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A Babylon 5 Mod for the Final Frontier Mod

The lack of AI ability to use the landing troop mechanic is getting to be a real issue late game. At this point, there are two major computer 'empires' composed of Narn and Earth with their vassals. Since neither can use the landing troops, they can't make any progress fighting one another. :(

Might I suggest a stop gap, just untill a way can be found to teach the computers to land troops? Give the ability, to perhaps troops transport ships only? They come out of the box with low attack stregenths. Hopefully computers will bring them in to invade, right now they don't even seem to be using troop transport ships. I'm guessing because nothing flags as taking planet, the ai is getting confused, skipping straight to ships with high combat stregenth instead.

Players can still use troops as intended. Right now we do anyways, and it's more practical to fill one transport with four squads of troops than send four ships. At least the AI will hopefully remain viable late game in wars. :goodjob:
The lack of AI ability to use the landing troop mechanic is getting to be a real issue late game. At this point, there are two major computer 'empires' composed of Narn and Earth with their vassals. Since neither can use the landing troops, they can't make any progress fighting one another. :(

Might I suggest a stop gap, just untill a way can be found to teach the computers to land troops? Give the ability, to perhaps troops transport ships only? They come out of the box with low attack stregenths. Hopefully computers will bring them in to invade, right now they don't even seem to be using troop transport ships. I'm guessing because nothing flags as taking planet, the ai is getting confused, skipping straight to ships with high combat stregenth instead.

Players can still use troops as intended. Right now we do anyways, and it's more practical to fill one transport with four squads of troops than send four ships. At least the AI will hopefully remain viable late game in wars. :goodjob:

I've had replies from some other modders that PM'd for assistance with this very issue. I'm taking steps to address this issue with the next version, which is already a considerable drain on me as there are continual minor errors that I find and need to correct before I can move on to the next change.
Hi all, thought I'd better give you an update on my progress. So far I have completely updated 2 civs to incorporate the Jump Engines. This has meant adding 6 new ships to each Civ that are jump incapable (or jump capable depending on how you want to look at it). I'll explain. First I just added the Jump capability to all of the ships, except fighters & scouts and also the generic units Colony Ship, Construction Ship, Starbases and Missiles. After I'd added this I then went through to amend the Tech/resource requirements for each ship. It was whilst doing this that I remembered I had to include a version of the earlier available units that couldn't jump. So far I've gone through and overhauled The EA and the Minbari Unit rosters as well as added pedia text entries for all the new units where there was originally an entry. All this and I've spent a day fitting a new kitchen sink as well! :lol:
Now that I've done two races completely and am getting a little quicker at doing them I'm hoping that they will all be ready for next weekend. I make no promises!!
Hi all, thought I'd better give you an update on my progress. So far I have completely updated 2 civs to incorporate the Jump Engines. This has meant adding 6 new ships to each Civ that are jump incapable (or jump capable depending on how you want to look at it). I'll explain. First I just added the Jump capability to all of the ships, except fighters & scouts and also the generic units Colony Ship, Construction Ship, Starbases and Missiles. After I'd added this I then went through to amend the Tech/resource requirements for each ship. It was whilst doing this that I remembered I had to include a version of the earlier available units that couldn't jump. So far I've gone through and overhauled The EA and the Minbari Unit rosters as well as added pedia text entries for all the new units where there was originally an entry. All this and I've spent a day fitting a new kitchen sink as well! :lol:
Now that I've done two races completely and am getting a little quicker at doing them I'm hoping that they will all be ready for next weekend. I make no promises!!

Why scouts, colony ships and construction ships cant jump..? I understand that fighters and missiles cant jump because of rebase ability (air units) but all other ships (land units) should be able to jump if someone opens the jump point for them.. At least in B5 wise:)
Why scouts, colony ships and construction ships cant jump..? I understand that fighters and missiles cant jump because of rebase ability (air units) but all other ships (land units) should be able to jump if someone opens the jump point for them.. At least in B5 wise:)

Good question. I'm guessing he wants to give a sense of a pre jumpgate exploration era? Then again, all the races we know minus the Vorlons, found jumpgate tech laying around once they started exploring. Even the earth scout mentions it was the ship to do most exploring once jump gates were learned about from the Centauri.

