Current | Proposed | Rationale |
Captured Units always start at 0 XP. | Captured Units start with purchased XP based on the nearest city. The nearest city is determined as the capturer's closest owned city OR the capturer's Capital as a default if it cannot find the nearest city. | Users have cited that it does not feel good to have 0 XP captured units. Purchased XP is 50% of the XP a unit would have if they were trained with special exceptions like Freedom's Draft Registration boosting this to 100%, or Free Companies and Mercenaries having special rules to gain full XP. |
You have no XP buildings | You have barracks | You have barracks + armory | You have barracks + armory + military academy | |
Purchased XP | 0 XP | +7 (not enough for a promotion, but one combat can level them) | +17 (enough for 1 promotion) | 30 XP (enough for 2 promotions) |
Produced XP | 0 XP | +15 (enough for 1 promotion) | +35 (enough for 2 promotions) | +60 (enough for 3 promotions) |
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