A Better World


Retired Moderator
Mar 14, 2011
Greetings. It is I, Tyo, your favorite Moderator. I’ve felt quite dead on the IOT scene, so I thought I’d drop a new game on your collective heads to shake things up a bit. Hopefully, it won’t die this time.

Without further adieu, welcome to…

It is the year 1900. After the discovery of the steam engine in several locations across the world around 1700, a time of prosperity occurred. A true global golden age - the Gilded Century, some call it. However, prosperity soon developed into greed; and as the world’s greatest powers amassed wealth and fortune, they began looking to their neighbors for even more power. It was not long until a great war ruptured the earth. Millions perished, and no single power stood victorious in the onslaught. Now, a whole century after the war which shattered the earth, a new dawn arises. Ghost towns are again teeming with life. The cogs of industry again turn. Newer, younger minds look to the sky with hope — hope for a better world.

Joining is a simple process. Just fill out the below application. Feel free to add fluff details — but put them below all the stuff here, for ease of access.

Nation Name: Be geographically conscientious in general, though entirely fictional countries are totally allowed.
Starting Province: Just name which province you’re starting in from the world map.
Flag: A simple flag. This is the standard for which others can identify your territories, where merely color can be quite limiting.
Primary Focus: Choose one of Science, Industry, and Unity. This choice reflects both what is important for your nation, and what your nation is currently excelling at.
Secondary Focus: Choose one of the remaining focus choices. This choice reflects what your nation is doing on par with most of the developed world.
Tertiary Focus: Less of a choice than the others, but an equally important one. This is what your country most lacks in. This only speaks to how your respective nations begin, however; so this choice shouldn’t be regarded as permanent, necessarily.

To be clear, here are the advantages to each focus:

Science, of course, speaks to the technological innovation of your nation. A primary focus in science means that your nation will start with a higher research gain, as well as a head start in the technological paths you can take.

Industry, meanwhile, speaks to the productivity of your people and their adaptation to an industrial economy. A primary focus in industry means your nation can build more things faster than other nations.

Unity, probably the most vague to you, is a measure of your people’s national fervor to make the will of the state their own — or perhaps, the other way around, depending on how you look at it. A primary focus in Unity means your people will seldom be against your decisions; in addition, you will also have faster access to Unity Perks, permanent bonuses that reflect the development of your society.
For your benefit, here’s the above snippit without the cumbersome explanations.
Nation Name:
Starting Province:
Primary Focus:
Secondary Focus:
Tertiary Focus:

You can find a map with all province names in one of the posts following this one.
Spoiler The Rules :

The pillars of your nations are its traditions, its thirst for knowledge, and its industriousness. In terms of this game, I’ll start by explaining Industry, as it is the easiest to do.

Each province has two values related to Industry: Logistics and Factory Districts. Logistics is a 0-to-100 “meter” of sorts that determines how much of the province’s Factory Districts being used. A 50 Logistics province allows you to use 50% of the output of the Factory Districts in the province. So, if you had 10 Factory Districts, you effectively earn 5 Industry to use how you see fit. Incidentally, choosing Industry as your Secondary Focus nets you exactly 10 Factory Districts to start with. Meanwhile, starting with Industry as your Primary Focus nets you 15 Factory Districts and 60% minimum Logistics in your starting province. A Tertiary Focus nets a measly 5 Factory Districts.

Increasing Factory Districts is simple enough; you can build a single Factory District with 5 Industry. However, in order to increase industrial efficiency, you need to increase your provinces’ Logistics. To do this, you have to spend a portion of your Technology and Industry on a turn by turn basis. Specifically, to raise Logistics of a single province by 10%, you must spend 6 Industry and 4 Science yearly. Each increment of this expenditure increases Logistics by a further 10%. Be careful not to overspend, as overspending on logistics means funds are getting lost. You can also opt to spend 12 Industry and 8 Science yearly to raise the Logistics of all provinces by 5% per spending increment. There are ways to permanently boost a province's Logistics, such as upgrading the City Center or researching some technologies. A City Center gives a province a based minimum Logistics of 50%. A destroyed City Center provides a Logistics of 25%.

Finally, of course, each province has its spacial limitations. At base, a single province can only hold up to 20 Factory Districts. This limit, of course, may be increased through technological advancement, as your people find ways to push industrial efficiency.

Factory Districts cannot be built over several turns; you have to pay the cost of a Factory District upfront, though you may build multiple districts in one turn. Special projects, however, can be built over multiple turns. This is a simplicity measure, if I’m honest.

Speaking of Technology.

In addition to each province producing Industry, each province also produces Science. The “Science” value is an abstraction of the number of libraries and universities your nation has in its borders, as well as the emphasis in which your nation puts into scientific progress. At a base, a province with the basic City Center generates 1 Science; this is how much Science you produce with a Tertiary Focus. A City Center is given the Learning Center upgrade if the nation in question has Science as a Secondary Focus, which generates 5 Science. A Primary Focus further upgrades the City Center with a University District, which generates 8 science; in addition, it gives a head start in all fields of research.

Speaking of, there are 5 fields of research available to you:
  • Aero Technology: Advancing the flight capabilities of your machines.
  • Aquatic Technology: Advancing your nation’s naval capacities on the high seas.
  • Ground Technology: Advancing the capabilities of your ground fighters and armor.
  • Industrial Technology: Advancing your nation’s Industrial Efficiency.
  • Bio Technology: Advancing your nation’s knowledge of life on Earth.

