Colonisation of the Moon: Scenario for FW


Mar 14, 2004
Cambridge, UK
Here is my long- awaited Colonisation of the moon mod!

Simply place it in your Scenarios folder and away you go!

Any problems/queries, &c, and contact me!

Click Here --> Colonisation of the Moon

Here are some preview piccies to whet your appetite:

Oh, and the required files are at the bottom for those of you who don't want to download the whole 2.64 MB.
EDIT: Unless you want a game with no graphics or sounds, do NOT download the required; instead, please click on the hyperlink above.


  • Moon1.JPG
    59.5 KB · Views: 583
  • Moon2.JPG
    161.3 KB · Views: 688
  • Moon3.JPG
    90.4 KB · Views: 543
  • Moon4.JPG
    274.9 KB · Views: 763
  • Required
    194.9 KB · Views: 399
(deleted duplicate post)
Cool mod, a few things that could make it better though. The grid lines don't show up well on the white terrain, and it would be nice if there was info on the terrain types. Would also be nice if you could list city improvements in order.
Looks good.. I've just played few turns but so far looks good.. I must though agree with Ancano about those grid lines..

I never play with the grid-lines on, so that was never really an issue for me (look at the last screenshot)... Having turned them on I must agree with you, though. Sorry about that :blush:
Erm, there are no graphics files attached, exept for the title.gif. Why is that?
I've been playing an easy-going game on King level as the Japanese and I must say that this is the BEST Lunar/Mars colinization scenario I have ever come across. Better than Martian Dawn. I played till the end of 2044 in one go, something I rarely do for a new scenario by an unfamiliar author.

The way the map is done is absolutely superb and that makes it a really gripping colonization scenario. I especially like the way the sea is simulated as dry flat canals which carry skimers. The barbarian option is fully activated and this gives a real civ2 feel which is much appreciated.

I haven't been taking notes but here's some areas which can be improved -

As far as I can tell, some techs are redundant as they don't offer any units or improvements or wonders or governments.

Some more work could be done fine-tuning the cost/attack/defense factors of the land units so there is a clear progression of successive generations.
Thanks, Kobayashi. I'll be more than happy to do updates/fixes. Incidentally, the units at the end of the units section in the rules file (Carrier, Dreadnought, Transport... -> frigate) should all be domain 3 units.

Yes, that's not a typo. Domain 3 (a useful unintended unit variable I discovered). the only thing is if you edit the rules file in the editor with domain 3 (or 4) units, the editor assigns random domains to them...

@ Eivind IV: That's because you downloaded the 'required files' zip, instead of clicking on the hyperlink above (the text directly underneath 'THE FILE:'
That's because Kepler (where the Japanese base is) is surrounded by craters and mountains on the visible face of the moon. All the features on that hemisphere were named in the very early stages of astronomy (literally, the science of naming stars).
One bug I ran into: Your "Buggy," which has an Attack of 0, is in the horsemen spot, making it a barbarian unit. This makes it so that in the early age, barbarians often have no Attak power. They just wander around untill someone attacks them, or when you enter a goodie hut, they suround you then flee.

Cool Senario dispite that.
Mid way into my second game and I am being crushed. Was still a very good game indicating great replayability. I also discovered new ways to work the land which made it even more gratifying.

Some initial comments -

1. What good is a surveyor?
2. British and Europeans have the same colour shield - should adjust the Euro flag a bit so the European's colour is yellow.
3. Robot Infantry are a major non-balanced units. They are way too powerful to appear so early.
4. On the other hand Dragoons are completely useless when they appear.
5. Food is not a good item to use as a commodity as there are also 'food caravans'.
6. Militarism (Commie) government comes too early and is too powerful. At Emperor level I can keep lux at 0 easily.
7. Should consider making some wonders expire
The surveyor was originally designed as a counter to a stealth unit that got planned. I ran out of unit slots and forgot to update the surveyor. I'll make him worthwhile in the patch.

The brits have a paler shield than the europeans don't they? The british shield is light blue; the European dark blue. I just checked in a game. I can make the difference greater if you like.

Robot infantry are designed as the late-game be all and end all infantry. I had no idea they appeared *early*. If I were to swap the Robot Inf. and Dragoon prerequisites would that help?

Food changed to nutrients; will be available in next update.

Thanks for that, Kobayashi.

@Sauron: I noticed that too. I will transpose the 'buggy' and 'land truck' slots.

I will also move the skimmer unit, because sometimes they spawn from goody huts and are unable to move (because they spawn completely surrounded by land squares).

OK. The 1.1 patch is coming along. Any other ideas before I submit it?
The americans are light blue so it would be pretty hard to have three blue civs. Your choice of course.

one other suggestion is to rank the civs in order of difficulty in the intro as their starting proximity to good terrain and water makes all the difference. For example the British are very very hard to play while the Japanese are much easier while the europeans are inbetween.

I would also consider increasing the corruption factor (equivalent to distance from capital) for militarism to max

I haven't had time to examine the tree in detail but I would suggest dividing the units and improvements evenly so that every tech has a purpose. Also, a second look at unit role/redundancy might also make the production menu less cluttered.

once again, great scenario and I'm sure the next version will make it even better.
JBG said:
Robot infantry are designed as the late-game be all and end all infantry. I had no idea they appeared *early*. If I were to swap the Robot Inf. and Dragoon prerequisites would that help?

Actually the same tech advanced automation gives both robot infantry (A6 D6 F3 H1 M3) and dragoon (A4 D1 F1 H1 M2). and the same tech also allows manufacturing plant and rover garage.

Maybe you can shift robot infantry up to hematite processing and shift dragoon down one to automation. Also you can consider reducing the attack factor of robot infantry to reduce instances where it is used to attack.

Also have a look at the laser rifleman (A5 D4 F2 H1 M1) which is a much inferior defender than robot infantry but appears much later. Maybe you should swap these two?
Good point. Patch one point one coming soon to a DSL cable near you...
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