A Tale of Common Things


i knew you were a real man of the left
May 26, 2006
A Tale of Common Things

Take up the White Man's burden--
No tawdry rule of kings,
But toil of serf and sweeper--
The tale of common things.
The ports ye shall not enter,
The roads ye shall not tread,
Go mark them with your living,
And mark them with your dead.
-Rudyard Kipling, "The White Man's Burden"

Please bring all OOC Talk to the Pre-Thread.

Orders deadline: Friday, November 1st.

Introduction & FAQ

What is A Tale of Common Things?

Simply put, this NES represents the culmination of the efforts of both myself and resident sexpert flyingchicken at doing a Victorian-era NES with style and class. The idea started about a year ago. In the best manner I know how, I will attempt to capture the conversation that started it all – the veritable flash point, nay, genesis of this entire endeavor:

[font=&#8221;Courier New&#8221;]<%fc> czerth, we should do an 1800s nes together
<#Crezth> ok[/font]
Figure 1: History in the making

A Tale of Common Things is a NES that&#8217;s all about the age of imperialism. Although this was a time of great tragedy, it was also a very dynamic period in the history of Europe and the world. The evolutions in political thought, economics, and natural philosophy did much to shake the foundations of the old order, and what resulted was a brave, new world unlike anything that had ever been seen before. As of Victoria&#8217;s coronation as Queen of England, the world was putty in the hands of those with the will to mold it.

An historical start NES, A Tale of Common Things will start in 1836 with the world as you knew it then &#8211; more or less. You will be playing as the government or ruling faction of a country and you will have a variety of useful stats and figures to help guide your policy-making. It&#8217;s up to you to find out how to harness your country&#8217;s resources to forge a truly great power. Obstacles will be various: economic, political, financial, and diplomatical. Balancing your many obligations and managing to effect positive change won&#8217;t be easy, but nothing worth doing ever is.

Finally, fc and I are co-mods, and we&#8217;re to be considered equal authorities in this NES.

Will this be canceled after having only completed three updates?

Good question. I want to keep it going for the long-haul, but I know I&#8217;ve made and broken such promises before. I&#8217;ve constructed a very elaborate system and ruleset, with what I hope involves very little overhead, to support this NES. I am prepared to keep the NES running strong to as far as 1936, but empty promises are just that &#8211; empty. However, I promise you that if we work together on this, help one another out, and are patient and understanding, we will be able to keep trucking update after update. I will be very forthcoming about delays and issues and I will always be available to contact in some manner or another.

What about CNES?

The CNES project is on hold indefinitely while I graze greener pastures. I love the idea and look of CNES but I think it&#8217;s an idea that needs a lot of work. At any rate, the promise of A Tale of Common Things is great, and this will be the focus of my NESing creative energy for a long time to come.

I heard from (so-and-so) that this NES is going to be complex and-

Stop right there, friend! I want to say that this NES is not meant to be overly complicated. The big numbers in the stats may seem intimidating, but they&#8217;re there for feedback purposes primarily. You don&#8217;t need to be extremely well-versed in the witchcraft of economics to play this NES &#8211; after all, I am most assuredly not and yet here I am.

I welcome everyone to play in this NES regardless of your background or experience. If you want to play, I will work with you to find a country that works for you. Some countries &#8211; such as the UK, Russia, France, and others - I will want to reserve for players who I can rely on to participate, but there are in total 44 player slots and that means I should be able to find a fit for everyone.

The Rules


Sample Stats:

Tag: #UK
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Government: Liberal Monarchy
Ruling Faction: King William IV - Whig Party (ELECTIONS NEXT YEAR)
Politics: Whigs (L/35), Conservatives (C/52), Tories (R/13)
Population (Growth): 33,861,000 (+1.19%)
GDP (Trend): £675,188 K (Booming)
Agriculture: 17508
Industry: 5998
Development: 5 Army; 8 Navy; 9 Commerce; 5 Culture; 8 Industry
Focus: Navy
Treasury: £33,759 K
Budget Surplus: £11,280 K
Net Revenue: £29,630 K
Net Spending: £18,351 K
Tax Rate (Max): 5.00% (60%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 86000 Infantry, 16000 Cavalry, 150 Artillery
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 2 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 517 Frigates, 61 Man-o'-Wars, 1 Steamers
Navy Stats: Superb Quality; 2 Experience
Navy Supply: 35.00%
Supply Cost: £5.51 (Limited Exports)


The &#8220;tag&#8221; of your country is a simple call-number that you can use to easily find your country&#8217;s stats in the dropdowns below.

Country Name

In simplest terms, this is the official name of your country. Sometimes it may be more or less &#8220;official&#8221; but I won&#8217;t be very rigorous about that.


This is the style of your government, described using one of those pithy categories such as &#8220;Democracy&#8221; or &#8220;Dictatorship&#8221; that people are usually so fond of. I will attempt to be consistent and descriptive with these categories, and the type of government affects a variety of things to do with the efficacy of your regime. Your government may change passively over time with changes and reforms. Generally speaking, the more repressive your regime, the more people will be inclined to pack up and leave for greener pastures. On the other hand, a more controlling government will mean that all of your administrative efforts are more effective.

Ruling Faction

This stat lists the current faction that is in power as well as the current head of state. In specific terms, this is what you can be considered to be &#8220;playing as.&#8221; Your efforts should attempt to align with the policy goals of the ruling faction. There are a number of different kinds of factions. The vanilla factions, and their usual policy goals, are as follows:

Conservative (C) &#8211; Conservative factions aren&#8217;t looking to institute reforms and will favor conducting business as usual.

Liberal (L) &#8211; Liberal factions favor liberalizing political reforms, but oppose social reforms.

Reactionary (R) &#8211; Reactionary factions are usually weak, but when in power they will violently oppose liberalizing influences and will attempt to roll back reforms.

Socialist (S) &#8211; Socialist factions are usually weak, but when in power they will attempt to institute social and political reforms. The sworn-enemies of the Reactionaries. Socialists won&#8217;t exist from the start of the NES.

Keep in mind that when your actions do not align with those of the ruling faction (consider, briefly, that your Reactionary Japan attempts to abolish the Shogunate), you will face severe repercussions. This does not apply in all cases &#8211; for example, a Conservative Britain facing down the barrel of a socialist uprising may consider social reforms to be preferable to civil war &#8211; however you must attempt to understand the desires of your ruling faction before you attempt to make big changes, or consider incorporating the big change over a long period of time with a soft touch.

There are always consequences for your actions, so be prepared.


This is a very brief summary of the different factions in your country by name, their political orientation (given by a letter indicator), and their relative power (out of 100). Relative power dictates who will be taking power in the next elections &#8211; the highest value faction will be taking the stage. Relative power increases and decreases for factions based on dissent (displeasure with the ruling faction will erode its relative power), and increases with effective policy. Whenever a major reform is instituted, the relative power of the Conservative and Reactionary factions will increase by a concomitant amount.


The total number of people directly ruled by your government as well as the change over the past year. This number increases more quickly with immigration and food self-sufficiency, and increases more slowly with emigration and famine. In cases of extreme instability, you may see an enormous increase in emigration.


