[Vote] (5-68) Rework CS Quest: Find Player -> Find Target City

Approval Vote for Proposal #68

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Lost the game
Jul 17, 2018
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VP Congress: Session 5, Proposal 68

Current find player quest (they want you to find the lands of X civ) discourages exploring, since completion can give ~10 turns of science while receiving the quest requires having met but not having found the player's lands.

Change the quest to "find a target city".

There is a valid target city.

Target selection (they = the player to be given the quest):
1. Loop through all cities
2. Filter out cities that they have revealed (including their own team's cities)
3. Filter out cities owned by players they haven't met
4. Filter out cities they can't reach
5. Sort the city list by lowest plot distance to their closest city (use the lowest plot distance between city pairs; CvPlayer::GetClosestCityByPlots is useful)
6. Loop through the cities again
7. Pick the first city with plot distance >= 16 (PROXIMITY_CLOSE_CLOSEST_CITY_POSSIBILITY)

Completion condition:
Reveal the city tile.

Expiry condition:

  • 50 turns have passed
  • Target city no longer exists
Base Influence = 20, Science = 30, RandomMod = 5
Refer to https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/5-59-nerf-gift-specific-unit-quest.684542/ for the formula.
Science mods for reference:
Religious: x0.6

1. There's no more disincentive to explore, since this quest can be given out as long as there is one city in the world not revealed.
2. The quest will be relevant throughout the early and mid game as long as players keep settling new cities, until the whole world is explored.
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So, there are going to be much more quests and rewards, may be we should lower reward like 3-4 times.
There's a cooldown on each CS shared for all personal quests. 10-29 turns for non-Hostile CS and 10-49 turns for Hostile CS.
Why? We already have proposals to remove turn timer for quests.
1. It's not difficult to find a city
2. It's not a global quest
3. It has a target that can change with time
Eventually you will find every city, without the turn timer there is no need to try to find anything.
It would be more interesting if there was a major reward if found in 25 turns and a minor reward if found in 50 turns.
Unfortunately this quest has the EXACT same problem as the original. As it filters out cities you have already seen, it carries the same incentive problem. The quest is often easier if I sit my scout at home and don't explore the map until the quest comes up.
Unfortunately this quest has the EXACT same problem as the original. As it filters out cities you have already seen, it carries the same incentive problem. The quest is often easier if I sit my scout at home and don't explore the map until the quest comes up.
The quest won't appear until you've met a player with a city more than 15 distance away from you. And then it appears regularly afterward, likely right after the last one is completed if there's an available city. And there are many cities in the world, unlike the number of civs.
This quest would be much easier to complete, as from city name you can see to whom it belongs, and there are more cities than civs, I think that rewards for this quest should be adjusted.
I don't see how it can be easier to complete than the old quest (finding one specific tile vs finding any territory), but you're right that the rewards will be more frequent.

I think the personal quest cooldown should be raised and quest rewards should only reflect the completion difficulty/cost, but for now, I'm lowering this quest's rewards.
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