A Detailed Game For You To Examine & Comment On

It was definately 6 hammers. He also had the great wall which was snaking around the hills. I wish I had taken a screen shot. I was thinking about a golden age myself, but if you say you can only get 5 then I have to wonder just what the heck was going on in that game.
It was definately 6 hammers. He also had the great wall which was snaking around the hills. I wish I had taken a screen shot. I was thinking about a golden age myself, but if you say you can only get 5 then I have to wonder just what the heck was going on in that game.

It sometimes looks like 6 hammers. But the small hammer is just part of the anvil icon. It represents a hammer striking an anvil, not a 6th hammer avaiable to the city. He was probably in a Golden Age.
I tried the save out as well, but didn't get as lucky with huts :(
Some pics in 1480 BC for comparison:




and then I played until 1000AD, with the discovery of compass:
Spoiler :
New cities:



GL in nidaros; was 14 turns and has crazy high food:


Interesting pics; hut popped for exp.



Domestic advisor:

Yes, I conquered Washington.It was so Easy, I was afraid that it was on warlords. It took about 15 units and no cats to do him in completely. Gandhi's next; just look at all those wonders:


military advisor:


One point from a gg!
Power chart:

Berserkers are online; trebs and cats are next before the war.

Future plans:


The fish and clam wil let the two cities grow, and I plan to run specialists in both cities.
Overall, a fun map. After Gandhi's gone, I will buil;d up, find my next targets, and kill them for the dom victory.
I would have probably started with a worker, although I'm not sure it would have appeared before or after getting agriculture for farm the corn.

I don't think I'd have put two new cities in the jungle. It's going to burn a load of worker turns to clear that out. I think I'd probably have waited for city#3 until IW was in to see where to place it.

Other than that, it seemed a reasonable start to me. (I win constantly at prince, and sometimes at monarch.)
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