The total market value of all goods produced and sold in your country this year. This is not a value you can impact directly, nor can you directly control this wealth. However, taxation and tariff rates will take your GDP into account when it comes to raising revenue.


The crop yield produced by your farmers in no particular units. The larger this value in proportion to your total population, the better fed your people are. You can&#8217;t impact this directly, although it should give you an indication of how effective your agricultural development is.


The manufactured goods produced by your craftsmen in no particular units. The larger this value is in proportion to the total industry produced by all nations in the world, the more powerful and competitive your industry is.


The level of development your nation has acquired in five different categories &#8211; army, navy, commerce, culture, and industry. Development is obtained passively based on the quality of education in your country and how open your people are to new ideas and pluralistic thought. At the start of the NES, only western countries will be able to accrue development &#8211; eastern countries will need to obtain the political capital necessary to institute westernizing reforms before they can pursue development.

Generally speaking, more development points improve your country in a variety of way. Development is graduated so that it is difficult to pull ahead of the rest of the world, and relatively easy to catch up &#8211; however, even small advancements can sometimes be crucial.

Broadly speaking: army development is about the type and quality of equipment your army uses, as well as how advanced your doctrine and professional culture is. Navy development is about the type and quality of vessels your navy uses and about how advanced your naval supply, navigation, and naval doctrine is. Commerce development is about the evolution of your financial institutions, businesses, and markets. Cultural development is about how advanced are your social thought and natural philosophy. Industrial development is about the quality and availability of advanced manufactured goods, and the availability of advanced agricultural machinery.

Development is a numerical value that increases slowly over time. The &#8220;maximum&#8221; development value is 30, which represents the level of development that the west had achieved by 1930 in OTL.


This is your developmental focus &#8211; it indicates the area of development you are most likely to see advances in. You can change this, however in doing so you will cause developmental instability which will slow down all development by a very small amount for several years.


This is the wealth your government has stowed away for a rainy day. A large treasury can be good as it decreases the danger a budget deficit poses. You may spend money out of your treasury on a variety of projects and for a variety of purposes.

If your treasury ever drops into negative numbers, you will automatically take out loans which you must pay interest on. If this debt ever drops to below a critical proportion of your GDP and stays there for a long period of time, you will be considered insolvent, and every bank and financial body that had given you those loans will lose those assets permanently. When the threat of insolvency is looming, your stats will show a warning.

Budget Surplus

This is your revenue minus expenditures. A positive budget surplus indicates how much money will be added to your treasury every year. A negative budget surplus (or budget deficit) indicates how much money is subtracted from your treasury every year. You do not manage your budget manually! You do not need to micromanage aspects of taxes, tariffs, and expenditures. The results of your budget situation are based on your policy, and you will rarely ever run a deficit within reason. However, in situation where spending needs have gone up precipitously (such as when you need to increase army or navy supply), the spending situation will require your attention. Additionally, sometimes for political reasons you may wish to institute new taxes or tariffs, or repeal the same. This is the extent to which you are needed to weigh in on budget issues.

I want to be clear that what is expected of you is not to micromanage every aspect of your budget. This information is all FYI.

Net Revenue

Total amount of revenue your government earns from taxes, tariffs, bonds, and other sources of revenue.

Net Spending

Total amount of spending your government has to pay from year to year due to military, education, and administration expenditures, plus paying interest.

Tax Rate

The nominal tax rate. This is how much of your GDP your government aims to seize for governmental purposes. The actual tax rate is much lower and is dictated by your administrative efficiency and commerce development. You cannot set the nominal tax rate higher than your max tax rate, which is determined by your commerce development. You may set tax rate manually, however you do not need to &#8211; you may be vague in your spending instructions.


This is the import duty collected on imported goods as a percentage of those goods&#8217; value. High tariffs make foreign goods less competitive than domestically produced goods, however they can also restrict the access that your markets have to goods that cannot be obtained domestically. Tariffs are generally more efficient than taxes, and there is no maximum tariff rate; however, tariffs can&#8217;t gather as much wealth as taxes can. You may set tariffs manually.


The total number of soldiers and large guns in active service. Not listed are the size of the reserves nor the number of men who can be raised via mobilization. During war, your reserves are automatically depleted to refresh the strength of your armies. When your reserves are not large enough to completely reinforce your armies, a warning like (MANPOWER LOW) will appear in your Army stat.


During times of war or emergency, you can mobilize your poor strata and press them into service. This gives you an enormous boost to your reserves and immediately raises a portion of your reserves as irregulars.

Recruitment & Maintenance

When you find a need for a larger standing army, the time has come for recruitment. To recruit, you need two things: money and men. When your manpower is low, it&#8217;s probably not a good time to recruit additional soldiers, although you may desire to do so anyway in order to have as many men as possible deployed to the field.

In terms of money, new units cost certain number of labor or supply. The cost of supply and labor changes from country to country (see the related section below), and the cost of units is as follows (unless otherwise stated, the costs provide just one of the given unit):

Infantry: 1 Labor
Cavalry: 3 Labor
Artillery: 10 Labor, 200 Supply
Irregular: Free*

*Recruiting a large amount of irregulars in a short amount of time is "mobilizing the reserves" and can have Consequences.

The cost of recruitment is taken out of your treasury. Once recruited, the unit will be in your army until you dismiss them or until they are destroyed and cannot be reinforced.

Infantry are semi-mobile units equipped with light arms. They are integral to all aspects of warfare and perform normally on the attack and defense. Cavalry are highly mobile units equipped with light arms. They are quick and devastating on the offense, however their mobility is wasted on the defense. They can give chase much better than infantry. Artillery are non-mobile, lethal weaponry that perform normally on the attack and defense. Though they are expensive, an artillery gun will last for a long time, and are not destroyed as easily as infantry or cavalry. Irregulars are like infantry, but less mobile, poorly trained, and less effective when casualties are incurred.

Army Quality

The quality of your army in three stats. These stats are all roughly equal in importance but points in each are acquired in different ways: to increase training, you must regularly pay an appropriate level in army supply (see chart below). To increase experience, your soldiers need to be active fighting wars. To increase leadership, you need dumb luck and a good martial culture. Good leaders are hard to find and there&#8217;s no absolute formula, however they tend to make themselves known &#8211; once a good leader has distinguished himself, his good qualities will rub off on the rest of your army the higher he is ranked.

The training-supply relationship is thus. Note that increasing army supply does not guarantee an increase in training, but it is necessary.

Training &#8211; Supply
Nonexistent &#8211; 0%
Poor &#8211; 5%
Average &#8211; 10%
Good &#8211; 15%
Excellent &#8211; 25%

Army Supply

The amount of your army&#8217;s total needs which are met by spending. The higher this is, the higher your military expenditures will be, and the higher your logistical effectiveness will be. Note that keeping army supply low makes sense for peacetime, when your soldiers do not need to be totally combat-ready, but it will severely inhibit their ability to fight come war. Keeping army supply high during peacetime is costly, but it will help keep training up and it will increase your readiness for war. You may set this manually.

