A Mac-convert needing direction...


Jan 10, 2003
I've decided to take the plunge and install Civ on my laptop PC from work....question is, which game do I install? I know PTW requires the orig. CIVIII, but beyond that, I'm a little lost as where to go...

Imagine the country mouse visiting the big city...that's me! All this new stuff at my fingertips for the very first time...I don't know where to start...I'm all a quiver!!

Which game would you recommend Gold, Conquest, PTW?
If you've already got Conquest (in the last couple days) then by all means install that one. Otherwise, PTW has pretty much all the improvements to Gold, as far as I know, so I'd recommend that one, and it's what I'm currently playing right now until Amazon decides to bequeath Conquest upon me via "it'll get there when it gets there" free shipping.
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