A Better World

Nation Name:
The Mughal Empire
Capital: Delhi
Starting Province: Delhi
Government: Oligarchic Meritocracy
Primary Focus: Industry
Secondary Focus: Science
Tertiary Focus: Unity
could we get an updated map please?
Here's a map of the claims of all the completed joins.
Spoiler :
You missed my faction in Bavaria.
A flag is a requirement for a join to be considered completed.

Flag/Symbol of the Illuminated Council.
Edited my sign up slightly :)
Nation Name: Joudo-koku - 浄土国 - The Pure Land State
Starting Province: Kansai
Primary Focus: Unity
Secondary Focus: Industry
Tertiary Focus: Science

Something something civil war in japan, buddhist take over of kyoto etc etc. (more coming later, maybe)
I wanna talk about updates for a sec, to hold over you guys as we wait for the game to properly begin.

So how I'm thinking updates will work will be that there are two cycles; these cycles comprise of half a full year. Broadly, the Summer Cycle and the Winter Cycle.

During the Summer Cycle is the more active of the two. The beginning of the Summer Cycle starts with the update proper; stats will be regenerated based on current circumstances and you may then assign your spending for the year. It is also the time where your land units can be the most mobile, as they can move two provinces during the Summer Cycle.

Meanwhile, during the Winter Cycle, your units are a bit more restricted and are generally all-around worse. It is not a good idea to start a war during the Winter Cycle. In addition to all your units being restricted to single-province movements, your units suffer Attrition Penalties for fighting in non-allied territories, as well as territories with less than 70% Logistics. These penalties include a 25% Morale hit and an increased Disorganization Event chance per round. Your stats are also not updated during the Winter Cycle, though, orders are still accepted for the turn as a whole during the Winter Cycle.

As implied, your units get two chances to act during a year. All your units get free reign to take whatever actions they can possibly take on any given cycle. I'll also roll for events and such in the interim to keep things interesting. Think of Cycles like mini-turns.

I'm planning for proper updates to be up around midnight Saturdays (EST). That of course means that Sundays denote the start of Summer Cycles. The Summer Cycle then ends midnight Tuesday. Winter begins on Wednesday and ends on midnight Friday, which is also when orders lock. I won't accept orders on Saturday. I'll save all orders off site as I get them throughout the week and will only go through only what I have when I wake up Saturday. I may make special exceptions, but generally, I don't want to delay things and going through and finding orders on Saturday just eats into time I could use doing orders. My weekends tend to be busy, so this time management isn't trivial. Hate to be a stickler, but I don't consider this game very intensive in terms of the orders.

Strictly speaking, the next cycle begins when their corresponding update is up, but generally speaking, the above guideline will tell you the update trend.

This will replace the update guidelines posted in the OP. Though, as before, war must be declared in-thread, and you must do it at least 12 hours before the end of a Cycle. Of course, Saturday isn't considered part of the cycle at all and you may not declare war on that day, or at least not meaningfully for the current turn before the update.
Are winter and summer inverted for the two hemispheres? Is the equatorial region affected by winter?
Is Crete a separate province or does it belong to some other province?
Are winter and summer inverted for the two hemispheres? Is the equatorial region affected by winter?
The entire world is affected by winter and summer conditions during respective winter and summer cycles. This is mainly for simplicity's sake, but in terms of the world, I'm justifying it as winters being sort of "fantastical winters." You ever play Endless Legends?

Is Crete a separate province or does it belong to some other province?
That's a map error, Crete is in your claimed province and that will be reflected properly in future maps.
is this alive?
Yes it is. Like I said in the OP, preparation would take a few weeks (coding the battle system, setting up the stat sheets) and it's taking a bit longer than anticipated.
Is anybody still interested in this? I've realised too little too late that the battle system has once again become too much a burden. Before I rework it, I wanted to see how many still want this as a thing?
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