Army Upkeep

The square root of the army supply percentage indicates how much of the following base upkeep costs you pay per year per unit:

Infantry: 1 Supply/year
Cavalry: 4.5 Supply/year
Artillery: 100 Supply/year
Irregular: 0.75 Supply/year

Note that these are base upkeep costs paid at 100% supply rates. In practice you will rarely ever pay the full amount. Furthermore, these costs are altered by a variety of hidden factors. Specifically these factors are: quality of the army's leadership and training, quality of the army's equipment, level of development of the army. So high-quality armies with advanced guns and great officer corps will cost more to upkeep than low-quality armies with pikes and bored aristocrat leaders.

Furthermore, there is an additional hidden army upkeep cost called "salary" which is derived from the cost of labor (see relevant section below). Salaries are always paid at the "full" rate, until they can't due to government problems. As you can imagine, failing to pay the salary can have... Consequences.


Total number of vessels in your navy, other than the fact that this involves your navy it is the same as the Army stat.


Adding new vessels to your navy is quite important. Although they are expensive to build, navy vessels are resilient and versatile. The building costs are thus:

Frigate: 2000 Supply
Man-O&#8217;-War: 4000 Supply
Steamers: 5000 Supply (Requires 7 Navy Development)
Junk: 1000 Supply (Can be built with 0 Navy Development)

Note: You may substitute 10 Labor for 1 Supply when building a ship, for up to a maximum of 50% of the total Supply cost converted this way.

Frigates are quick clippers with a decent number of guns, the mainstay of a navy. Man-O&#8217;-Wars are cumbersome beasts with a large number of guns, the true measure of naval power. Steamers are very fast and maneuverable, can&#8217;t match the firepower of frigates. Junks are slow and come in all sizes, but either have no cannonades or very few.

Once you have passed your navy force limit - a number that indicates the number of ships your nation can safely support - there will be a warning like (MAX) that appears in this section of the stats. If you see this you should consider retiring or selling some vessels.

Navy Quality

Navy Quality is represented in two stats: quality and experience. Quality refers to the make and maintenance of your ships and, like training, is maintained by regular naval supply spending. Experience is like army experience.

Navy quality, like army quality, requires certain naval supply:

Quality &#8211; Supply
Awful &#8211; 0%
Poor &#8211; 5%
Modest&#8211; 10%
Good &#8211; 20%
Superb &#8211; 35%

Navy Force Limit

The force limit is the maximum number of ships your many ports and naval bases are capable of safely and reliably supporting. Beyond a certain point you simply lack the infrastructure to care for any more ships. The force limit is in absolute # of vessels, which means that capital ships, schooners, and steamers are all counted the same. The exception is junks, which are not counted in your navy force limit at all. But they suck so don't think building 3,000 of them is a good substitute for a real navy.

Once you have passed the navy force limit, your supply costs skyrocket and the quality of your navy will deteriorate at an accelerated rate.

Navy Supply

The amount of your navy&#8217;s needs that are met by supply. Be warned that keeping this value too low for too long can and will erode naval quality as your ships become poorly maintained.

Navy Upkeep

The upkeep cost, in units of supply, that your ships demand are as follows:

Frigate: 1000 Supply/year
Man-O&#8217;-War: 5000 Supply/year
Steamer: 2500 Supply/year
Junk: 750 Supply/year

Keep in mind that passing your navy force limit causes these costs to increase exponentially.

Supply Cost

This is the cost of a single unit of &#8220;supply.&#8221; This value is based on your agricultural and industrial production compared to the rest of the world&#8217;s. As a rule of thumb, high industry gives you an advantage, and low industry gives you a disadvantage. Supply units dictate the cost of just about everything you can buy.

Note that when you buy things that cost supply, you won&#8217;t be required to list the cost of what you&#8217;re buying &#8211; those calculations are just FYI, in case you want to know what kind of expenses you should be expecting to incur.

Please note that supply is in units of single pounds, where GDP/treasury/surplus/revenue/spending are in units of thousands of pounds. So make sure to take that into account when trying to find out how much supply you got.

Importing Goods/Supply

If your own supply cost is too high, or the equipment your own people produces too lousy, you may decide to import goods from other countries to do things like arm your soldiers and do special building projects. In this case, you must use the supply cost of the country you're importing the goods from increased by your tariff rate (so a 0% tariff rate means you only pay the base supply cost, whereas a 100% tariff rate means you pay twice the supply cost, or 200%). You don't need to negotiate with the foreign government to do this, however be aware that importing goods like this counts as foreign exchange. Since you're placing an order on foreign goods, there's no immediate guarantee that it'll go through - in case it doesn't, the money you would have spent on the supplies is refunded to your treasury.

However, some countries have rules limiting the kinds of exports they will put out. Depending on the security of their export laws, you will be limited in what you can buy. Next to the Supply stat in a nation's stats is a short descriptor of the export situation. A quick legend on what those descriptors mean for somebody who wants to import goods from that country follows. Please note that the export liberty level indicates the general case: if you make a negotiation with that country's government, they may give you special access which will not be apparent in the stats.

Export Liberty | Import Limitations
No Exports|Cannot import goods.
Limited Exports|Cannot import weapons, clippers, steamers, or army materiel.
Free Exports|Can import all types of goods.

Please note again this is a rule of thumb. To give an example, suppose the Prussians have access to an advanced type of small firearm, but they practice Limited Export. If you wanted to buy that firearm from the Prussians, you'd have to ask for permission ahead of time. If it was granted, you could proceed as you wanted buying weapons to arm infantry with from the Prussians. If it wasn't, then you'd have to look somewhere else. However, the Prussians don't have export limitations on I-beams, timber, and coal; so you decide to build a railroad using equipment bought from Prussia. You would be free to do so in a Limited Exports case, although in a No Exports case you would, again, need to ask for permission.

Labor Cost

This stat indicates the cost of one unit of "labor," which is roughly analogous to the average annual wage earned by the most menial of laborers. Like Supply, units of Labor are used to do stuff. You'll note that sometimes your Labor cost is drastically different from your Supply Cost. This is usually because more advanced economies have more valuable labor, and therefore the demand for their work is higher than in less advanced economies.

Labor is the saving grace of non-industrial economies as you may not have scads of industrial goods, but you do have scads of cheap manpower ready and able to work.

Note that labor, unlike supply, cannot be easily imported nor exported, so you're stuck with the labor cost of your country.
Special Rules for Vassals

Some countries in this NES are “vassals,” or in other words, states that are legally beholden to other states, called suzerains. The controlling state usually has a great deal of de facto control over the vassal, but, at least nominally, the vassal manages its own affairs.

If you are playing as a vassal state, you must keep in mind that your suzerain has more influence over you than another state might. They will have access to a number of levers that give them some control of your government, so it is worth toeing the line lest you incur their wrath. You will also automatically give a portion of your income each year to your suzerain. Nevertheless, it’s not all bad being a vassal. You’re not responsible for handling international affairs, meaning if any country picks a fight with you, they also pick a fight with your suzerain.

If you are playing as a suzerain, keep in mind that you’re responsible for your vassals. If they do something stupid, that’s something that you have to take care of. Not only that, but if things start getting really bad in a vassal state – you know, stability-wise – you’ll probably have to move on in there and clean things up. On the other hand, having a vassal is usually better than directly ruling an unruly populace – and you still get a large fraction of the tax income that that vassal earns. It’s a toss-up. A vassal that gets into an extraordinarily bad condition is usually weak enough to justify a direct annexation, but be careful that you aren’t stepping on anyone else’s toes!