The series lore doesn't really cover pre jump gate civilizations. Then... it boggles the mind, trying to deal with 1. We can't just have jump gates laying around at game start up. I don't think the random maps can generate any useful grid of them. 2. Technically, travel without gates should be a massive undertaking. What little was seen in show, usually involved stasis tech for crews with long multi year journeys. That would get boring, with such a long road from isolation era to vortex generator tech.

I kinda like Psicorps current middle ground if understanding it correctly. Keeping would probably stretch out the very first exploration phases. Though a little more Quantium 40 spawning on maps might be nice too. ;) Just for once we can make the jump nodes and jump ships and all that fun stuff. :)

I have been starting to wonder about one thing balance wise. The stealth promos. So many promotions in game give benefits to first strike. Three levels of stealth promos negate all first strike however. It's looking like a necessary promotion, shouldn't that be a little harder to get? Every AI tends to get it, every player probably has a much easier life doing so too. And then it negates so many other promotions.. just something I've noticed after a few games.
Why scouts, colony ships and construction ships cant jump..?

This is one of the things I've changed/added for the next version. There will be a Pre and a post Vortex Generators unit for the Colony Ship, Construction Ship and Scouts.

I have been starting to wonder about one thing balance wise. The stealth promos. So many promotions in game give benefits to first strike. Three levels of stealth promos negate all first strike however. It's looking like a necessary promotion, shouldn't that be a little harder to get? Every AI tends to get it, every player probably has a much easier life doing so too. And then it negates so many other promotions.. just something I've noticed after a few games.

Thanks for that bit of feedback. I have been thinking about adding a further promotion that gives immunity to first strikes but making it unavailable until later in the game. I can then remove the first strike immunity from the current promotions. You'll notice, once I have finished going thr ough the fleets and doing the work I'm doing there will be a number of changes to the ships.
In unrealted news. Since I'm pretty sure everyone in this thread shares a love of sci fi. ;) Iron Sky was a great deal of fun to watch, in the Spaceballs tradition. Here is a trailer, if you haven't heard of it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=He_PWsJqsVY

Think I've decided what my next B5 map will be, a little EA vs EA flavoured iron sky wise. Okay, back to your regularly scheduled mod stuff now. :)
In unrealted news. Since I'm pretty sure everyone in this thread shares a love of sci fi. ;) Iron Sky was a great deal of fun to watch, in the Spaceballs tradition. Here is a trailer, if you haven't heard of it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=He_PWsJqsVY

Think I've decided what my next B5 map will be, a little EA vs EA flavoured iron sky wise. Okay, back to your regularly scheduled mod stuff now. :)

I'll be watching this eventually if nothing else it looks like a bit of a giggle!

On to the B5 stuff.

I finally finished updating everything that needed doing to get the early (non jump) ships into the game for all of the civ's. I corrected a few errors & oversights as I was going along. I've spotted a few things I want to adjust in the promotions file as soon as I've done that I'll be uploading the amended files as a patch. This will be done before the weekend.
I was just looking for something to do while munching dinner. Thanks for the pleasant suprise. :)
I'm getting an xml error on launch. Something about jump points, then it goes on into the B5 menu. Will see if any problems appear while actually in game and post up if so.
I'm getting an xml error on launch. Something about jump points, then it goes on into the B5 menu. Will see if any problems appear while actually in game and post up if so.

I think I may have forgotten to upload two files, specifically the artwork and improvements so you can build the Jump points. I'll check tonight when I get home.

Apologies for that.
Sorry to announce unable to upload additional patch despite 3 attempts. Going to give up and try again in the morning, if I have time.

CFC has been very slow for everyone the past few days during the (USA) daylight hours. However, it seems to be "fixed" for now, and the evening (again, USA evening) hours were OK as well.
Okay, both patches are uploaded now.

I found no issues with the Narn artwork as reported previously by rtt4a.

If there is still an issue after you have added these patches I'll upload a newer version including all changes as soon as possible.

No "issues" but the "xml\terrain" folder should be under "assets" along with the other folder. I can change my own local copy, but others may be confused if they simply try to copy to their game.
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