A Babylon 5 Mod for the Final Frontier Mod

Hello every one!

Yes, its been long since I posted anything, but let me tell you, the mod is not death.

I've been busy - as every one - but let me show you my latest project, its far from ready, and I'm still in the early stages of learning this art:

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Tho I believe I can already start with the Hyperion Class Cruiser, I'm having lots of troubles with texture making, but I'm working on it.

I did that model with Blender, I planned on posting again around here when I had the Hyperion ready, but as already said those textures (actually the unwrapping) is giving me a headache.

Any way, it looked like the team could use some morale boost.

Long live B5! :salute:

@ Psi Corps, sorry to hear about the employment status.
Hello again every one!,

I finally got the unwrap, texture making and nif exporting.

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It has no animations, and the gun doesn't move. I have yet to learn animation and particles. But it is a good start. Plus the ships in FF fight head on, so there is no need for the gun animations, but the firing of the guns is required.

Anyway, I'm happy :) with this ship, so think I'll start to work on the Hyperion and keep learning things on the go.


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I was looking for images of the Hyperion when I found this page:
I believe this page has already been posted in this thread, but anyway.

This models are in 3ds format, and are unusable by Civ4, I managed to import it to blender (see image above), yet it is not viable to simply export it to nif, the poly count its simply HUGE (importing the ship took almost 50 seconds! :eek:).

I'll have to work from scratch, but none the less this model is a reference treasure.

PS: There is no way I can make such a good model as the one shown (because of my skills and poly constraints) so... please, when I have the Hyperion ready don't compare it with this one (in terms of quality of course).
@ Premier Valle

giving a custom unit a basic animating ist not that hard, for the beginning it will be enough if you copy the mesh (the NiTriShape or NiTriStrips - depending on the exporter setting) of you created model in a vanilla FF nif. Make it child of the dummy_whatever node (not where the original rigged model is), adjust the scale and remove the original model. Afterwards adjust the effect nodes - placeholders. More or less the names are clear enough

eg in the ff destroyer nif: make your model child of "DUMMY_Destroyer_Hull"
some effect / attachables placehodlers: EFFECT_SmallExplosion_01, Attachable_SpaceCraft_EngineThrust_Right, EFFECT_GatlingFire_Left and EFFECT_Gun_Right (both child of the destroyer hull dummy).
@ Premier Valle

giving a custom unit a basic animating ist not that hard, for the beginning it will be enough if you copy the mesh (the NiTriShape or NiTriStrips - depending on the exporter setting) of you created model in a vanilla FF nif. Make it child of the dummy_whatever node (not where the original rigged model is), adjust the scale and remove the original model. Afterwards adjust the effect nodes - placeholders. More or less the names are clear enough

eg in the ff destroyer nif: make your model child of "DUMMY_Destroyer_Hull"
some effect / attachables placehodlers: EFFECT_SmallExplosion_01, Attachable_SpaceCraft_EngineThrust_Right, EFFECT_GatlingFire_Left and EFFECT_Gun_Right (both child of the destroyer hull dummy).

First of all things, I want to thank you for your excelent tutorial! :thumbsup: (Noticed it? :p)

And also thanks for the advise, tho I'm not shure I know how to do that stuff, but as far as I understand that is done in NifSkope right?, or is it better if I start to do my model on top of a FF one (in Blender)?

Thanks again!!!:cheers:

Where do all that stuff is located (i.e. Attachable_SpaceCraft_EngineThrust_Right), do I need to copy them or do they live in the game engine or something?
yes, copying the mesh between nifs (nifswapping) is imo best done in nifscope.

considering the effects and attachables: in the nif itself there are in most cases only placeholder nodes. The nifs for the effects and attachables are outside of the unit nif in different folders (you will know it if you see the name of the folder), there are also special xmls for effects and attachables.

the game itself knows because of certain triggers when it must play an effect (it´s in the animation files - the kfs). Attachables are visible all the time (but need a entry in the attachables node in the unit nif), but in most cases the visibility is controlled via a special visibility controller (set to yes or no in the animation files).