Land Warfare Rules of Thumb

Here’s just a few things to keep in mind for perpetrating your wars on the land:

Attrition’s a jerk. In fair weather situations, it’s not as bad, but in hostile or extreme territories attrition whittles your force down something fierce. A good rule of thumb is 0.1% of your army lost to disease and attrition per day in hostile territory; twice that in hostile, nasty territory.

If things can go wrong, they will. No plan is perfect.

Attacking is hard. Sometimes it’s better to siege a fortified position than to attempt to assault it. It’s even better to defend if you can help it.

Training is determinant in how good your soldiers are at doing the soldier things, like march and load guns. It’s important, but sometimes doing is the best learning.

Leadership is very important: it trickles into everything. Good leaders keep the morale of their men high, know how to push them without exhausting them, and are creative and insightful tacticians. Bad leaders do none of these things.

Experienced armies know war. They are more resilient to exhaustion and morale loss and they can feel the course of battle in their blood. Experience, unfortunately, cannot be taught, so as an experienced army loses its parts and replaces them with fresh troops, it also loses some of its experience.

An army needs stuff to do stuff. It gets that stuff by means of lines of supply. The further away from your territory you deploy your soldiers, the more stressed your logistical situation becomes.

Finally, the most important rule of warfare: numbers matter. A lot. More mans and guns equals more winning

Naval Warfare Rules of Thumb

Naval bases are important. Your navy can’t sail all around the world without needing a safe haven to dock and restock between missions. If you want your navy to do things, make sure there are friendly harbors nearby.

Naval quality determines the kind and maintenance level of guns and ships you have. High naval quality means good boats with good stuff on the boats and good guns; low naval quality is pretty much the opposite.

Experienced sailors can tap into the high skill cap demanded of sailors in the 19th century. Highly experienced sailors are therefore much more effective than inexperienced ones.

Don’t be deceived by the fact that boats can’t paint your color on the map: sailing is the fastest way to get around, and the principle way that goods are moved. Find a way to work that to your advantage.

The Cost of Actions

Here’s a short list of some common actions, and the average cost these actions would probably incur. Keep in mind that this list indicates the "base" cost, and in fact the actual cost may be quite a bit lower depending on circumstances.

Minor administrative action (such as banning and seizing all tobacco, commissioning an investigative report, establishing some lookout towers sparsely across the frontier): 2% of your GDP or 500,000 Supply or 500,000 Labor

Moderate administrative action (such as employing many new government employees or soldiers, installing several small outposts throughout a territory, opening a new government ministry): 6% of your GDP or 1,250,000 Supply or 1,000,000 Labor

Major administrative action (such as opening a new colony, annexing a large territory, facilitating a large demographic shift of any kind): 10% of your GDP or 2,000,000 Supply or 1,500,000 Labor

Insignificant construction project (such as a statue or capital building): 1,000 Supply and 1,000 Labor

Minor high-tech construction project (such as a factory or any kind of project incorporating modern facilities): 400,000 Supply and 50,000 Labor

Minor low-tech construction project (such as a long dirt road or any kind of project undertaken without need for industrial goods): 25,000 Supply and 300,000 Labor

Major construction project (such as an industrial park or a railroad): 800,000 Supply and 200,000 Labor

As the NES goes on, this list will be made more comprehensive.

This "base" cost will tell you what kind of minimum cost is necessary for efficacy. Now, these are not hard-and-fast expenses, but let's say you wanted to commission a report on corruption in your government. OK, so that's a minor administrative action. To make sure the report works, you need to allocate funds. So if your country's GDP is 50 million pounds, this action would require about ~2% of that, or 1 million pounds. So you can allocate just 500 thousand pounds, but then your report probably won't work so well. Meeting spending thresholds is important, but so is the quality of your orders. You can't make a program more effective just by throwing money at it!

These costs are guidelines. If you want to know costs in very specific terms for very specific projects, feel free to send me a PM - think of it as hiring consultants to help out (and no, it won't cost you anything).

Please note only some countries have the capability to start building railroads, and very primitive ones at that (the quality of railroad goes up with your Industry development score). Those countries with railroads already, or the capacity to build railroads, are:

Countries that can propagate railroads:
  • United Kingdom
  • France
  • USA
  • Belgium

International Organizations, Obligations, Treaties, and Wars Master List

This is to be considered the master list for politically important and relevant organizations and obligations that exist on the international scene. If you feel something is missing from this list, please let me know.


Deutscher Bund – Or German Confederation, a replacement organization for the now-defunct Holy Roman Empire. Includes all of the German states including Austria and Holstein. These states are considered politically and economically tied together, but sovereign in their own right.

Zollverein – Customs union for most states in the German Confederation, led by Prussia. Important exceptions include: Austria, which is excluded; Holstein, which is beholden to Denmark; and Hanover, which exists in a personal union with the United Kingdom.

Holy Alliance - Alliance between Russian Empire, Austrian Empire, and the Kingdom of Prussia.

Qing Tributary States – Several Asian nations, most notably Korea, Burma, Siam, Tibet, and Viet Nam, are required to pay yearly tribute to the Qing. This tribute takes the form of a small percentage of the total GDP of the country in question which is paid automatically to the Qing government each year. The islands of Ryukyu, de jure a vassal of Satsuma, is a tributary state of the Qing as well. Non-Asian countries sometimes also pay tribute to the Qing as a form of respect, however it is neither regular nor can the Qing necessarily enforce it.


Berlin Declaration of 1836 - Recognition of and promise to support the maintenance of the status quo in the German Confederation, the country of Italy, the Turkish Empire, and Spain. Non-aggression pact for 20 years. Signatories: Kingdom of Prussia, Austrian Empire, United Kingdom.

Various Russian Treaties/Obligations - Russian guarantee of Ottoman sovereignty, rights and negotiations and permissions for Russian extranationals in Persia, Russian borders with USA, Canada, and Qing settled.

Potsdam Declaration - Signed by UK, Russia, Prussia, Austria

Treaty of Amity and Friendship - Chinese-British opium agreement, grants Britain fleet staying rights and full construction rights in Hong Kong.

Russo-Sicilian Alliance - Russia and Two Sicilies mutual defensive pact.

Treaty of Trieste - Austria and Two Sicilies mutual defensive pact, bilateral recognition of status quo in Italy. Maria Theresa of Austria and Don Ferdinando of Two Sicilies are betrothed (marriage in 1837).

Treaty of Venice - Austria guarantees the independence of Parma, Modeno, and Tuscany.

Treaty of San Antonio - Mexico grants independence to Texas.


Various Brazilian Rebellions - Conflict between the government of Brazil and a wide assortment of rebels, formerly most notably in the state of Rio Grande do Sol.

Carlist War for the Spanish Throne - Conflict between the loyalist Isabellan government of Spain and the Carlist rebels. The Carlists desire to place Isabella's uncle, Carlos de Borbon, on the throne, in contravention with the pragmatic sanction - itself a contravention of Philip V's Salic Law. The tide is decisively in favor of the loyalists.

