My 2 cents... (Sorry for not remembering most names)
Someone voiced concern over the number of proposals increasing with the larger gap between sessions, so in this sense wouldnt larger proposals contribute to have less proposals overall? (ie. 1 large proposal vs 10 small proposals). And sometimes someone may have a great idea that involves changing a number of elements that may or may not be dependent on one another, but if the idea, or proposal, is constructed with good rationale and detail and, of course, if it is feasible for coders, i dont see why put limitations on the scope of what can be suggested
So i like the idea of guidelines instead of hard rules saying what can or cant be proposed, but also think about how all the proposals that have counterproposals to it may lead to a "community proposal" of 2 or more members, that now have ample time to discuss, debate and refine an idea before submitting it. Like a joint proposal of sorts, that may or may not be large, but that could likely be well refined enough pto not even need a counterroposal. And even if it needs one, that could change only a small part of the larger proposal
Well, like i said, just 2 cents. If everything i said is nonsense, please forgive me.