In the posts following this one, you can find the beginning of these trees along with what you can get out of them. The first nation to research a technology gets a one-time bonus, and the next “card” of the research progression will be displayed for all.

You can distribute research however you see fit, though it’s probably for the best if you focus on one at a time.

Next, we’ll be talking about Unity. You have a base Unity per turn depending on your focus. Primary Focus nets you 8 Unity. Secondary Focus nets 5 Unity. Tertiary nets you 2. Unity can be used towards one of two things: Keeping populace Militancy down and acquiring Unity Perks. Unity can be gained through several means, all of which are permanent boons to your Unity, such as:
  • Completing special building projects, such as canals or great railways.
  • Succeeding all your wargoals against another country.
  • Researching certain revolutionary technologies first.
  • Etc.

Each Unity increase is clearly defined before you complete the goal you’re working towards. IE, I will place a Unity value for success in a war, and I will give explicit unity values for technologies eligible for them before anybody has researched them. Suffice to say, Unity increases will vary based on where it’s coming from.

As stated, Unity can be used to either keep militancy down or acquire Unity perks. Your people in general don’t have a reason to dislike you as you start in this new world, so everyone’s militancy starts at 5%, representing some people in your nation who are on the lower echelons of society who turn to crime to earn their living. Militancy tells you the exact chance of a clash occurring within your borders, and also how severe the clash is. So, if you get hit with the 5% militancy encounter, it probably just means some brave criminals staged a bank heist or something to that effect. Meanwhile, if you have 95% militancy, you’re likely facing a civil war-type scenario. Every 3 points of Unity you spend on combatting militancy decreases your current militancy by 1% retroactively; meaning, if you start with 50% militancy on a turn and immediately spend 30 Unity to decrease it, I’m rolling for 40% militancy for the next turn. There are other ways to handle militancy, involving your army, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

Unity perks, meanwhile, are essentially cultural milestones. They communicate the ethos your government is espousing, and as such, you may only focus on one of these at a time. You have some choices for what you can focus. It may seem like some of these are at odds, but you will never be locked out of a Unity perk line for picking one over another. Just as each individual person is a mixed bag, each nation is itself a mixed bag.

Domination: the Domination line means that your government believes something is exceptional about your nation and it deserves a spotlight more than most other nations. This is the route to take if you wish to aggressively expand and colonize territory, and the route which will incline your people more towards war.

Harmony: The Harmony line means your people are content cooperating with other peoples to achieve the most good. This is the route you should take if you wish to trade with other nations; however, your people will be more averse to offensive wars.

Discovery: The Discovery line means that your people treasure technological advancement and generally learning new things. You should take this route if you wish to increase your capability to research new advancements and make other discoveries.

Prosperity: The Prosperity line means your people wish to prosper using what means they have at their disposal. You should take this route if you want to look inwards and build tall, having metropolises and man-made wonders that the world envies you for.

Each of these three resources are free to be traded to anyone for any cost deemed appropriate. Any deals you make should be made clear to me. If I’m confused by a deal or it seems that two parties are on the wrong page, I’m ignoring the deal entirely and dropping what I deem to be the lowest priority purchases for each respective party relevant to the deal.

You cannot, however, trade buildings, wonders, or technologies. Units are fair game, but owning the unit doesn’t imply capability to build those units or research those units, nor any boons to research those units. If you wish to understand the tools which you don’t have, you must get a contribution of science from another party.

Speaking of units.

Though we are exiting a time of conflict, only a fool refuses to prepare for the inevitable. War must at all times be declared in thread no less than 48 hours before the biweekly deadline if you wish to take military actions on a given turn. Because of the nature of the tools at hand, it takes time to get personnel prepared, and this preparation will just about never go unnoticed by your neighbors, rendering sneak attacks useless in this world. If you don’t make this time table, your forces do not have time to prepare and no battles will take place until the end of the next turn. In addition, war goals must be clearly stated at the start of a conflict. Both the offender and the defender can propose war goals, up to and including unconditional surrender.

Battles in owned provinces can also destroy infrastructure, including Factory Districts, learning centers, and even special buildings. Of course, they can be repaired. In addition, during a war, provinces may change hands, but final ownership is decided at the peace table. The original owner of a province will always be able to utilize all of a province’s undamaged assets, but a hostile actor taking over a province gets no resource from the province until the war is over. The exception to this is if the aggressors order their units to scorch the earth, a move which destroys a portion of the province’s infrastructure and gives a one-time bonus based on what was ransacked. Long term, this makes the remaining residents entirely spiteful to the actor who perpetrated the scorched earth.

To repair damaged assets costs a quarter of what they originally costed.

To start, military logistics allow for up to 3 units to be in any military group. These groups can be comprised of any assortment of combinations, though, logic of course will tell you that a sea-bound ship cannot travel over land. Usually. Unless otherwise stated. It’s not really relevant yet.

To be clear, at this opening stage of the game, land units can ferry themselves across bodies of water, but are otherwise helpless against an enemy presence. Aerial units can end a turn within the borders of a province with which one of your or your allies’ provinces shares a border. Sea units cannot traverse solid land, unless a canal runs through the province; in which case, they may cross if they have permission of the province controller.

Units have three roles they can fill: Frontline, Support, and Firepower. The Frontline units take priority damage from hostile fire and damage is distributed evenly among them Frontline units until they collapse. Then, the Supports take priority, then Firepower. Generally, the Frontline units do not deal a lot of damage but can soak it up, Support units deal no damage but provide assistance to the other roles, and Firepower deals a lot of damage but goes down quickly if left undefended. For specific details, see the Units below.