Peru-Bolivian War - Conflict between General Salaverry of Peru and President Santa Cruz of Bolivia regarding the proper government of Peru. Bolivia seeks to reinstall Orbegoso as the President of Peru, and Peru under Salaverry seeks to expel the invaders and maintain the current de facto government.
Stats of the World, 1837

Spoiler PLAYERS :
Nation Name | Player
United Kingdom|Masada
Russia| wrymouth3
Prussia| Frozen_In_ice
USA| Azale
Austria| Jehoshua
Belgium| no player
Sweden| merciary
Denmark| DC123456789
Ottoman Empire| mt cicero
Spain| The_Machine
Two Sicilies| Gem Hound
Sardinia-Piedmont| mrrandomplayer
Portugal| Ophorian
Mexico| Immaculate
Brazil| Lord of Elves
Bavaria| spryllino
Qing Empire| Nuke
Japan| Symphony D.
Korea| terrance
Sikh Empire| SouthernKing
Egypt| Justo
Papal States| Shadowbound
Argentina| Tsoate
Chile| das
New Granada| Terran Emperor
Peru| ork75
Ecuador| no player
Venezuela| no player
Uruguay| no player
Paraguay| ChineseWarlord
Bolivia| no player
USCA| no player
Texas| ChiefDesigner
Serbia| talonschild
Haiti| no player
Burma| no player
Viet Nam| no player
Siam| Bair_the_normal
Greece| christos200
East India Company| qoou

Spoiler Table of Contents :
1. # UK United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
2. # FRA Kingdom of France
3. # RUS Russian Empire
4. # PRU Kingdom of Prussia
5. # NET Kingdom of the Netherlands
6. # USA United States of America
7. # AUS Austrian Empire
8. # BEL Kingdom of Belgium
9. # SWE Kingdom of Sweden
10. # DEN Kingdom of Denmark
11. # OTT Ottoman Empire
12. # SPA Kingdom of Spain
13. # 2SC Two Sicilies
14. # SDP Sardinia-Piedmont
15. # POR Kingdom of Portugal
16. # MEX Mexico
17. # BRA Empire of Brazil
18. # BAV Kingdom of Bavaria
19. # CHI Qing Empire
20. # JAP Tokugawa Shogunate of Japan
21. # KOR Korea
22. # PAN Sikh Empire
23. # EGY Egypt
24. # PAP Papal States
25. # ARG Argentine Confederation
26. # CHL Chile
27. # COL Republic of the New Granada
28. # PEU Peru
29. # ECU Ecuador
30. # VNZ Venezuela
31. # URU Uruguay
32. # PAR Paraguay
33. # BOL Bolivia
34. # UCA United States of Central America
35. # TEX Texas
36. # SWI Switzerland
37. # SER Serbia
38. # HAI Haiti
39. # PER Persia
40. # BUR Burma
41. # DAI Viet Nam
42. # SIA Siam
43. # GRE Greece
44. # EIC East India Company
45. # OMN Oman
46. # SAX Kingdom of Saxony
47. # MON Montenegro
48. # BAD Baden
49. # WUR Wurttemberg
50. # NG North German States (various)
51. # TUS Tuscany
52. # AFG Afghanistan
53. # LBR Liberia
54. # TIB Tibet
55. # NEP Nepal
56. # MAD Madagascar
57. # MOR Morocco
58. # NEJ Nejd
59. # SOK Sokoto
60. # ZUL Zulu
61. # YEM Yemen
62. # ABU Abu Dhabi
63. # ALG Algeria
64. # ETH Ethiopia
65. # HAW Hawaii
66. # HED Hedjaz
67. # BRU Brunei
68. # ITA Italian States (various)
69. # WAL Wallachia
70. # MOL Moldavia
71. # TUN Tunisia
72. # KRA Republic of Krakow
73. # HOL Duchy of Holstein
74. # KAL Kalat
75. # JOH Johore
76. # ATJ Atjeh
77. # TRI Tripoli
78. # ORA Oranje
79. # TRA Transvaal
80. # BAL Bali

Spoiler Stats 1-20 :
Tag: #UK
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Government: Liberal Monarchy
Ruling Faction: King William IV - Conservative Party
Politics: Whigs (L/35), Conservatives (C/52), Tories (R/13)
Population (Growth): 34,271,185 (+1.18%)
GDP (Trend): £703,743 K (Booming)
Agriculture: 17613
Industry: 6228
Development: 5 Army; 8 Navy; 9 Commerce; 5 Culture; 8 Industry
Focus: Navy
Treasury: £38,037 K
Budget Surplus: £7,536 K
Net Revenue: £29,127 K
Net Spending: £21,591 K
Tax Rate (Max): 4.00% (60%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 86000 Infantry, 16000 Cavalry, 150 Artillery
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 2 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 517 Frigates, 61 Man-o'-Wars, 6 Steamers
Navy Stats: Superb Quality; 2 Experience; 647 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 35.00%
Supply Cost: £5.50 (No Exports (Free for South America))
Labor Cost: £16.74

Tag: #FRA
French Second Republic
Government: Republican Consulate
Ruling Faction: Consul Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte - Republican Party
Politics: Republicans (L/40), Bourbonists (R/15), Legitimistes (R/15), Orleanists (C/30)
Population (Growth): 33,956,828 (+1.24%)
GDP (Trend): £449,034 K (Expanding)
Agriculture: 17188
Industry: 239
Development: 7 Army; 7 Navy; 8 Commerce; 6 Culture; 6 Industry
Focus: Culture
Treasury: £30,961 K
Budget Surplus: £9,473 K
Net Revenue: £30,906 K
Net Spending: £21,433 K
Tax Rate (Max): 9.00% (60%)
Tariffs: 40.00%
Army: 245000 Infantry, 45000 Cavalry, 450 Artillery
Army Stats: Excellent Training; Good Leadership; 2 Experience
Army Supply: 25.00%
Navy: 289 Frigates, 21 Man-o'-Wars
Navy Stats: Good Quality; 2 Experience; 437 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 20.00%
Supply Cost: £10.78 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £3.31

Tag: #RUS
Russian Empire
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Ruling Faction: Tsar Nicholas I - Tsarist Faction
Politics: Tsarist (C/52), Slavophile (R/44), Westernizers (L/4)
Population (Growth): 60,782,659 (+0.42%)
GDP (Trend): £440,259 K (Expanding)
Agriculture: 20210
Industry: 73
Development: 5 Army; 5 Navy; 4 Commerce; 5 Culture; 4 Industry
Focus: Culture
Treasury: £19,971 K
Budget Surplus: £1,449 K
Net Revenue: £9,720 K
Net Spending: £8,270 K
Tax Rate (Max): 5.00% (50%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 200000 Infantry, 80000 Cavalry, 300 Artillery, 200000 Irregulars
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 5 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 259 Frigates, 19 Man-o'-Wars
Navy Stats: Modest Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £11.75 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £1.81

