a great problem: Persians are not arabs!

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I don't care how accurate they are, I can't understand them and I love the voices, they all sound great to my western ear :D
I will start my own thread when the Dutch are in and the leader is not speaking old Dutch but a modern day Amsterdam accent :lol:

Until that time, yeah game on. Still don't know what Darius is speaking tho, as you guys can't seem to agree on anything :crazyeye:

Let me know when you are finished...
How about the fact that the George Washington artwork looks nothing like him but in fact matches portraits of James Madison quite well?

Oh and darius spoke martian with a jupiter accent... but only when he was mumbling to himself.
I think if Darius was here, he would say "ahgdsjfhsjksdf athal facommm !"
But Darius I really made Imperial Aramaic THE official language of his empire, and promoted it over Persian. That language was most widely understood in his empire.
I'm offended because Caesar speaks to me in Latin like I was his fishmonger or fuller. The Romans spoke Greek in the Senate or to other educated men. Why is he speaking Latin to me? I'm offended!!!

Romans spoke Latin, especially Augustus Caesar did. Yes, he had studied the Greeks and their language, but Latin was promoted over Greek. Also, even in the Greek-speaking East of the empire the Roman elite used Latin as their administrative language. Of course also Greek continued to be written within the empire and remained the spoken lingua franca of the Eastern part.
hey mister stupid i dont accept you and your stupid writers, ok?
when alexander has burned all our book where you were?
who is barbaric? you or us? listen to me
our languages we used is hakhamaneshi ,pahlavi , parsi
its notimportant what you say to this 3 language cuz your not immportant.
dont want you say me what i shoud read.
nowdays sexy westerns are the lord of the world?

:lol::lol::lol::lol: yes sexy westerners are the overlords :crazyeye:
The other says, nonono you are wrong he spoke Aramaic and he should because that is the language they spoke at court in his time :goodjob:

Not just the court, but the common people were more likely to speak Aramaic as their second language than Persian. If any, Aramaic was the language of trade, not of the court. Before Darius I both Persian and Aramaic were used. That's what you get when ruling an unstable empire which had stretched too far to the West. Actually it's a wonder that the Achaemenid empire lasted so long. This is also why Persians hesitated less to promote another language over their own, they weren't free to chose.

I might be wrong, but I guess some historian (or history buff) shall correct me here.
Not just the court, but the common people were more likely to speak Aramaic as their second language than Persian.

Tell that to Great Cyrus he keeps saying that is impossible. I don't really care I just found it very funny that in all the threads about this topic people never seem to agree on this. One says this, the other something completely different. It seems to me that people who are from modern day Persia especially seem to disagree that they ever spoke Aramaic in Persia.

I am just having a little fun with it all.

By the way, Persian or Aramaic as second language? What was their first :confused:
I will start my own thread when the Dutch are in and the leader is not speaking old Dutch but a modern day Amsterdam accent :lol:

Oh no, the Dutch language (a topic I often bore people with), sorry people but I have to react. I know Anglos care far less about Dutch than I am inclined to talk about. :lol:

Anyway, I don't want to nitpick, but Willem van Oranje spoke German as his mother tongue, but also was a fluent French speaker (the court language). He only spoke poor Dutch.

But I also expect high class Modern Dutch if they'd include the Dutch. Sadly, too few Dutch study the classics in their language (Vondel, Bredero, PC Hooft, a.s.o.). As long as he uses formal language it's fine by me, however. I don't want someone of his standing to speak to me in 'je/jij'. That'd be just inappropiate.
Tell that to Great Cyrus he keeps saying that is impossible. I don't really care I just found it very funny that in all the threads about this topic people never seem to agree on this. One says this, the other something completely different. It seems to me that people who are from modern day Persia especially seem to disagree that they ever spoke Aramaic in Persia.

I am just having a little fun with it all.

By the way, Persian or Aramaic as second language? What was their first :confused:

I'm just assuming more than Persian and Aramaic were spoken within the vast empire, I just don't have a clue. I look at Persian and Aramaic as linguae francae. I guess Greek also was spoken in the West, for instance. I just don't believe it stopped at those languages.

Take a look at the following map:
Spoiler :

Maybe some expert knows about the linguistic situation in those times.
Oh no, the Dutch language...

Well I am Dutch and studied history so you cannot bore me with observations about my own language :D

Then again you folks are better at the language anyway (looking at your location).

I do wonder how the leaderhead will sound indeed, if it is the old and overused Willem van Oranje.
Our newsreaders pronounce Dutch better, but that's where it stops I'm afraid. ;) (sadly :()

I guess you never watched "Tien voor Taal" back in the days. Let's just say it didn't quite stop there :lol:

Anyway, we should get back on topic. The Persian language situation. Yes I was aware the Persian empire was that big (due to my own history background) and many languages would have been spoken in the empire. However back in their core empire one could argue one language was dominant and official in a way. Thats why I asked what their first language would be. There are two main camps in play on the forums, and as I stated I don't belong in any, just an observer here. One side states the Persians spoke Farsi. The other side agrees they spoke Aramaic at the time. On top of that 2kgames has allready stated that Darius speaks Aramaic in the game and I have no reason to believe otherwise but the OP is convinced he speaks Arabic.

The OP is Iranian so I can understand he doesn't recognize the language Darius speaks in game as Farsi (Persian?) because 2kgames said he doesn't speak Farsi but it should not be Arabic either, it should be Aramaic. Sadly I don't know any Aramaic speakers to confirm this and prove to the OP that he DOES NOT speak Arabic in game but rather the language the game designers thought would be most fitting for the time period and leaderhead. Do you? Does anyone? Right, still following it all? Now you tell me, how can we fix this situation :D
The OP has a... body part... problem. Even if you bring the expert in Aramaic who translated the lines for "The Passion of the Christ", he won't believe you. It's a Zionist conspirasy, you see.
The most funny thing on this game is Alexander's ancient Greek in English pronunciation....Damn I can barely understand the word "agatha" he says in trades...Also When first met he says "....ke eggonos ton" (and grondson of)...really seriously even in modern greek language, ke (and) although always written "kai" is always pronounced "ke".Same thing with greek word for yes "ne" although written "nai" it is pronounced "ne"..I wonder why they were so cheap in civ 5...in civ 4 the Greek units would speak the language perfectly fine both in accent/pronunciation and actuall meaning...In this one maybe Firaxis couldn't afford to pay some native Greek speaker to talk a one paragraph dialog???Crisis...

^^ Exactly this! This is absurd not only because, as my compatriot says, in Civ IV the greeks spoke with an authentic accent, but also because authentic language for each civilization was one of the primary selling points for this edition. Why? That's simply bad marketing.
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