To start with, a military group can effectively collaborate with a single other army group in a given conflict, regardless of ownership. If more than two military groups collaborate in a single battle, the side with additional military groups may face disorganization events depending on how many groups the battle involves. Disorganization events can lead to friendly fire, dissertations, and other similar happenings.

Each unit has its own “health bar,” but the army group as a whole has a “morale bar.” It holds that units generally will have “morale damage” type and a “physical damage” type. When a army group’s morale hits 0, it retreats first to the province it came from. If that province was taken by hostiles in the same turn, they retreat to the nearest province void of hostiles. If none exist, they retreat to the one with the least hostile elements and battle commences at full morale, where they face the possibility of total extermination.

A military group can be put on policing duty. If they do, they decrease militancy by a flat 5% that turn. Though, while on policing duty, they are quite busy keeping the citizenry in line; if they are attacked, they may face disorganization events as described above.

At the start of the game, most of the map will be unclaimed. There are two ways to stake your claim to a piece of land: By sending a settlement unit there, or a military unit. In this context, all provinces are settled to some extent, but the people there have not yet organized to the extent of your nation.

A settlement unit is a non-combatant which works with the locals to establish meaningful ties. The unit attempts to get the province to join your faction, rolling to garner favor with them. Favor is tracked by a 0-to-100 value, and multiple nations may try influencing a border province in this way. The first one to 100 takes the province. See units for specifics on the base settlement unit. This is the safest way to expand, as the people living in the province in question legitimately want to live under your rule at 100 favor. Your militancy increases by 5 to account for underground elements already in the province. A settlement unit is not consumed in adding a province to your control, but they must stay at a given province until a proper nation owns it, and are free to leave an owned province they were already inside, even if the new owner sends a military unit there.

Of course, you can also take over a province with hostile force. Just as the province isn’t organized to match your nation, their military might is largely trivial; it will simply take a turn’s time for your forces to neutralize the province of meaningful hostile elements. However, this sort of expansion can be dangerous based on if your neighbors were trying to peacefully expand, as their settlement units are defenseless and will be immediately destroyed if they are not defended by a proper military group. Not to mention, people don’t like being forcibly taken over, and militancy will instead increase by 15 for capture of the province. If multiple countries move a military unit to a province with the intent to take it over, they battle as normal, though the involved powers remain at peace officially and may not attack each other’s actual owned provinces. Regardless of the victor, the battle gets in the way of the time it takes to clear out the province of its militias, so capture of the province is delayed a turn, and further skirmishes may commence over it. If you move a military unit to a province, you must specify they are merely protecting your interests and not taking over the province themselves.

Provinces, regardless of how they are obtained, always have 5 Factory Districts and output 1 Science. However, skirmishes can destroy some of these Factory Districts, in the same way that battles over owned provinces can destroy infrastructure, though this infrastructure cannot be repaired and is simply lost forever, the eventual owner then having to build new ones in their place.

I don’t think giving straight bonuses for roleplay is necessarily fair, but roleplay can give you unique opportunities you may not have had otherwise. Meaning, you can potentially use roleplay to give yourself more options, but it won’t ever give you a straight bonus to something off the cuff.

If you think there’s something I haven’t thought about, or something that was left undiscussed in these rules, let me know! I didn’t have anybody double-check this, so if I can be sure this is as rigid a ruleset as possible before the game properly starts, I’d like to make it so.

I’m planning on properly launch this game anywhere between two weeks and a month from now, based on my tying my own loose ends and the rate of joins. You may feel free to add additional world-building on top of what I have created here. If I haven’t made it abundantly clear somehow, this is a steampunk setting. Anything within that bounds is acceptable. However, advancement hasn’t come so far as giant airships and automatons just yet, or if it once did, that knowledge is now lost.
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Provincial Map:
Spoiler :

Claims Map:
Spoiler :

Probably just open these in new tabs or in your preferred image editing software.
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Spoiler Support Units :

Spoiler Settlement Expedition :
Role: Support
Health: 25
Physical Damage: 0
Morale Damage: 0
Special: Favor Power: 20-50
Generates 20 to 50 favor in an uncontrolled province per turn, randomly.
A group of settlers tasked with speaking with other peoples for mutual benefit. Not fit for combat in any capacity.
Cost: 3 Industry

Spoiler Engine Runner :
Role: Support
Health: 50
Physical Damage: 0
Morale Damage: 0
Special: Quickly gets new bodies and equipment to the front line, healing 10 physical damage to all front line units each round if the province being battled in is an owned province or is neighboring an owned province.
A group of wheeled steam engines with large, empty, unarmored hulls.
Cost: 4 Industry

Spoiler Frontline Units :

Spoiler Pipe Infantry :
Role: Frontline
Health: 250
Physical Damage: 5
Morale Damage: 5
Standard front-line infantry armed with pipe guns and steel armor.
Cost: 5 Industry

Spoiler Firepower Units :

Spoiler Derailed Artillery :
Role: Firepower
Health: 50
Physical Damage: 25
Morale Damage: 15
An old artillery piece formerly mounted on rails. Is now transported by a steam engine on wheels.
Cost: 8 Industry

Spoiler SEA UNITS :

Spoiler Support Units :

Spoiler Frontline Units :

Spoiler Steelclads :
Role: Frontline
Health: 500
Physical Damage: 15
Morale Damage: 5
A tough warship utilizing steam power for propulsion rather than sails.
Cost: 10 Industry

