• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

A Clockwork Rainbow

I'm going to start working on the update either later today or tomorrow depending on how I'm feeling then; however I only have about 8 sets of orders in right now so please do get them in.
From New South Wales
To the world
CC: Canada, Japan and its allies

Ever since the collapse of the Russian state in the aftermath of the nuclear bombing of Tsaritsyn, stories of anarchy, poverty, and lawlessness have been reaching us from the Russian Pacific shore. Nearly total collapse of manufacturing chain and infrastructure lines has ravaged local economy that had always been dependent on the heartland to survive.

This year, leaders of New South Wales, Canada, Japan, and a number of Japanese allies have met in Sapporo (on the image above) to discuss the plight of Siberian peoples (both native population and Russian settlers). As a conclusion of the international talks, we are proud to announce a joint humanitarian and peacemaking mission to the Pacific shore of the Russian Far East. The region will be split into three Responsibility Zones: Chukotka for Canada, Kamchatka for New South Wales, and Magadan-Khabarovsk Regions for Japan and its close allies. Military task forces will be sent to secure the regions, establish law and order in them, and provide extensive humanitarian aid to the locals. In demonstration of good faith, all participating countries will allow supervision of their activities in their respective Responsibility Zones by other participants of the mission. In addition, free passage will be granted to the locals that desire to move from one Responsibility Zone to another or would prefer to leave the Far East for the Russian Heartland instead.

Please note that this mission is not a vanity exercise with free admission. Therefore, we encourage other countries to not apply for participation. However, if you find sympathy for our humanitarian cause, we encourage you to invest money directly into the Responsibility Zones, as we hope to help them rebuild their economy, administration, and infrastructure.
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Expect orders by tomorrow.
Double same train

Edit: Working late shift. Will be late on orders but will get them through as soon as possible
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The Yangon Agreement

1. The governments of Myanmar and East India pledge a treaty of friendship and a defensive military alliance between our two countries.

2. Both sides agree to reduce tariffs on all goods and agree to cross border ownership of businesses up to 45% of total available stocks. Regulations on setting up new business or business expansion shall be streamlined.

3. Certain industries such as Defense, Utilities, Transportation, being necessary for national defense, shall not be available for cross border ownership.

4. Visas for private citizens to visit Myanmar or East India whether for education, artistic, business or personal reasons shall be streamlined.

5. Law enforcement agencies in Myanmar and East India shall work together on a joint enforcement and sharing of intelligence on known fugitives/major international criminal gangs and prohibited goods.

Signed: Governor-General Madhu Troy Burrell representing Her Majesty Queen Mary I Windsor of Great Britain, New South Wales, and New Zealand
Signed: President Ramesha Vemulakonda
Personally would appreciate some leniency :shifty: but I will have my orders in before midnight EST. (I think? lol coffee and insomnia willing)
'I met your father at a New Year's Party in 1950. I went at the last minute, normally the parties that the Socialists throw are dull affairs but my parents made me feel guilty enough to go. Usually it is always the men standing around in circles talking politics while the women sit and discuss cooking or children. Since I was a excellent cook and had no children I was the outcast so I would listen to music or read. Being the only unmarried daughter of a dockworker made you into a outcast. The men for all their education and claims of tolerance seemed to be scared of a University educated woman and the women...well, they thought I did not hear the comments they said but I did.

So about ten Father comes in with Comrade Nala and this tall, dark haired gentleman. Now understand Father was tall and broad from years on the docks but this man was taller and around thirty. He did not look like a party member nor did he act like it, he was fit and strong looking and I felt like a schoolgirl with her first crush the way I watched him. The next thing I knew he was walking towards me and asked me "So are you a fan of the cinema?" I was stunned until I realized he was talking about the film magazine I had in my right hand. After I composed myself I answered yes and we started talking. We talked about the cinema, about music and food, no politics at all and for the first time in the last few years I was enjoying myself. You should have seen the looks the women were giving me! If looks could kill I would be dead a dozen times over.

So Midnight comes and every one is hugging and celebrating and this tall stranger hands me a class of champagne. "Happy New Year Miss.."