Tag: #PRU
Kingdom of Prussia
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Ruling Faction: King Wilhelm III - Konservative Partei
Politics: Konservative (C/60), Liberal (L/20), Reactionary (R/20)
Population (Growth): 15,032,345 (+0.54%)
GDP (Trend): £215,257 K (Shrinking)
Agriculture: 5589
Industry: 192
Development: 7 Army; 5 Navy; 5 Commerce; 5 Culture; 5 Industry
Focus: Army
Treasury: £8,076 K
Budget Surplus: £932 K
Net Revenue: £11,718 K
Net Spending: £10,786 K
Tax Rate (Max): 5.00% (50%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 49000 Infantry, 9000 Cavalry, 200 Artillery
Army Stats: Good Training; Excellent Leadership; 3 Experience
Army Supply: 20.00%
Navy: 99 Frigates, 5 Man-o'-Wars
Navy Stats: Poor Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £9.79 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £3.58

Tag: #NET
Kingdom of the Netherlands
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Ruling Faction: King William I - Conservative Party
Politics: Conservative (C/60), Liberal (L/25), Reactionary (R/15)
Population (Growth): 2,777,661 (+0.57%)
GDP (Trend): £60,108 K (Shrinking)
Agriculture: 1055
Industry: 14
Development: 5 Army; 5 Navy; 5 Commerce; 5 Culture; 4 Industry
Focus: Commerce
Treasury: £13,188 K
Budget Surplus: £10,207 K
Net Revenue: £12,938 K
Net Spending: £2,731 K
Tax Rate (Max): 5.00% (50%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 46000 Infantry, 10000 Cavalry, 80 Artillery (MANPOWER LOW)
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 3 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 34 Frigates, 2 Man-o'-Wars
Navy Stats: Good Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 30.00%
Supply Cost: £13.54 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £5.41

Tag: #USA
United States of America
Government: Democracy
Ruling Faction: President Andrew Jackson - Democratic Party
Politics: Democrat (C/60), Whig (L/40)
Population (Growth): 16,179,939 (+2.69%)
GDP (Trend): £286,648 K (Expanding)
Agriculture: 11002
Industry: 300
Development: 5 Army; 7 Navy; 7 Commerce; 5 Culture; 6 Industry
Focus: Industry
Treasury: £11,737 K
Budget Surplus: £162 K
Net Revenue: £6,340 K
Net Spending: £6,178 K
Tax Rate (Max): 5.00% (60%)
Tariffs: 25.00%
Army: 6000 Infantry, 1200 Cavalry, 40 Artillery
Army Stats: Poor Training; Good Leadership; 2 Experience
Army Supply: 5.00%
Navy: 48 Frigates, 6 Man-o'-Wars
Navy Stats: Modest Quality; 2 Experience; 437 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 15.00%
Supply Cost: £11.72 (Free Exports)
Labor Cost: £4.43

Tag: #AUS
Austrian Empire
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Ruling Faction: Emperor Ferdinand I - Metternich Faction
Politics: Metternich (C/55), Kolowrat (L/35), Reactionary (R/10)
Population (Growth): 35,049,372 (+0.77%)
GDP (Trend): £427,848 K (Stagnant)
Agriculture: 15377
Industry: 132
Development: 5 Army; 5 Navy; 5 Commerce; 5 Culture; 5 Industry
Focus: Culture
Treasury: £25,086 K
Budget Surplus: £6,883 K
Net Revenue: £16,111 K
Net Spending: £9,228 K
Tax Rate (Max): 7.00% (50%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 230000 Infantry, 30000 Cavalry, 330 Artillery
Army Stats: Good Training; Average Leadership; 2 Experience
Army Supply: 15.00%
Navy: 30 Frigates, 4 Man-o'-Wars
Navy Stats: Modest Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £9.78 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £3.05

Tag: #BEL
Kingdom of Belgium
Government: Liberal Monarchy
Ruling Faction: King Leopold I - Catholic Party
Politics: Catholic (C/55), Liberal (L/25), Reactionary (R/15)
Population (Growth): 4,181,694 (+1.46%)
GDP (Trend): £62,325 K (Expanding)
Agriculture: 2385
Industry: 503
Development: 5 Army; 5 Navy; 5 Commerce; 5 Culture; 8 Industry
Focus: Industry
Treasury: £3,933 K
Budget Surplus: £929 K
Net Revenue: £2,384 K
Net Spending: £1,456 K
Tax Rate (Max): 5.00% (50%)
Tariffs: 50.00%
Army: 30000 Infantry, 8000 Cavalry, 100 Artillery (MANPOWER LOW)
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 3 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 0 Frigates
Navy Stats: Modest Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 30.00%
Supply Cost: £8.77 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £3.73

Tag: #SWE
Kingdom of Sweden
Government: Liberal Monarchy
Ruling Faction: King Charles XIV John - Conservative Party
Politics: Conservative (C/60), Liberal (L/30), Reactionary (R/10)
Population (Growth): 4,122,490 (+0.65%)
GDP (Trend): £40,642 K (Expanding)
Agriculture: 1542
Industry: 47
Development: 5 Army; 5 Navy; 5 Commerce; 5 Culture; 4 Industry
Focus: Culture
Treasury: £1,316 K
Budget Surplus: £121 K
Net Revenue: £1,806 K
Net Spending: £1,685 K
Tax Rate (Max): 8.00% (50%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 35000 Infantry, 5000 Cavalry, 120 Artillery (MANPOWER LOW)
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 2 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 77 Frigates, 8 Man-o'-Wars
Navy Stats: Modest Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £10.91 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £2.46

Tag: #DEN
Kingdom of Denmark
Government: Absolute Monarchy (Suzerain of Duchy of Schleswig-Holstein)
Ruling Faction: King Frederick VI - Joachim Faction
Politics: Joachim (C/60), Liberal (L/20), Reactionary (R/20)
Population (Growth): 1,322,718 (+0.59%)
GDP (Trend): £18,095 K (Expanding)
Agriculture: 511
Industry: 11
Development: 5 Army; 5 Navy; 5 Commerce; 5 Culture; 4 Industry
Focus: Industry
Treasury: £975 K
Budget Surplus: £82 K
Net Revenue: £825 K
Net Spending: £744 K
Tax Rate (Max): 9.00% (50%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 11000 Infantry, 3000 Cavalry, 80 Artillery (MANPOWER LOW)
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 2 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 12 Frigates, 1 Man-o'-Wars
Navy Stats: Modest Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £11.22 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £3.42

Tag: #OTT
Ottoman Empire
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Ruling Faction: Sultan Mahmud II - Reformers
Politics: Imperialists (C/35), Reformers (L/55), Janitschars (R/10)
Population (Growth): 20,493,906 (+0.47%)
GDP (Trend): £156,590 K (Shrinking)
Agriculture: 7173
Industry: 41
Development: 4 Army; 2 Navy; 3 Commerce; 3 Culture; 2 Industry
Focus: Army
Treasury: £4,599 K
Budget Surplus: £3,496 K
Net Revenue: £7,557 K
Net Spending: £4,060 K
Tax Rate (Max): 10.00% (50%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 119400 Infantry, 19676 Cavalry, 400 Artillery (MANPOWER LOW)
Army Stats: Average Training; Poor Leadership; 3 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 80 Frigates, 5 Man-o'-Wars, 52 Junks
Navy Stats: Modest Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 20.00%
Supply Cost: £11.54 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £1.91