Spoiler Firepower Units :

Spoiler Ship of the Back Line :
Role: Firepower
Health: 50
Physical Damage: 50
Morale Damage: 5
Special: Aquatic Artillery: If in a sea province adjacent to land, this unit can join a land military group as Firepower; though, it is still treated as at sea and can be attacked by enemy naval units.
A wooden ship with a steam engine supporting sails. The lighter wood frame allows for more cannon to be effectively used compared to Steelclads, but they do not hold up to firepower returned in kind.
Cost: 8 Industry

Spoiler AIR UNITS :

Spoiler Support Units :

Spoiler Steam Biplane :
Role: Support
Health: 15
Physical Damage: 5
Morale Damage: 1
Special: Air Superiority: From above the battlefield, a trained eye can tell a lot. If your side contains the only biplanes in a conflict, your military group heals 5 morale damage each round of combat.
Special: Flanker: Certain units can get behind the front line to cause havoc on the enemy's back line, flipping damage priority to its natural opposite and focusing on Firepower units first.
A small squadron of Biplanes armed with a chained pipe gun and light explosive charges. Biplanes must be achieving Air Superiority in order to flank.
Cost: 5 Industry

Spoiler Frontline Units :

Spoiler Firepower Units :


Spoiler Industrial Zone :

Spoiler State-Paved Roads :
+10% Province Logistics.
Cost: 10 Industry
Roads maintained by the state help transportation of more goods and people than leaving it to private actors.

Spoiler Public Junker Yards :
+1 Science. +1 Unity. +1 Militancy.
Cost: 5 Unity, 5 Industry,
Designating a public junk yard where any and all may tinker with discarded metals to their hearts content can encourage inspiring creation, but it can also feed into darker elements of society.

Spoiler Town Square :

Spoiler Provincial Governor's Office :
-5 Militancy.
Cost: 2 Unity, 5 Industry
A centralized position for the local governor to work from and issue edicts leads to increased overall organization of the province, making them better-equipped to deal with unexpected events.

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Spoiler Technologies :

Spoiler Aero Technology :

Spoiler Air 1: Heavy Flying Frames :

Advancements in steam power and aerodynamics allow for heavier objects to ascend the skies.
Units unlocked: Flying Engine(Aerial Firepower Unit), Commercial Airships(Aerial Support Unit)
Science Cost: 25

Spoiler Aquatic Technology :

Spoiler Sea 1: Aquatic Rotaries :

Applying advancements in flight to the sea creates possibilities for exceptionally fast ships as well as making steam-powered commercial ships viable.
Buildings Unlocked: Fire-Fighting Complex
Units Unlocked: Fleet Runner(Aquatic Support Unit), Commercial Freighters(Aquatic Support Unit)
Science Cost: 25

Spoiler Ground Technology :

Spoiler Ground 1: Organized Unit Theory :

As the demands of diplomacy require a heavier hand, we must look to make our troops more competitive, into a more cohesive fighting force.
Units Upgraded: Pipe Infantry->Walking Cogs
Science Cost: 25

Spoiler Industrial Technology :

Spoiler Industry 1: :

Science: 25

Spoiler Bio Technology :

Spoiler Biology 1: Local Heritage :

The study of what fauna and flora exist immediately around us gives us context for various parts of our culture, allowing for a greater appreciation of nature.
Buildings Unlocked: Zoo
Science Cost: 25

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One more for good measure. Post away!
Nation Name: Unity of Slavs (official name), Narodnaya Zemya (unofficial and more informal name)
Starting Province: "East Slavs"
Primary Focus: Unity
Secondary Focus: Industry
Tertiary Focus: Science.

"Peace, bread, freedom and rule of the people!" the opening slogan of the Renewed National Assembly, 1899.

The tale of this union traces its origins way back to the mid 18th century, within the lands of the now long-gone Ottoman Empire. The Balkans. The invention of the steam engine had already taken the world by storm. The Empire, of course, by then had shown serious signs of decay within its structure. The Gilded Age never quite reached the Empire, however, and it had not benefited as much as other nations have; whether that is to the nature of the absolute monarchism that ruled within the Ottoman Empire, the corruption that went through every facet of life, which made the rapid speed of industrialisation, possible elsewhere, an impossibility within the Ottoman Empire. Whatever the reason, it is lost to us.

What isn't, however, is the fact that the region of the Balkans was the place that, of all Imperial domains, was blessed the most by the industrialisation efforts. Steam engines have begun to appear around the Balkans, established by enterpreuring Slavs. And while it was difficult, as the Ottoman state seized all steam engines, a new idea was arising. That of the Bulgarian ethnicity. A common identity, uniting the disparate people living to the north of the Eternal City. Religion, folklore, culture, history. All common threads running through the inhabitants of these lands, forgotten for the last 400 years...were now being reborn before the eyes of Europe. A new, resurgent culture.

History, of course, was the beginning. It is what all Slavic people trace their origins from. One man, a monk, was hellbent on unearthing this history of the Bulgarians, the peoples of this place. By binding them into a single narrative he, Sophronicus of Hilendar, managed to create the impetus of the nationalist movement, which would only go on to grow in the future. By the mid-18th century, it seemed as if Bulgaria was embroiled into an unseen before fervour, all of its peoples striving to free themselves, culminating in the disastrous May Uprising, which saw many on both sides die - both on the Bulgarian and the Ottoman sides, the latter of which still had an advantange.

