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20000_bc V1.29


Jan 10, 2011
this mod i have been making, for awhile. now the way the mod is set up its for the player benefit, i recommend playing on deity as it will put you on par with the AI, this game is very long so i have made it so it take a while for you to get the tech as for balancing issues. i have added a few units to make the modern era more thrilling then the first eras, i have changed some buildings and will add some wonders later on to make it a bit more balanced. this mod is very long compared to to other mods and it doesnt end it 2050 it ends in 2012 and starts in the year 20000 bc as par the name for a total of 5632 turns. i know very long but i always got tired of of 1500 turns and wanted it longer this was where the mod first started, and i just keep building on it, as i and more to this mod ill keep updating it here

put this where you would put any another mod, if you download please credit

i just reuploaded a updated version its more balanced than the last, and should be a bit more stable, i changed the ai so its a little less aggressive then before, there still very aggressive and needs alot more work to balance it out, i have also added three new handicaps to make it even more interesting, the new handicaps are Omega, Beta, and Alpha. alpha is going to be the hardest handicap i think anyone has really every played, for these new handicaps i have increased the AI intellect so it will deffinalty be a very interesting game, let me know what ya think. will hopefully add few new game speed to make it a bit more interesting i anyone has some suggestions about the game speeds please comment also please add suggestions and ill try to and it to see if it make it more fun

ok i just updated this mod to fix the legendary culture problem and the start year problem, i also fixed the tech problem that y'all were having, i change how long it took to research the techs

1.98 to 2.01 updated many features, adding the ability to plant crops as a improvment becuase in real life you can plant crop so why not in civ as well and yes the AI does use this feature very well, i also added a new building to go along with the crops that gives the first 8 squares of a city access to water but the other 12 squares dont get this affect. i changed some other things for added balance, i had to make the AI smarter to compensate for the increased improvements.

V1.29 to V1.82
updated alot hopefully fixed the barb AI problem, tweaked the units attack power to make combat more interesting and to add some balance to the long game, changed the techs so they dont take as long and will take a more reasonable amount of time. so far thats it, in the next update i will hope to add some new units and buildings and some techs to go along with it, will also be tweaked a few other things to increase balance and get rids of bug i have found and others have found

v1.82 to v1.92
i fix a small bug i have found
added some new civics


three new handicaps
increased AI intellect
game length increased on marathon
start year changed to 20000_BC
end year changed to 2012_AD
new buildings
changed unit attack power
changed the tech time
hopefully fixed the barb AI problem


  • 20000_BC.rar
    2.2 MB · Views: 149
I have downloaded and will test it out.

Welcome to the Forum TenmaRyu. :)


Edit: The mod is intended to be played on Marathon speed correct? And does the mod have a splash screen. I saw 20000BC in the corner of the BtS load screen so I assume it actually loaded. But I forgot and left the start screen speed level at Epic. So game didn't start at 20000BC but at 4000BC.
Here is what I get at start up.

Should I just ignore the 4000BC time?

Or does the Mod only kick in if you play on Deity, Omega, Beta, and Alpha difficulty levels?

I started an Monarch on these screen shots with Marathon Game Speed selected.

So if I started incorrectly please correct me.

JosEPh :confused:
I've started 3 games and all start just like the previous posts screenshots.

The last game I started on Deity Level, Marathon game speed, play now. On Play Now all you get is marathon game speed option.

I have a bunch of screen shots I can post but the basic analysis is this. The Mod doesn't display the time as you posted. All the AI cities reach Legendary status within the 1st 2 turns. Mine did about turn 5.

Elizabeth won a Cultural Victory on turn 16. :p

I played on. Wave after wave of Barb Club, Archer and Spear have assaulted my main city and as the turns mounted up my next 2 cities.

At turn 180 I had researched 4 techs and received 1 by goodie hut. Buddhism was founded in the 1st 20 turns of the game by the AI.

I feel something is not as it should be with your mod.

If you want to see the screenshots just let me know and I'll post them.

JosEPh :)
I have downloaded and will test it out.

Welcome to the Forum TenmaRyu. :)


Edit: The mod is intended to be played on Marathon speed correct? And does the mod have a splash screen. I saw 20000BC in the corner of the BtS load screen so I assume it actually loaded. But I forgot and left the start screen speed level at Epic. So game didn't start at 20000BC but at 4000BC.

yes it is intended to played on marathon, it doesnt matter for the handicap though i have also yet to include a splash screen
Here is what I get at start up.

Should I just ignore the 4000BC time?

Or does the Mod only kick in if you play on Deity, Omega, Beta, and Alpha difficulty levels?