Tag: #SPA
Kingdom of Spain
Government: Liberal Monarchy
Ruling Faction: Queen Isabella II - Partido Moderado
Politics: Moderado (C/50), Liberal (L/20), Reaccionario (R/30)
Population (Growth): 16,898,109 (+0.50%)
GDP (Trend): £160,582 K (Stagnant)
Agriculture: 6590
Industry: 34
Development: 5 Army; 5 Navy; 5 Commerce; 5 Culture; 4 Industry
Focus: Army
Treasury: -£29,526 K
Budget Surplus: £2,347 K
Net Revenue: £18,124 K
Net Spending: £15,778 K
Tax Rate (Max): 20.00% (50%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 33910 Infantry, 8477 Cavalry, 102 Artillery, 27128 Irregulars
Army Stats: Good Training; Poor Leadership; 3 Experience
Army Supply: 100.00%
Navy: 50 Frigates, 6 Man-o'-Wars
Navy Stats: Modest Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 25.00%
Supply Cost: £10.96 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £2.38

Tag: #2SC
Two Sicilies
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Ruling Faction: King Ferdinand II - Restaurazionisti
Politics: Conservative (C/35), Restaurazionisti (R/45), Liberal (L/20)
Population (Growth): 7,597,905 (+0.50%)
GDP (Trend): £113,839 K (Expanding)
Agriculture: 2735
Industry: 15
Development: 5 Army; 5 Navy; 5 Commerce; 5 Culture; 4 Industry
Focus: Army
Treasury: £5,452 K
Budget Surplus: £2,069 K
Net Revenue: £5,519 K
Net Spending: £3,451 K
Tax Rate (Max): 7.00% (50%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 38000 Infantry, 12000 Cavalry, 150 Artillery (MANPOWER LOW)
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 2 Experience
Army Supply: 20.00%
Navy: 7 Frigates, 2 Man-o'-Wars
Navy Stats: Modest Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 15.00%
Supply Cost: £11.26 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £3.75

Tag: #SDP
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Ruling Faction: King Charles Albert - Restaurazionisti
Politics: Conservative (C/35), Restaurazionisti (R/45), Liberal (L/20)
Population (Growth): 3,785,896 (+0.50%)
GDP (Trend): £57,555 K (Expanding)
Agriculture: 1363
Industry: 8
Development: 5 Army; 5 Navy; 5 Commerce; 5 Culture; 4 Industry
Focus: Army
Treasury: £3,260 K
Budget Surplus: £1,549 K
Net Revenue: £2,800 K
Net Spending: £1,251 K
Tax Rate (Max): 7.00% (50%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 18000 Infantry, 7000 Cavalry, 100 Artillery (MANPOWER LOW)
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 2 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 12 Frigates, 1 Man-o'-Wars
Navy Stats: Modest Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £11.33 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £3.80

Tag: #POR
Kingdom of Portugal
Government: Liberal Monarchy
Ruling Faction: Queen Maria II - Setembrismo
Politics: Setembrismo (L/45), Moderado (C/30), Reaccionario (R/25)
Population (Growth): 6,079,826 (+0.66%)
GDP (Trend): £56,127 K (Stagnant)
Agriculture: 2298
Industry: 12
Development: 5 Army; 5 Navy; 5 Commerce; 5 Culture; 4 Industry
Focus: Commerce
Treasury: £4,593 K
Budget Surplus: £2,933 K
Net Revenue: £4,169 K
Net Spending: £1,236 K
Tax Rate (Max): 10.00% (50%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 20000 Infantry, 3000 Cavalry, 80 Artillery
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 2 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 15 Frigates, 4 Man-o'-Wars
Navy Stats: Modest Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 25.00%
Supply Cost: £10.98 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £2.31

Tag: #MEX
Government: Democracy
Ruling Faction: President Miguel Barragan - Partido de Conservado
Politics: Conservado (C/50), Moderado (L/30), Reaccionario (R/20)
Population (Growth): 7,304,022 (+2.54%)
GDP (Trend): £46,871 K (Expanding)
Agriculture: 2849
Industry: 15
Development: 5 Army; 2 Navy; 4 Commerce; 4 Culture; 4 Industry
Focus: Army
Treasury: £2,113 K
Budget Surplus: £1,169 K
Net Revenue: £2,021 K
Net Spending: £852 K
Tax Rate (Max): 7.00% (50%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 3500 Infantry, 3000 Cavalry, 5 Artillery
Army Stats: Good Training; Good Leadership; 3 Experience
Army Supply: 15.00%
Navy: 12 Frigates, 1 Man-o'-Wars
Navy Stats: Awful Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £12.50 (Free Exports)
Labor Cost: £1.60

Tag: #BRA
Empire of Brazil
Government: Liberal Monarchy
Ruling Faction: Lord Regent Antonio Feijo - Partido de Conservado
Politics: Conservado (C/50), Setembrismo (L/30), Reaccionario (R/20)
Population (Growth): 6,051,083 (+0.85%)
GDP (Trend): £41,332 K (Expanding)
Agriculture: 2587
Industry: 3
Development: 4 Army; 1 Navy; 3 Commerce; 3 Culture; 2 Industry
Focus: Culture
Treasury: -£2,918 K
Budget Surplus: £1,105 K
Net Revenue: £1,784 K
Net Spending: £678 K
Tax Rate (Max): 7.00% (50%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 25000 Infantry, 4000 Cavalry, 10 Artillery
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 2 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 48 Frigates, 2 Man-o'-Wars
Navy Stats: Poor Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £12.11 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £1.71

Tag: #BAV
Kingdom of Bavaria
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Ruling Faction: King Ludwig I - Konservative Partei
Politics: Konservative (C/60), Liberal (L/20), Reactionary (R/20)
Population (Growth): 4,343,543 (+0.31%)
GDP (Trend): £54,232 K (Shrinking)
Agriculture: 1274
Industry: 22
Development: 5 Army; 5 Navy; 5 Commerce; 5 Culture; 4 Industry
Focus: Army
Treasury: £4,119 K
Budget Surplus: £1,482 K
Net Revenue: £2,586 K
Net Spending: £1,105 K
Tax Rate (Max): 7.00% (50%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 20000 Infantry, 9000 Cavalry, 300 Artillery (MANPOWER LOW)
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 2 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 19 Frigates, 4 Man-o'-Wars
Navy Stats: Awful Quality; 0 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £10.69 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £3.12

Tag: #CHI
Qing Empire
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Ruling Faction: Emperor Daoguang - Daoguangist Faction
Politics: Daoguangist (R/65), Westernizers (L/5), Imperialist (C/30)
Population (Growth): 414,462,509 (+0.38%)
GDP (Trend): £2,474,165 K (Stagnant)
Agriculture: 99139
Industry: 0
Development: 0 Army; 0 Navy; 0 Commerce; 0 Culture; 0 Industry
Focus: Stagnant
Treasury: £135,500 K
Budget Surplus: £11,077 K
Net Revenue: £57,821 K
Net Spending: £46,744 K
Tax Rate (Max): 9.00% (40%)
Tariffs: 40.00%
Army: 250000 Infantry (MANPOWER LOW)
Army Stats: Poor Training; Average Leadership; 1 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 0 Frigates, 612 Junks
Navy Stats: Poor Quality; 1 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £18.66 (No Exports)
Labor Cost: £1.49

