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[Vote] (7-74) Spain Tweaks... Again

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Aug 9, 2017
Alberta, Canada
Another congress, another round of Spain tweaks.
Spain has remained resolutely on the bottom of the tier lists, and I haven't heard many good things about them from players.
It's time to take the gloves off

Spoiler UA :

Current UA: Reconquista
10 Gold and 4 Faith from gaining tiles, scaling with Era.
May purchase naval Units with Faith
Inquisitors unlock earlier and do not cost Gold maintenance. Gain an inquisitor when conquering a City.

Proposed UA: Plus Ultra
10 Gold and 4 Faith from gaining tiles, scaling with Era.
May purchase naval Units with Faith.
Newly Founded Cities adopt the Majority Religion of your Capital.

- Newly founded cities will always start with a minimum of 1000 pressure from the religion of your capital, or however much pressure is required to convert the new city's starting population +1. So if a city starts with 4 :c5citizen: , it will start with enough pressure to convert 3 to your Capital's majority religion.
- The ability works with Pantheons

Spoiler UU :

Current Conquistador (Explorer replacement)
Can settle cities on different landmasses from your Capital
Has all the free buildings that a Pioneer has, plus lighthouse and harbor
Gives access to unique Mission building

Proposed Conquistador (Explorer replacement)
Can settle cities with no restriction
Has all the free buildings that a Pioneer has, plus lighthouse and harbor
Mission building removed

Spoiler UI :

Current Hacienda:
Available at Guilds

Proposed Hacienda:
Available at Steel

Spoiler Leader Personality :

Secondary Victory Pursuit:

Leader Personality:
MinorCivCompetitiveness: 5 => 7
WarmongerHate 5=> 4

Leader Flavours:
Military training: 8 => 6
Offense 8=> 7
Defense 7=> 4
Mobile 8 => 5
Ranged 8 => 6
Naval 6 => 8
Naval Recon 7 => 8
Air 7 => 5
Anti-air 7=> 5
Air Carrier 7 => 5
Nuke 7 => 5
Use Nuke 7 => 5
Growth 7 => 5
Gold 7 => 9
Science 7 => 5
Spaceship 5 => 3
Espionage 5 => 3
Religion 6 => 9
Happiness 8 => 5
Sea Trade Route 5 => 7
Wonder 5 => 4

Major Civ Approach
Current approaches:

War 8 => 7
Hostile 7 => 4
Deceptive 6 => 3
Afraid 3 => 2

Minor Civ Approach
Current Approaches

Friendly -1 => 4
Conquest 8 => 5

- The Inquisitor bonus has not been well-received. Free automatic conversion of new cities would reinforce a raze-resettle playstyle that is enabled by their unique settler UU and the bonus gold from tile claims.
- Without the reference to the Spanish Inquisition, the name Reconquista is not suitable. The rest of the kit is more focused on the Conquista and overseas empire.

By removing the settle restriction, Conquistadors can be used much more easily and frequently. They can be used more flexibly in combination with the UA to raze and resettle conquered cities.
This is simpler for both people and the AI
With the UA's automatic conversion the Mission is no longer needed to convert newly settled cities, so we don't need it anymore.

Spain has two late medieval components, and it takes too long for them to get their economic engine going.
It's a bit painful given the anachronism, but that's perhaps a necessary evil to get Spain up and running so they can start playing their game.

It's my belief that a contributing factor to Spain's lack of success is that her AI is basically an insane warmonger but with no hard hitting abilities to back it up.
Spain has no flavours below 5. They are overstretched and have too many areas of focus
Spain currently has domination as its only victory pursuit. It is the only civ with both a primary and secondary victory pursuit for the same victory. I suspect this is making the AI extremely aggressive and irrational.
Adding a diplomacy victory would steer Spain towards a great leveraging of its gold and faith resources.
Spain's current diplomatic approaches are very aggressive towards city-states, and that's a bad strategy in general.
Spain still has a high mobile flavor even though their UU isn't mounted anymore, in contrast, she has relatively low naval flavours given her UA.