I started an Monarch on these screen shots with Marathon Game Speed selected.

So if I started incorrectly please correct me.

JosEPh :confused:

i updated the file so it starts on all maps at 20000
I've started 3 games and all start just like the previous posts screenshots.

The last game I started on Deity Level, Marathon game speed, play now. On Play Now all you get is marathon game speed option.

I have a bunch of screen shots I can post but the basic analysis is this. The Mod doesn't display the time as you posted. All the AI cities reach Legendary status within the 1st 2 turns. Mine did about turn 5.

Elizabeth won a Cultural Victory on turn 16. :p

I played on. Wave after wave of Barb Club, Archer and Spear have assaulted my main city and as the turns mounted up my next 2 cities.

At turn 180 I had researched 4 techs and received 1 by goodie hut. Buddhism was founded in the 1st 20 turns of the game by the AI.

I feel something is not as it should be with your mod.

If you want to see the screenshots just let me know and I'll post them.

JosEPh :)

ok thanks for the info i will fix this asap yes i have noticed that marathon only shows up as well im still working on fixing it but it will be in the next update to fix that problem
Okay will D/L the new version.

JosEPh :)
The mod is now displaying time at game start of 20,000BC and progressing from there as advertised.

Early years are focused on, "can you withstand the Barb onslaught"? And they got Archer well before I did. Holding off Barb archers with only warriors and scouts is tough! Already lost 1 of my 1st 3 cities. You must have at least 3-4 warriors with 2 promotions to hold that early city and building a warrior unit as soon as the city is settled.

Game start is batten down the hatches and see if you can weather the barb storm. Each tech takes from 50 to 120 turns to complete with just 1 or 2 cities.

Seems to be working.

JosEPh :)
The mod is now displaying time at game start of 20,000BC and progressing from there as advertised.

Early years are focused on, "can you withstand the Barb onslaught"? And they got Archer well before I did. Holding off Barb archers with only warriors and scouts is tough! Already lost 1 of my 1st 3 cities. You must have at least 3-4 warriors with 2 promotions to hold that early city and building a warrior unit as soon as the city is settled.

Game start is batten down the hatches and see if you can weather the barb storm. Each tech takes from 50 to 120 turns to complete with just 1 or 2 cities.

Seems to be working.

JosEPh :)

well thats kinda what i intended it to be like i think thats what early civ was more so like, if ya think anything should be altered a bit llet me know i like your feed back, what im trying to get with this mod, is civ didnt make tech overnight process, so i wanted the game to be more like that. what handicap are you playing on alpha? if i can alter the barbs a little so they wont be as relentless?
what handicap are you playing on alpha? if i can alter the barbs a little so they wont be as relentless?

Not sure what you mean by handicap? Difficulty level? Deity If I recall correctly. (Way above my normal comfort level) I'll recheck. I may have dropped it down to Monarch.

I don't know if barbs need adjusted yet or not. If it gets to be 4000BC and I'm still fighting off wave after wave there may need to be an adjustment. Right now I don't have enough Mod eXperience to say yes or no.

JosEPh :)
Not sure what you mean by handicap? Difficulty level? Deity If I recall correctly. (Way above my normal comfort level) I'll recheck. I may have dropped it down to Monarch.

I don't know if barbs need adjusted yet or not. If it gets to be 4000BC and I'm still fighting off wave after wave there may need to be an adjustment. Right now I don't have enough Mod eXperience to say yes or no.

JosEPh :)

well ill keep that in mind, as i recall the barbs should stlow down as you get more citys and take away there spawn points. in the xml its called handicap, not difficulty level. but deff keep me informed.:)
Some screen shots. The Barbs have reduced me to 1 city. While Suryvajarman(SP) and other AI are hardly bothered at at all. It won't be long before I die. And it's only 17,400+BC. :p

You can count up to 15 Barb warriors and Archers in the one screenie. I have more screenshots but it's the same thing turn after turn.

Some screen shots. The Barbs have reduced me to 1 city. While Suryvajarman(SP) and other AI are hardly bothered at at all. It won't be long before I die. And it's only 17,400+BC. :p

You can count up to 15 Barb warriors and Archers in the one screenie. I have more screenshots but it's the same thing turn after turn.


upload you sg file so i can see whats going on and i can adjust from there, i might have made the barbs a bit to agressive
Here you go. Sorry for the delay, work has been brutal the last 2 days.

JosEPh :)
That's what play testing is all about. :)

I'll be a bit slow to respond this week (next 7 days) as I'm "On Call" and my comp time will be very limited.

JosEPh :/
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