"Darzi. Devika Darzi."

"Devika, very nice. My name is Karan Kamal Singh."

I knew right then I wanted to see him again.'
Yangon Agreement: Signed, U Thaung Aung, Foreign Minister of Myanmar

Even if you get orders tomorrow or like the day after you should be fine.
EEC Charter

European Economic Community

In the interest of binding the different, multicultural communities of Europe together in peace after the horrors of the European Wars, the states that comprise the EEC have agreed upon the following official charter of EEC.

1. Each nations that comprise the EEC shall endeavor to safeguard and promote the free institutions of its nations, and endeavor to promote stability in each other.

2. Common standard of weights and measures shall be adopted in order to promote trade and materials exchange between the member states.

3. Traffic rules and any new traffic signs shall be standardized among the EEC nations.

4. European Free Trade Zone: The member states shall agree to remove or lower tariff and import quotas on all goods and services originating from the member states.

4.1 Nations of the EEC, however, are allowed to have separate external tariffs and import quotas with nations outside of EEC. To avoid tariff evasion through re-exportation, nations of Europe will adopt a common system of certification of goods regarding origins of products

5. Abolition of restriction of movement of capital: In order for an integrated European society, the member states of EEC will agree to remove restrictions and fees applied to transfer of capital between its member states, enabling the population of the members to participate in each other's economy in meaningful ways.
EEC Charter

European Economic Community

In the interest of binding the different, multicultural communities of Europe together in peace after the horrors of the European Wars, the states that comprise the EEC have agreed upon the following official charter of EEC.

1. Each nations that comprise the EEC shall endeavor to safeguard and promote the free institutions of its nations, and endeavor to promote stability in each other.

2. Common standard of weights and measures shall be adopted in order to promote trade and materials exchange between the member states.

3. Traffic rules and any new traffic signs shall be standardized among the EEC nations.

4. European Free Trade Zone: The member states shall agree to remove or lower tariff and import quotas on all goods and services originating from the member states.

4.1 Nations of the EEC, however, are allowed to have separate external tariffs and import quotas with nations outside of EEC. To avoid tariff evasion through re-exportation, nations of Europe will adopt a common system of certification of goods regarding origins of products

5. Abolition of restriction of movement of capital: In order for an integrated European society, the member states of EEC will agree to remove restrictions and fees applied to transfer of capital between its member states, enabling the population of the members to participate in each other's economy in meaningful ways.

Signed, the Spanish Republic
Signed, Simon van Mook, Foreign Minister of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Signed, Wilhelm Zincke, Chancellor of the Swabian Republic
Signed, Joachim Born, Chancellor of the Westphalian Republic
Signed, Kurt von Pirquet, Chancellor of the Republic of Austria
EEC Charter

European Economic Community

In the interest of binding the different, multicultural communities of Europe together in peace after the horrors of the European Wars, the states that comprise the EEC have agreed upon the following official charter of EEC.

1. Each nations that comprise the EEC shall endeavor to safeguard and promote the free institutions of its nations, and endeavor to promote stability in each other.

2. Common standard of weights and measures shall be adopted in order to promote trade and materials exchange between the member states.

3. Traffic rules and any new traffic signs shall be standardized among the EEC nations.

4. European Free Trade Zone: The member states shall agree to remove or lower tariff and import quotas on all goods and services originating from the member states.

4.1 Nations of the EEC, however, are allowed to have separate external tariffs and import quotas with nations outside of EEC. To avoid tariff evasion through re-exportation, nations of Europe will adopt a common system of certification of goods regarding origins of products

5. Abolition of restriction of movement of capital: In order for an integrated European society, the member states of EEC will agree to remove restrictions and fees applied to transfer of capital between its member states, enabling the population of the members to participate in each other's economy in meaningful ways.

The Italian Confederation
I'd love to have you - but New Zealand isn't a playable country, unfortunately, as it's a territory of New South Wales.
Sure. If you still want to send orders you can; but if you want to wait until after the update (which I hope to get posted by this point next week, if all goes well) that's fine too.
Switzerland wishes to maintain its neutriality but is open to nonagression pacts and trade pacts.
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