(6-01) Captured Units (From France UA or Dutch Sea Beggars) Gain "Purchased XP" From Nearest City

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Salientia of the Community Patch
Nov 7, 2012
Somewhere in California
Captured Units always start at 0 XP.Captured Units start with purchased XP based on the nearest city. The nearest city is determined as the capturer's closest owned city OR the capturer's Capital as a default if it cannot find the nearest city.Users have cited that it does not feel good to have 0 XP captured units. Purchased XP is 50% of the XP a unit would have if they were trained with special exceptions like Freedom's Draft Registration boosting this to 100%, or Free Companies and Mercenaries having special rules to gain full XP.
XP Table
You have no XP buildingsYou have barracksYou have barracks + armoryYou have barracks + armory + military academy
Purchased XP0 XP+7 (not enough for a promotion, but one combat can level them)+17 (enough for 1 promotion)30 XP (enough for 2 promotions)
Produced XP0 XP+15 (enough for 1 promotion)+35 (enough for 2 promotions)+60 (enough for 3 promotions)

DLL Changes
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I think the morale of captures units would be low. They need to be retrained in your Civ's tactics. I believe this proposal would be too OP. Gaining a captured unit is already a significant bonus by itself.
I think the morale of captures units would be low. They need to be retrained in your Civ's tactics. I believe this proposal would be too OP. Gaining a captured unit is already a significant bonus by itself.
That's what I think too. What civs can capture units now? France? Anyone else?
I agree this might tilt into being OP.

It might not "feel good" to have 0XP units in the mid game, but it's fair. They were free, after all.
For clarification, how is this proposal intended to work with Freedom's Draft Registration? Will the captured unit gain full XP with that tenet, or remain at half XP?

What civs can capture units now? France? Anyone else?
Netherlands with their UU. I can't remember any other in base VP.
For clarification, how is this proposal intended to work with Freedom's Draft Registration? Will the captured unit gain full XP with that tenet, or remain at half XP?
Full XP.
I edited the OP for clarification. Origin city has a different meaning in the code. Also, closest city by tiles or closest city by path length (turns to reach the city)?
I edited the OP for clarification. Origin city has a different meaning in the code. Also, closest city by tiles or closest city by path length (turns to reach the city)?
I think it's however the game decides the origin city, if you were within one of the friendly cities, it would make you the origin city owner but if you were not (like really far away) it would default to the Capital.

I've experimented with the code already but I haven't noticed if it feels OP (?). Difficulty XP are not factored into this.
What is currently the state of units when they are captured? Can they move? Attack? How much HP do the have?
They are allowed to move immediately but not attack and have I forget 10% or 20% health.
The most op is I think catching barb handaxes/archers and that you are likely to swim in melee units that you can throw away at the enemy if you can survive the war weariness.
It also provides a very effective way to bully cs with but while free supply you still pay maintenance.
I sponsor this.
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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