comes from various civ leaders when they want me to give them cash. As I am sometimes in a situation when half the world is anoyed with me for not doing what they want to do, I tend to allow them to 'bully' me into giving them some of my cash. They usually say "Cha-CHING" when I do. Quite funny.

Also Catherines "None ever listens to me" when I refuse to adopt a civic she have. Makes me a bit sad :D
The best isn't a verbal thing, well it may be I'm not paying attention to the words cause its Cathrine. Anyways I demanded she stopped fighing the Eygptians and she slaped me! The little veiw/camera even shakes and moves. I fell outta my chair laughing, then I demanded it again just to see her do it again.

Oh and seeing
"Christianity has been founded in Rome"
"Islam has been founded in Rome"
with in a turn is funny to see.
Hover over the unhappy faces in some of your cities during a prolonged war, and a reason for their unhappiness might be:

"War! What is it good for...absolutely nothing! Unh!"

I've been chuckling about that for a few days now, following the immediate laughter.
beestar said:
You know, that took a LOT of Googling to find. It's used a million times in forum .sigs, riffed off a jillion times ("We are building a network of extraordinary magnitude"), but original attributions were few and far between.
Well, the IMDB quote search helps a bit... :D
Meffy said:
I don't know what it means, but in the "why are people happy/unhappy" detail listing in the city screen, some citizens are happy because, and I quote:


I believe OH YEAH! comes from Future Tech.

If I remember correctly, I had 2 OH YEAH!s after researching Future Tech 2.
"Oh, it's you. Now my day is complete."

The first time I saw this one it completely tore me up.
I had Cyrus tell me:

Finitemonkey, You are the wind beneath my wings!
Lord Olleus said:
What is the funniest message you have ever had i civ 4. I think that
"Gandhi has converted to Judaism" does it for me.
Although Montezuma saying:
"Roosevelt is worse than a rat in the gutter" comes a close second.

you guys must be way to addicted to civ 4 cause that is a very bad joke:goodjob: :goodjob:
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