A new map script (MountainCoast)

At first, thanks for this marvellous map (script) - the maps really look realistic, and somewhat like Middle Earth, and are pleasant to the eye.

I do have some issues while trying to set up a game, though:

- huge is slightly too small for 19 nations (has been mentioned before, just wanted to say I agree with that quibble ;) )

- Lanun seems to be always placed in the east, at some (freshwater)lake at best. Leaves the nation pretty much dead in the water :( ;)

- speaking 'bout seafaring - the map is really missing some larger islands in the ocean area to the west (think Westernesse ..). Atm., teching for oceangoing shipping/trade is mostly pointless ?! (Has been mentioned before as well, I think?)

- Toroid and Sphere are pretty broken (maps are all mountain ranges north-south, as if several maps squeezed together in east-west direction)

- can't get it to generate 2 continents from the options - do I have to change something in the script itself?
I have no idea whats causing that...

maybe I'll have to release it again with larger sizes...
And yes, I know the toroid and sphere are broken, but they were added pretty much as an afterthought and the script doesn't really support them ( they are pretty ugly hacks ). To get them in proper condition would pretty much require a rewrite of the script and having played way too much civ for some time I can't see that anywhere in the immediate future.
The number of continents setting only works when the warp is set to something other than flat
Resurrecting an old thread I know...

I love this script and have had many great games on it, and I've now come back to it after a couple of years away.

I ask, does this script work without FFH? I would like to play vanilla Civ4 or some other mod on it and it is crashing on map creation for me. I looked over the python and found some FFH specific bonus strings towards the end but removing them didn't fix the problem. Suggestions?
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