And yes, i have recognised the unit. Thank you for the first real prove that somebody tried the tutorial and was successful :)
Hello everyone!,

Just a status report on the Hyperion, let me know what you think so far.

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As you can see there are a few things missing (the cannons, and... half a ship :lol:), those will be duplicated after I do the unwrap.

I feel that the fore of the ship is too boxy, but for the scale of the ships in Civ, I dont really think that it will matter too much. Tho the aft has a lot of vertices. I chose the Hyperion because I thought it would be an easy model, I wanted to avoid all those guns of the Nova... now I believe the Nova would've been easier.

Thanks again! :thumbsup:, I still have a lot to learn about NifSkope, and about that nifswapping... I presume that such thing is done by re-importing the nif to Blender.

Thank you for the first real prove that somebody tried the tutorial and was successful :)

nifswapping... I presume that such thing is done by re-importing the nif to Blender.

no, it´s only part of the neverending task of the bit more used modders to confus the newer ones ;)

Nifswapping is only the used word if you copy a mesh (eg from your from Blender exported nif) in another nif (eg the nif which animation you want to use) via nifscope.

If a model is unrigged (your ones will be for sure at the beginning), it simply means to press the right mouse button (rmb) in nifscope on the NiTriShape or NiTriStrips, Block -> copy branch and in the target nif selecting the node where you want to have the mesh, selecting this node, rmb -> block -> paste branch.

after this you have swapped your model from one nif to another

yes :)

and the Hyperion is coming nicely
(some round objects could have fewer poly (8 to 10 should be enough for big objects) - you can also use "smooth" in Blender)
Hello everyone!,

Just anothe status report on the Hyperion

Textured Render:
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In-game: Civilopedia:
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I'm not 100% happy with it (like 95%), but it will do. I'm going to do the nifswapping and all The_Coyote's advises. hopefully, I'll release it tomorrow.


BTW, Where/how can I get the poly count?

Nevermind, I followed this instructions (once again, thanks The_Coyote), and using NifSkope under the "Block Details" > NiTriShape > NiTriShapeData I found "Num Triangles" with a value of "2510"...

I guess I'll have to keep working in the Hyperion to reduce that value...
Wow, well done Premier that is really good work and if i read all the posts right then you still need to reduce the number of polys before you can post it?

I am now officially unemployed, i have a few weeks before i start my training course and i plan to start looking at the mod again and figure out where i was up to and what i had working etc.

Also, i know my partner has got me a book for christmas, Dummies guide to C++, so after christmas i will be starting to use this but don't expect miracles straight away.

Looking forward to getting back into the Mod.
Hello everyone!,

Just to let you know that The_Coyote gave me some more advises and I have uploaded a new version of the Hyperion (now I'm 99.99% happy with it! :)), use the same links from the above post.

Next I plan to follow with the Narn Th'Nor or the EA Nova,... I'm more inclined for the Narn Ship (looks easier). What do you think?

I am now officially unemployed, i have a few weeks before i start my training course and i plan to start looking at the mod again and figure out where i was up to and what i had working etc.

Sorry to hear that, but I'm glad that you can become more active in the mod.

Also, i know my partner has got me a book for christmas, Dummies guide to C++, so after christmas i will be starting to use this but don't expect miracles straight away.

Looking forward to getting back into the Mod.

I know C++ so let me know if I can help you (tho I'm more familiar with Java and C# now).
Thanks Premier. I've DL'd the new version of the Hyperion but haven't yet installed it, still getting back into looking around the files and remembering what does what to which and where and when.
Looking forward to seeing the Narn ship if you choose to do that next.
The present intel report relates to recent Narn activity spoted by one of our commercial liners on its way to a Narn controlled jump gate.