Nonetheless. despite the failure of said uprising, it was used as a way to damage the Ottoman Empire, resulting into the territories north of Old Great Mountain being freed, according to the Vienna Congress of 1877. This obviously wasn't enough...
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Nation Name: Koya Temne
Starting Province: Guinea

Primary Focus: Unity
Secondary Focus: Science
Tertiary Focus: Industry

The Obai of Koya Temne, an autocratic Monarchy, is Fula Mansa Gbanka.
Koya Temne is an old country, tracing itself back to the 1500s. Following the briefest of existences under British rule, the collapse of all social order allowed the Obai to restore his legitimacy, and swiftly expanded into the rest of the Guinea, subjugating minor kingdom in the region.
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Reactions: Tyo
Long Nation Name: Imperial Republic of Greater Colombia
Short Nation Name: Greater Columbia
Starting Province: Colombia

Primary Focus: Unity
Secondary Focus: Industry
Tertiary Focus: Science

[more stuff will be added later]

Greater Colombia is a militaristic citizen republic, with a high on military as a means of patriotic duty and a imperial foreign policy focus on reuniting Greater Colombia followed by creating a empire for the republic. There is both a civilian President and a militaristic Imperator, the latter elected from by the military itself while the former is open to those with suffrage. The Imperator process command of the armed forces, process executive privilege in law making and in a emergency can uphold direct control of the country, while the President can use civil means to level the Imperator, has the final say on the budget and to handle legislation.
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Nation Name: Szűzies Birodalom
Starting Province: Hungary

Primary Focus:
Secondary Focus: Industry
Tertiary Focus: Science


The Magyarországi Szűzies Birodalom, known in English commonly as the Pure Empire, and commonly referred to within simply as a Szűzies Birodalom, is a bureaucratic, absolute monarchy ruled by the hereditary title of Holy Princess. After the great war of destruction, the communities of Hungary went from battling for their freedom to battling for their survival. Many fiefdoms and lords appeared through the great valleys of Carpathia, however two fiefdoms cut above the rest: the Regency of Budapest and the Bastion of Kékes.

The Budapesti government was bureaucratic and administrative, and sought to reconstruct a society based on law and order - and they rejected temporary dynasties and noble privilege, instead pledging their loyalty to the long-dead kings of Hungary. They determined that until the noble fiefdoms of Hungary had been united by a singe monarch, they would make no alliances and issue no special favors. Thus Budapest, under an orderly government and dedicated to peaceful neutral relations with all its neighbors, became a trading hub and a cultural center once more.

However, the ambitious dukes and margraves of the realm craved the crown that Budapest had, by matter of fact, declared an achievable goal. A great struggle thus persisted throughout the realm as the game of thrones was afoot. However, it was in the Bastion of Kékes, a castle on a tall mountain, where a true mastermind of this game began to scheme. From the castle, the enigmatic Lady of the High Mountain began to issue strange inventions, machines of wondrous design, and all manner of magnificent export. The Regency of Budapest became hungry for these inventions, and so surely did the Lady of the High Mountain become wealthy as thousands flocked to the Bastion of Kékes to pay homage and to live in the growing and effervescent castle town. It was only a matter of time until the Lady's loyal armies, armed with weapons terrible and wonderful, could force the squabbling nobles and nouveau aristocratie to pay tribute to her and accept her as their suzerain.

After a series of wars and shrewd diplomacy, the nobility of the land soon accepted the absolute authority of the Lady of the High Mountain, her mythologized reputation as a genius inventor and wise and fair ruler bestowing upon her a great cult of majesty. So, the Regency of Budapest, having long admired and coveted their close relations with Kékes, proposed at last to the Lady that she be rendered the Princess of all Hungary, first among nobles, and absolute monarch of the realm. A ceremony of state was held in traditional Székesfehérvár, where the Lady Sofia Algermissen Wilhelmina Szűzies was crowned as Holy Princess.

The deal sealed, a new government was formed: on the one hand, the Holy Order of the Knights of Pluto, commanded directly by the Holy Princess and based in Kékes, was to be the military and religious authority of the new Szűzies Birodalom, and would rule from Kékes; on the other hand, the merchant princes and bureaucrats based in Budapest formed the High Ministry to serve as the administrative center of the government.

The Szűzies Birodalom looks inwards, determined to construct a perfect society that will match the Holy Princess' singular vision - the autocratic architect of the better world to which they aspire.

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Bavarian Illuminate

Starting Province: Bavaria

Primary Focus: Science
Secondary Focus: Industry
Tertiary Focus: Unity

The Illuminate is ruled by the Illuminated Council of Munich, a confederation of individual free city states, princedoms, and other minor states who banded together to survive in the aftermath of the Great War that devastated its countryside. While emphasizing its ‘enlightened’ values and hierarchies within the council’s many chambers and positions, the Illuminate is home to one of the most vicious politics in post war societies, where changing political positions, shadowy street affairs and backroom deals, and even assassinations are common and accepted part of life within the walled cities of the Illuminate. In fact, only thing that prevents the Illuminate as degressing into anarchy appears to be the mutual interest of various powers and players within its great game of politics to keep the game moving, with none of the betrayals and political maneuvering amounting to revolutionary changes or disruption of the status quo within its domestic politics.

