A remedy for Civs with only units...


Great Builder of Civs !
Mar 27, 2002
European Union
Who has not used Total Destruction option where the civs to be eliminated must having lost not only all theirs cities but also all theirs units ?

This system is a few mitigated...

Because often a civ has still one general unit on one hexe island...
And the civ still existed when this unit is not eliminated...

Here the idea : when a civ has last all its cities, any of its military units could build a military city which act like normal city but build other than military purpose unit or building with penalty of 50%...

Here a possibility : what about different city-types in Civ 5 ?

1) Normal City

2) Military City (penalty non military related production)
Can be built by any military land unit

3) Commercial City (penalty non commercial related production)
Can be built by Merchant

4) Industrial City (ditto for non Production)
Can be built by Worker

5) Scientific City (ditto non Research)
Can be built by Scientist

Settler could cost 50 % more
What would the cost for Merchant and Scientist the two new units ?

What would be the specific bonus for the specific types of cities ?
Yes, finally your suggest is more intuitive than mine...

Agree for ability to having one unit by paying one unit of pop immediately...

Agree for any unit could create a new city but what would be purpose of settler ?

1) Settler could create cities size 3 with all buildings of the Ancient Age...
- But Settler would be available only when a civ reach Middle Ages...
- A Settler could cost 200% the actual cost...

2) An another unit could be having rules of current Settler...
This makes sense. Perhaps, however, instead of forming a 'military city', they could form a fort that could after a certain number of turns transform into a normal city. One thing is that the unit would have to be consumed by this, else you'd just keep it on the run and create another city once this new one has also been captured. There would have to be similar limitations to stop you from just dispersing your entire army when danger calls.
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