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Intel identifies it as the Th'Nor class cruiser, an old but none the less letal warship, it was spotted engaging some unknown configuration vessels - possibly raiders - on the limits of the star system, the smaller vessels had no chance against it.

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Looking forward to seeing the Narn ship if you choose to do that next.

So, everyone?, what do you think of it?, uses the Invasion Ship animations, and has only 394 polys, this time instead of making it too detailed I choose to detail it only in texture.

On a side note, this ship was most easy compared to the Hyperion (took about 1/4 of the time the Hyperion did).

Do you think I should release it right away?, I'm more inclined to release a B5 ship pack that would get updated every time a new ship is ready (this way I would release it until the Nova is ready, and the forums won´t get flooded with B5 posts :p).

Of course, I could also attach it momentarily until the official release.
That's fantastic Premier.

Do you think I should release it right away?

Personally i would like to see a new ship as soon as it is ready but realistically here is a better suggestion. You've given us all a taster with the Hyperion, hold on to the Th'Nor until you have a few more ships done and then release them as a pack. This way you could do 4 or 5 ships with each release. I'd really love to see some Minbari and Centauri ships.

Maybe you could do 1 ship of each race in each release which would stop you getting to bored with doing ships of the same race all the time. I'm fairly sure the Minbari ships are all pretty much the same in their look it's just the size of the ship that determines the class.

I've been reviewing everything i had been working on in the Mod and after a play test there is at least one error causing a CtD so i'm going back to what i know was working (v3.13) and add in the bits i worked on one piece at a time until i know what it is that was causing the problem.

Good luck with the ships Premier and i'm looking forward to your first ship pack.
That's fantastic Premier.

I'm glad you like it.

Personally i would like to see a new ship as soon as it is ready but realistically here is a better suggestion. You've given us all a taster with the Hyperion, hold on to the Th'Nor until you have a few more ships done and then release them as a pack. This way you could do 4 or 5 ships with each release. I'd really love to see some Minbari and Centauri ships.

I like your suggestion. Tho the current ship pack will not feature Minbari ships for I regard them as too dificult for me yet (all those curves), I want a little bit more experience before starting with the Minbari, but I'm willing to give a try to the Centauri.

The next ship pack could feature this ships:
- Narn Th'Nor,
- EA Nova,
- Centauri Vorchan
- Narn Th'Lor
- EA Olympus
and why not:
- Jump point

I'm fairly sure the Minbari ships are all pretty much the same in their look it's just the size of the ship that determines the class.

That is a problem, I don't think that using the same model for different ships is a good idea, but on the other side, I'm aware of only two Minbari capital ships (Tinashi and Sharlin), and the Centauri are the same (Vorchan, Primus).

Any suggestion?
With our recent success in the war against the Dilgar it is clear now that the Hyperion - Nova class ships can be effectively used together and hence the Nova project should't be phased away that fast.

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The Nova class ships can deliver a massive amount of firepower capable of crippling enemy vessels with ease, and tho the lack of maneouverability while firing is an issue, the Hyperions can provide the necessary cover in any fight worth of both ships.

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In fact, with our losses in the war it is Earth Fleet's recommendation to procure new Nova class Dreadnougths in order to ensure the safety and well being of all humanity.

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[... end of excerpt]

I still can't believe how fast the Nova turned out to be (even faster than the Th'Nor), it has 1372 polys (a bit high, but acceptable) being the guns and the engines the heavy-poly parts.

It uses modified FF Destroyer animations (to provide more firepower), the Nova looks mean with all that firepower :evil:.

Next in line is the Narn T'Lorh Assault Cruiser, I expect it to be ready soon, as that ship is basically two Th'Nors glued together by a bridge, however it will have to be fully re-textured, anyway, I expecto to finish it in the weekend, then I'll start work on the Centauri Vorchan.

Now, onto the Minbari and Centauri vessels, I did a little search and found a few other ships, they certainly look Minbarish/Centaurish like, but I leave to you to determine if we shall use them as well (some look nice):

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