The city of Munich is the largest and the most prosperous city within the Illuminate, with all other minor states and princedoms within the confederacy sending trade and diplomatic missions into Munich as the center of commerce within the Illuminate. These missions and patrons compete for influence within the city’s limits, adding complexity to life within the capital of the Illuminate, with average citizenry often unwittingly becoming involved in complicated plans for domination and vengeance. Nevertheless, vast majority of citizens within the Illuminate are able to live in peace—either uninvolved in the struggles or completely unaware of their own importance to someone else’s plots.
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Le Havre

Starting Province:

Primary Focus: Unity
Secondary Focus: Industry
Tertiary Focus: Science

Watch for a story.
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The Atlantic Principality
Capital: Charlottetown
Charlottetown though never a huge metropolitan centre has become a place of increasing importance since the disestablishment of Canada. The coaling stations of the North Atlantic were key to British interests in the region and a fleet came to be based out of PEI in order to safeguard the Gulf of St Laurence from expanding Quebecois influence in the region.
As unrest increased in the region the fleet based out of PEI became the symbol of British Authority in the Atlantic and soon all the fleet staff began to base themselves out of Charlottetown. It quickly became not just the hub of naval power but all administration of the remaining British colonies in the Americas. The city also ended up being the site on which the colonies signed the
Treaty of Atlantic Autonomy setting themselves up as an independent nation under the leadership of one of HRM Victoria's Sons as appointed by the British government.
Largest City: Halifax

Form of Government: Monarchy with a limited Parliament
Current Head of State: Prince Arthur II of the Atlantic, a prince of the house Saxe-Coburg and Gotha son of the late Prince Arthur of the Atlantic son of HRM Victoria. Arthur II took on the title of Prince and Duke of Atlantic Canada only last year at the age of 17. Young and inexperienced he is led mostly by his ministers in Charlottetown foremost among them and mentor to the young Prince is the Prime Minister.
Current Head of Government: Prime Minister Lord Geoffrey the 6th Viscount Trevelyan - a well liked statesman who has continued to place utmost importance in preserving the power of the monarchy and its institutions in the Atlantic Civil Service. The late Prince Arthur had a keen interest in naval power - something that has continued in Lord Geoffrey's ministry this last year and under his watchful eye the navy has seen large expansion of both the conventional sea based and aerial branches in recent years.

Nation Name: The Atlantic Principality
Starting Province: Acadia
Flag: Here
Primary Focus: Industry
Secondary Focus: Science
Tertiary Focus: Unity
Nation Name: United Kingdom of the River Plate
Starting Province: Argentina

Primary Focus: Science
Secondary Focus: Industry
Tertiary Focus: Unity

Leader: Felipe I de Orleans


Because of the Great War, the Spanish Empire could no longer maintain control of its colonies by the beginning of the 19th century. The Spanish crown began levying massive taxes upon the colonies, even as the garrisons were stretched even thinner to support the war in Europe.

In 1806, the English sent a small force to occupy the River Plate. The British held control of Buenos Aires for ninety-six days, and the even smaller force sent from Peru had to fight the British mostly with the help of the local population. The English sent another force the next year, this time holding the city for a-hundred-and-one days before being expelled.

In 1808, representatives from across the Viceroyalty of the River Plate reunited in the Cabildo of Buenos Aires. The congress concluded that Spain could no longer take care of the business of the colonies of the Americas, and that the colonies should just declare independence. Conflicts soon ensued over whether

Under Clemente Gonzales, negotiations were held with various European powers for a king to rule over the colonies. In the end, it was Henri, Duke of Orleans, who stepped up to the offer.In spite of initial republican opposition, with such a prestigious dynasty as the Bourbon, even as a pretender branch, soon it was agreed that Henri would become the new king of the River Plate, and preparations began for his coronation.

In October 22, 1811, in the Plaza de Mayo, Clemente crowned Henri as Enrique I, King of the River Plate, marking the independence of the United Kingdom of the River Plate from Spain. Although the newborn kingdom was initially surrounded by Spanish loyalists, they were stretched too thin to be anything but a nuisance, and the newly-formed parlament formed an army and defeated the loyalist armies and established control across the former viceroyalty.

Peace only lasted for a short while however. Across the South American continent the effects of the Great War were felt, and central authority collapsed in most of the continent. This collapse also affected the River Plate to a certain degree, as various provinces began to criticize Buenos Aires for its excessive control, and demanded the abolishment of the monarchy.

In 1819, led by rumors that warlords were preparing to launch an attack on Buenos Aires, Clemente negotiated with a delegation of landlords coming from the interior of the country, conceding to various demands for autonomy, including nationalizing the customs office (which had largely stopped bringing income anyway) and keeping power for the senate. In addition, now that there was a French king sitting on the freshly-minted Platinense throne, Clemente’s policies aimed at attracting nobility from western Europe. With their propriety devastated by the war, many noble families, especiallly from France, took his offfer and began settling in the desolate country. Clemente made sure to levy large entry fees to the migrating nobles in return for promises of vast tracts of land. The government used the large influx of money to give “special privileges” to the landlords of the interior, which included complicity in vote fraud in return for long-term loss of autonomy, and to fund expeditions against the southern natives, concentrating these efforts in the province of Buenos Aires as to meet their due with the increasing nobility.

Over the years, as French migrants continued to arrive to the country, the identity of Buenos Aires and the littoral began to differ from the rest of the country, these provinces adopting a more French identity, and even the landlords of the interior began to be affected by this shift. In addition, the fleeing nobles brought with them classical works from Europe, which began a demand for universities and other centers of education in the region. However, outside of Buenos Aires and the Littoral, the common population remained a mixture of Spanish and native cultures.