Complex Proposal: DLL + Database Changes needed, pineappledan will assist with database changes
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The non-diplomacy flavors are currently buggy. They likely have some effect, but I wouldn't expect them to work reliably.

When proposing to change Approach biases you should include the unchanged approaches, as approaches are only high or low relative to each other.
I think this is a solid way to go. changes look good, and flavors make sense to me. Yeah Spain isn't really a warmonger, she's an ultra expansionist, and I think this flavor set reinforces that better while setting her eyes on a VC she could actually obtain

Given you are the most knowledgeable one about the diplomacy and flavours, @Recursive I hoped I might consult you on them.
The Primary and secondary victory pursuits both being domination pretty clearly seems to be a bug.
Given I think Spain has the capacity with her econ and faith bonuses to take a swing at diplomacy if conquest stalls, I thought I would mellow her out on both major and minor approach biases.

Her gold and religion flavours seem conspicuously low compared to her unit flavors, so I increased the former and toned down the latter. I also lowered some of her flavours across the board because she is posting 7's for almost everything.
Is Spain's faith generation strong enough that

Also note that starting with 1000 pantheon pressure will somewhat delay getting your major religion in that city since you have to overcome the pantheon pressure with your religious pressure.

Pantheon pressure does degrade when religion pressure is applied, sonIndomt think it's too big of an issue, and I think there is a partial conversion to the pressure of your religion if you are degrading your own pantheon (or that was an idea of mine that never got implemented).
Is Spain's faith generation strong enough that
Not really, but they need good faith generation so they can support their naval unit purchases, so they should be prioritizing that infrastructure.
Whoops, I didn't finish my thought.

"Strong enough that they can support a navy of faith purchases".

Does the AI know it should be raze/resettling or is this going to be a human feature?
Idea of personality and flavor changes is great
Talking about Conquistadors, is there a way to convert all gained Exp to some useful yields on settling? in order not to separate them into "battle" and "settler" Units
The ability works with Pantheons
This may not be good. More pantheon pressure means more pressure required to convert the city to the full religion.

Plus new cities already follow pantheon for non-founders.
Talking about Conquistadors, is there a way to convert all gained Exp to some useful yields on settling? in order not to separate them into "battle" and "settler" Units
I would say turn it into Production yield. Turning those experienced soldiers into skillful civilians.
I would convert it into instant BGPs so the new city can instantly claim tiles and earn more :c5gold: :c5faith: via the UA.
I would convert it into instant BGPs so the new city can instantly claim tiles and earn more :c5gold: :c5faith: via the UA.
If you want it to complement the UA, that could work too. But turning flat XP into BGP seems low. Add some modifier/multiplier to it?
Level = extra number of tiles?
I don't think that's needed? the first few tiles claim prices are pretty low. You should be able to get 1 free tile from the barracks/armory XP alone.

edit: The current formula is 20+(C * 12)^1.35, where C is the number of tiles you already own. So border growth happens at:
20, 49, 93, etc. Should be doable to get 2 free tiles with an explorer unit.
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Free tiles don't increase future tile costs.
Do you want to add India's old ability as well? Where your cities instantly convert to your religion when you Found? That reminds the weirdness with pantheon pressure as well as the incentive to wait until you found before settling too much.
Not a massive fan of earlier Hacienda. Too anachronistic for me.
Would rather it come (even) later and be buffed on yields, personally.
Conquistadors don't have UNITAI_SETTLE. Maybe it'll work for the AI if you give them that?
Conquistadors don't have UNITAI_SETTLE. Maybe it'll work for the AI if you give them that?
For the Basques mod, I tried desperately to make a explorer boat that could explore and plant a fishing boat.
Despite numerous attempts, this proved impossible.
Either it's one or it's the other.
For the Conquistador, I think it risks giving the same thing (like the Polynesian units which never plant fishing boats, unless I'm mistaken).
If the goal is to improve Spain, in my opinion we should give up on this feature for the Conquistador or rather go in the direction of @Yngwie with the appearance of a pioneer when the conquistador reaches another land (perhaps one time by new landmass).
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