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A Mind in Oblivion – The Kan’ Sharuminar Story AAR

Mar 30, 2002
Aberdeen, Scotland
A Mind in Oblivion – The Kan’ Sharuminar Story AAR​

Greetings and welcome to yet another AAR by me, and like Sound of Drums has been created by computer problems. Namely my computer died, trapping all files on the hard drive unable to be accessed until I get a new computer. I do get temporary access to a laptop every so often, and it seems to be able to play Oblivion*. This is good, as it means I get to create a new AAR! A new AAR that shall enthral you all for a certain amount of time before I quit and claim computer problems. Ho hum.

So, as with all of my AAR’s there is a Council of Doom. In this case it is the Brain of Doom, in which all participants are encouraged to decide on my course of action. Yes, I have decided that CFC shall become the voices in my head. It’ll be a change from the usual, I guess. In the absence of voices I shall simply revert to my default state. This might not be the greatest idea...

So, let’s get to the character creation.

Err...I may try again for the next update. That creature is far more aesthetically pleasing than the real Kan...

And, of course, I start off in jail. This is rather unusual for me, and I can’t for the life of me remember why I’ve been thrown in prison. I assume it’s for political reasons – the government got sick of folk screaming ‘KAAAAAAAN’ at the top of their lungs whenever I appear or something similar.

*I say Oblivion works, I think I'll be fighting some rather extreme framerates as much as I am the Daedra
This post is also stolen for future nefarious use!
Kan you devil.

I suggest attempting to seduce one or more guards. It could be our only chance of escape.
A Mind in Oblivion – The Kan’ Sharuminar Story AAR
Part One

Waking up in a rather dingy cell-room has apparently done wonders for my image, as I feel far more myself. Alright, the clothes may not be quite my style, but I can work on that if I ever get out of here.

Now 5% less hideous

I begin the day by listening to the insane rants of my neighbouring inmate. I quickly ignore him, as his talk gets a bit racist against me and, well, he’s a damn poncy elf. Instead, I simply contemplate my situation, specifically the part on how I got in here. In fact, I can’t even remember a time before I was in here. What crime did I commit that I forgot my entire life history and got me thrown in jail? I can only assume drunk and disorderly, given how my thoughts are in a complete mess.

It’s some time later I realise I’m no longer alone.

Ooh, sorry. Inner monologuing.

Before I even get a chance to ask the guard what it is I’ve done, I’m face to face with the Emperor himself! Which means what I’ve done has to be exceptionally serious. What did I do, undoubtedly while under the influence, that was so awful it called for the Emperor’s involvement? I really hope it involves a diplomatic incident. Are we at war with the elves at last?

I summon up the courage to ask him.

Well that is lovely and all, but couldn't they have picked a better spot. One without locked doors?

It clearly does matter, or I wouldn't have been punished for it. Look, can I speak to someone higher up please?



Well thanks big guy. So I don’t know why I’m here, you don’t know why I’m here, and...hey where are you going?

Joy! To glorious freedom!
YAY!!! Kan is FREE!!! :clap:

Sadly, Samus in her Fallout AAR is in hiatus till my computer is repaired :(

Now Kan is gonna make me get Oblivion, like Captain2 made me get Fallout 3 (and it's DLC) :p
Escape! To adventure and glory! Or at least somewhere where we can get some better clothes.
Find the elusive Kan duck! :clap:
The Emperor has nifty stuff... i suggest strangulation from behind. What could go wrong?

Always keeping your best interests at heart,

A Mind in Oblivion – The Kan’ Sharuminar Story AAR
Part Two

My mind may be continuing to race, but I’m not daft enough to ignore a gaping escape route where my bed used to be. I quietly follow the Emperor and his guards, finding myself in, what, the catacombs of Imperial City? At least I’m not in the sewers - that would be a bit of an adventuring cliché and I hope never to come across that in my travels. I remember this one time I left my home village to fetch some wood only to come back and find it ablaze, with my dying father demanding I avenge him. And that I'm adopted.

Never did get round to that.

Thinking about it, I don’t suppose it would be particularly clever to have the Emperor’s escape route lead down into the waste deposit system of the capital. Not if you wanted to keep your job as Chief Escape Route Expert. Or your head.

Ducks? Why am I suddenly thinking of ducks? Was I imprisoned due to doing something unlawful to...oh hang about, what’s this?

Goodness me, a battle! Maybe the Chief Escape Route Expert is going to lose his head after all.

Oh gosh! I think I’ll just run over to this corner and cower. All I have are broken wrist-irons and they’re not so great against swords.

Still, cowering in a corner is always a great time to think about ones priorities in life. Clearly escape is top of the list, as is finding snazzier clothes, but that’s going to be awfully difficult if I stick close to the Emperor and his “let’s travel down the worst escape route ever. It has assassins!” I think I’ll go my own way from now on, and I best mention that to him.

Oh, he’s left then.

Well fine, I’ll just...oh hang about, why did that wall just explode? Are those rats?

Well hey there little fellows.

Oh gods no, not the jugular, I need that to LIVE!

It took some fist-fighting action that I didn’t even know I was capable of (was I imprisoned for punching a duck?) but I beat those rats down. And now I’m rather angry. I was left here by the Emperor – the same one who suggested I would be remembered for something, and now I know what that is - bait to distract the rodents of unusual size while he and his entourage hightail it to lord knows which place. Well I’m going to find that place, because right now I’ve got a little voice in the back of my head – admittedly one that I rarely listen to and try to ignore most of the time due to it having delusions of grandeur– giving me a quiet suggestion.

“Kill the Emperor.”
That rat is a spy!
I would like to point out that killing the emperor would likly come with the unwelcome side effect of his guards killing you. Self-Preservation must come before cloths, however snazzy they may be.
Some things are worth fighting for, Icekommander. Besides, guards who need you to pose as decoy for rats can't be that tough, can they?
subscription post.

If the emperor is to die then weapons is needed. Pointy sticks must be obtained
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