The death of Clemente in 1841, however, revealed that this was not perfect. By the time of his death, the Platinense frontiers still included the former viceroyalty and have been extended to beyond the rivers Negro and Neuquen. While Buenos Aires and the Littoral have been hugely benefited by his policies, the north was left enpoverished as Clementist landlords exploited an impoverished population. In addition, the national economy was, at this point, depending on migrating nobles and when these began to dwindle, the economy began depending ever more on exploiting the north for all its worth.

When Enrique I died in 1846 and was succeded by Enrique II, the latter received a delegation from the north led by a mestizo named Arsenio Ibarra, asking for more fair conditions for the north of the country. The senate, which was still struggling to regain autonomy after Clemente died, refused these demands and ordered the arrest of Ibarra for high treason. Ibarra escaped arrest, and after months of being hunted down, finally arrived to his birthplace in Potosi in Christmas of 1846 and announced the news to his compatriots, who were by then prepared for the bad news.

In January 8, 1847, they decided that they were ready to strike and arrested the intendent of Potosi and publicly executed him. The Platinense government reacted by sending an army to defeat the insurgency but were driven back by the angry population. The populations surrounding Potosi reacted by attacking and executing their local landlords. The insurgency soon spread across the surrounding regions, and thus beggining the Gran Chaco War. After a guerrilla war that extended for five years, the insurgents won the war and declared the Republic of Chaco, and what remained of Bolivia also used this opportunity to declare independence.

The war left the Platinense economy broke, but the nobility that settled in continued to resist further taxation as much as they could. For the next two decades, the government would struggle to maintain control of the country, as further uprisings in the just-industrialized west of the country further weakened the economy, and even the Republic of Chaco would soon find itself victim of instability. During this period, however, the Patagonia would finally come under platinense control.

Starting from his twentieth birthday in 1858, Luis, heir apparent to Enrique, began to negotiate in secret with leaders of liberal movements which were starting to gain popularity across the country and even within the army. The liberals convinced Luis that the only way to salvage the monarchy was by seizing the senate from the nobility and implementing a secret ballot to help curb the massive fraud. In 1876, a few days after the death of Enrique II, Luis finally arrived to Buenos Aires with a large army behind him and overthrew the senate. During the Armed Coronation, as it came to be known, Luis announced that there would soon be free and secretive elections for senators throughout the kingdom, but before that he would take absolute control of the country.

Luis began to increase taxation on the nobility, passed a large number of laboral laws to prevent further exploitation on the west, and created a parlament, in which the provinces would share equal power (until the elections were held though, the parlament would not function), as opposed to the senate, whose composition was based on the population. The high classes were enraged by these measured but the poor admired him, and after Luis defeated a revolt in the Littoral led by disenchanted nobles under Luis's brother Fernando, free elections were held in 1886, and the Louisans a large victory, and although they didn't win by a majority (thus neither having a majority in the senate), they would control a small majority of the parlament. The only major loss on his regime was the province of Uruguay to nobles who wanted to keep their propriety unaffected.

After the elections, the nobles were becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the power the poor were acquiring, as even more laboral laws were passed, but Luis continued to be highly popular. He finally died in 1893, and the crown passed to the current king, Felipe, who until now has largely stuck to the policies of his father. But now, with the Republic of Chaco and Bolivia being largely symbolic governments and Uruguay too insignificant (and perhaps too dependent of the River Plate) to be a prominent player in politics, can Felipe make the River Plate shine once again?
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Nation Name: The Knyazate of Ukrayina (Junior partner of Szűzies Birodalom)
Starting Province: Ukraine

Primary Focus: Industry
Secondary Focus: Science
Tertiary Focus: Unity


The Knyazate of Ukrayina was a particularly hard hit area after the Great War. The loss of authority from Moscow allowed the Cossack lords to rediscover their independence with a passion, particularly a passion for violence. They sat in their castles and factories creating horrific war machines to unleash upon the populace. Blood feuds were constantly made, alliances constantly betrayed. A great woods mystic declared "No Man Can Unite Ukraine" and so it was true, and the Cossacks remained divided in their petty fiefdoms.

However, one man changed the political calculus of the Cossacks. A man, simply known as "The Beast", was a Cossack that many had thought long-dead. However, he returned, with an army of savages and machines too horrid to name. He was universally hated by the Cossacks, but none could put aside their blood feuds to unify to fight this threat. The Beast began conquering the Cossacks one after another. Ukraine changing from divided fiefdoms into a powerful empire would be a danger to its neighbors, particularly Szűzies Birodalom, who responded by sending an emissary into Ukraine to offer the aid of the High Princess. The Cossacks would not fight under a rival, but they did agree to fight under a foreign leader, seeing her as divorced from the feuds that consumed Ukraine.

The Beast was defeated, but the Cossacks were quite weakened. The High Princess saw an opening, and began offering the Cossacks a choice; submission and tribute, or war. Many Cossacks sided with her, and many others sided against her, but the High Princess easily won by dividing and conquering her enemies.

After the war, Sofia Algermissen Wilhelmina Szüzies was crowned Kniahynia of Ukraynia, and Ukraynia became a junior partner of Szűzies Birodalom in a personal union. The Kniahynia allowed the Cossacks to select a Hetman, who officially ran the Cossack territories, and gave those who gave her early support the lands of those who were vanquished. Laws come from the Kniahynia, and the Hetman implements them, with assistance from Her viceroy from Budapest, but often she takes a hands off rule, allowing the Cossacks to rule their own lands.

With a foreign ruler, Ukrayina has grown wealthy and prosperous, no longer in a constant state of war. And now its technology and industry is in service to the Kniahynia, ready to create a new empire for the modern world

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Nation Name:
Kingdom of Italy
Starting Province: Italy
Primary Focus: Science
Secondary Focus: Industry
Tertiary Focus: Unity
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The City of Batavia
Starting Province: Java
1. Industry
2. Science
3. Unity
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History: The city of Batavia, on Java, is the world's most populous urban center, boasting a population of 8 million in the combined bustling city center and outlying industrial slums. Once the crown jewel in the Dutch Empire, 18th century wars that loosened Western European rule over the globe saw the white ruling minority of the city declare independence, rightfully claimed as Indonesia's population and economic activity had overcome that of the Netherlands. Without Indonesia's huge commercial and manpower supply to support it, the former ruling class of the Netherlands lost all ability to project its power internationally, and soon all of the Indonesian islands were independent of the Dutch crown.

What followed was a brief civil war, in which the many islands fought to establish themselves as independent powers capable of self-defense in the Indian Ocean. Batavia itself propelled its Javanese coalition to dominance, however, and soon the Pax Batavia set in across the archipelago. Though technically Batavia maintained de jure sovereignty only within the city limits, the rest of Java is administered as a colonial property of the city, and much of Indonesia falls under the de facto economic dominance of the city.

The city itself has, since the treaty to end the Civil War in 1801, developed a unique political and social landscape. The government is technically Republican, with power resting in a Parliament composed of 30 representatives, elected every 5 years by the members of the officially recognized guilds in the city. Each year the Parliament votes for a Doge who is responsible for command over the city-state's navy, as well as casting tie-breaking votes. In order to be eligible for the position of Doge, one must be a man of at least 30 years, a natural-born Batavian citizen, not currently serving as a Parliamentary representative, and a member of the Merchant's Guild for at least 5 years. One may serve unlimited terms in either the position of Doge or the Parliament.

The real power in the city rests with the guilds. The most powerful is the Merchant's Guild, which controls the flow of production and generates most of the city's wealth. The deeply corrupted government of the city is mostly controlled by the Merchant's Guild, and although there are technically supposed to be more guilds officially recognized as time goes on, because guild membership is a requirement for suffrage there have been no newly recognized guilds since the drafting of the Constitution. This says nothing to the development of new industries, however; what ends up happening most of the time is powerful enough industrial leaders will meet the minimum legal requirements to join the Merchant's Guild. This means the Guild itself contains a vast variety of different professional and business leaders from different fields.

The other official guilds are the Banker's Guild, the Artist's Guild, the Planter's Guild, the Craftsmen's Guild, and the Dutchmen's Guild. Politically interested proles without enough power to meet the Merchant's Guilds requirements will often apply to the Craftsmen's Guild or, for those with traceable Dutch lineage, the Dutchmen's Guild. As it stands, with unionist and socialist movements gaining more traction globally, the Craftsmen's Guild has seen the most growth in the last 20 years of any. It greatly outnumbers the Merchant's Guild, although the power in the city still rests with the latter. However, a third development, the rise of white minority right-wing populists in the Dutchmen's party, has begun to grow that guild's numbers significantly as well, as more and more disenfranchised poor white sailors, farmers, and factory workers come to hate both the elites and the Indonesian poor. These factors could change the city's political landscape in coming decades.

The Constitution prohibits a standing army, but carefully outlines the process for Parliament to officially hire mercenaries to serve the city. This body of official mercenaries, combined with mercenaries privately contracted by members of Parliament or members of the Merchant's Guild, essentially operates in the same way for Batavia as an official military; with the Doge solely empowered over the official mercenaries, and the Parliament mostly controlling the private mercenaries, military power in the Indonesian archipelago mostly rests squarely in the hands of the Batavian government.

The city's economic activity has adapted over the last century and a half. While the island of Java is still one of the most agriculturally important regions in the world, producing huge volumes of trade goods and spices, the city of Batavia itself has grown as a global industrial and commercial hub. Huge early skyscrapers and smokestacks shadow the city's markets and slums from the smog-filled orange sky, and tonnes upon tonnes of materiel flow in and out of the city's harbors each day. For the rich, both from the islands and from abroad, Batavia is a gleaming city of opportunity, and a tourist attraction for vice indulgement. For the poor who live there, it is a harsh dog-eat-dog world of corruption and crime, but home nonetheless, and one in which to grow large families with abundant industrial and maritime work to feed them.

For the global stage, it is a powerful urban center, and a sleeping dragon just starting to turn its ambitious eye beyond the islands where it was born.
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Nation Name: Kingdom of Greece (Βασίλειον τῆς Ἑλλάδος)
Starting Province: The Grecos

Primary Focus: Unity
Secondary Focus: Industry
Tertiary Focus: Science
Government: Constitutional Monarchy

The King only has ceremonial powers as head of state. Head of government is the Prime Minister, who is elected directly by the people every six years. The 200 MPs of the Greek Parliament are elected every four years.


After the destruction caused by the Great War, Greece descended into civil war. Eventually the warring factions came into an agreement to lay down their arms and meet for a constitutional convention. A constitution was drafted and Prince Otto, a claimant to the Greek throne, was elected King of Greece (Βασιλεὺς τῆς Ἑλλάδος). Greek politics since then have been dominated by two major parties: the Modernist Party (Νεωτεριστικόν Κόμμα) and the Nationalist Party (Κόμμα Ἐθνικοφρόνων).
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