Tag: #JAP
Tokugawa Shogunate of Japan
Government: Feudalistic Shogunate
Ruling Faction: Shogun Tokugawa Ieyoshi - Bakufu Faction
Politics: Bakufu (R/60), Tozama (L/40)
Population (Growth): 28,442,751 (+0.43%)
GDP (Trend): £186,600 K (Shrinking)
Agriculture: 7395
Industry: 0
Development: 0 Army; 0 Navy; 0 Commerce; 0 Culture; 0 Industry
Focus: Stagnant
Treasury: £11,214 K
Budget Surplus: £1,842 K
Net Revenue: £6,319 K
Net Spending: £4,477 K
Tax Rate (Max): 7.00% (40%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 50000 Infantry, 70000 Irregulars
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 1 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 0 Frigates, 19 Junks
Navy Stats: Poor Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £17.22 (No Exports)
Labor Cost: £1.64
Stats, continued

Spoiler 21-46 :

Tag: #KOR
Government: Absolute Monarchy (Tributary State of Qing)
Ruling Faction: King Heonjong - Conservative Party
Politics: Conservative (C/70), Westernizers (L/20), Sinophile (R/10)
Population (Growth): 14,462,460 (+0.43%)
GDP (Trend): £48,508 K (Shrinking)
Agriculture: 3760
Industry: 0
Development: 0 Army; 0 Navy; 0 Commerce; 0 Culture; 0 Industry
Focus: Stagnant
Treasury: £1,565 K
Budget Surplus: £148 K
Net Revenue: £1,763 K
Net Spending: £1,614 K
Tax Rate (Max): 9.00% (40%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 3000 Infantry
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 1 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 0 Frigates, 7 Junks
Navy Stats: Poor Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £22.94 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £0.84

Tag: #PAN
Sikh Empire
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Ruling Faction: Maharajah Ranjit Singh - Royalists
Politics: Royalists (C/80), Imperialists (R/20)
Population (Growth): 18,303,609 (+0.43%)
GDP (Trend): £109,594 K (Stagnant)
Agriculture: 4759
Industry: 0
Development: 3 Army; 0 Navy; 0 Commerce; 0 Culture; 0 Industry
Focus: Stagnant
Treasury: £3,463 K
Budget Surplus: £2,049 K
Net Revenue: £3,688 K
Net Spending: £1,640 K
Tax Rate (Max): 7.00% (40%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 40000 Infantry, 13000 Cavalry, 148 Artillery
Army Stats: Average Training; Good Leadership; 2 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 0 Frigates
Navy Stats: Poor Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £17.50 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £1.50

Tag: #EGY
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Ruling Faction: Muhammad Ali - Majilis Al-Shura
Politics: Majlis Al-Shura (C/80), Ottomanists (R/20)
Population (Growth): 9,520,837 (+0.43%)
GDP (Trend): £47,294 K (Receding)
Agriculture: 2475
Industry: 20
Development: 4 Army; 2 Navy; 3 Commerce; 3 Culture; 2 Industry
Focus: Army
Treasury: £2,643 K
Budget Surplus: £323 K
Net Revenue: £2,331 K
Net Spending: £2,008 K
Tax Rate (Max): 7.00% (50%)
Tariffs: 50.00%
Army: 48000 Infantry, 3000 Cavalry, 68 Artillery, 20000 Irregulars
Army Stats: Good Training; Excellent Leadership; 4 Experience
Army Supply: 25.00%
Navy: 0 Frigates
Navy Stats: Poor Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £17.28 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £1.24

Tag: #PAP
Papal States
Government: Ecclesiastical Oligarchy
Ruling Faction: No Leader - Restaurazionisti
Politics: Conservative (C/35), Restaurazionisti (R/45), Liberal (L/20)
Population (Growth): 2,769,662 (+0.67%)
GDP (Trend): £41,519 K (Stagnant)
Agriculture: 1052
Industry: 3
Development: 5 Army; 5 Navy; 5 Commerce; 5 Culture; 4 Industry
Focus: Army
Treasury: £2,247 K
Budget Surplus: £186 K
Net Revenue: £935 K
Net Spending: £749 K
Tax Rate (Max): 7.00% (50%)
Tariffs: 3.00%
Army: 9000 Infantry, 3000 Cavalry, 30 Artillery
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 2 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 7 Frigates
Navy Stats: Poor Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £11.40 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £3.75

Tag: #ARG
Argentine Confederation
Government: Presidential Dictatorship
Ruling Faction: Governor Juan Manuel de Rosas - Reaccionario
Politics: Conservado (C/30), Liberal (L/25), Reaccionario (R/45)
Population (Growth): 957,039 (+0.77%)
GDP (Trend): £10,155 K (Stagnant)
Agriculture: 364
Industry: 2
Development: 4 Army; 2 Navy; 3 Commerce; 3 Culture; 2 Industry
Focus: Army
Treasury: -£310 K
Budget Surplus: £262 K
Net Revenue: £459 K
Net Spending: £197 K
Tax Rate (Max): 7.00% (50%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 3000 Infantry, 1000 Cavalry, 2 Artillery
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 3 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 30 Frigates
Navy Stats: Poor Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £10.85 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £2.65

Tag: #CHL
Government: Democracy
Ruling Faction: President Prieto - Partido de Conservado
Politics: Conservado (C/50), Liberal (L/30), Reaccionario (R/20)
Population (Growth): 1,120,057 (+3.60%)
GDP (Trend): £8,514 K (Stagnant)
Agriculture: 426
Industry: 1
Development: 4 Army; 2 Navy; 3 Commerce; 3 Culture; 2 Industry
Focus: Army
Treasury: -£206 K
Budget Surplus: £229 K
Net Revenue: £370 K
Net Spending: £141 K
Tax Rate (Max): 7.00% (50%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 3000 Infantry, 1000 Cavalry, 2 Artillery
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 2 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 4 Frigates
Navy Stats: Poor Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £11.62 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £1.90

Tag: #COL
Republic of the New Granada
Government: Democracy
Ruling Faction: President Santander - Liberal Party
Politics: Conservado (C/30), Liberal (L/45), Reaccionario (R/25)
Population (Growth): 1,662,139 (+2.68%)
GDP (Trend): £8,643 K (Stagnant)
Agriculture: 632
Industry: 2
Development: 4 Army; 2 Navy; 3 Commerce; 3 Culture; 2 Industry
Focus: Army
Treasury: -£348 K
Budget Surplus: £198 K
Net Revenue: £364 K
Net Spending: £166 K
Tax Rate (Max): 7.00% (50%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 6000 Infantry, 3000 Cavalry, 2 Artillery
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 3 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 8 Frigates
Navy Stats: Poor Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £14.10 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £1.30

Tag: #PEU
Government: Presidential Dictatorship
Ruling Faction: Supreme Ruler Salaverry - Partido de Conservado
Politics: Conservado (C/50), Liberal (L/30), Reaccionario (R/20)
Population (Growth): 1,654,455 (+0.77%)
GDP (Trend): £11,565 K (Stagnant)
Agriculture: 629
Industry: 2
Development: 4 Army; 2 Navy; 3 Commerce; 3 Culture; 2 Industry
Focus: Army
Treasury: £701 K
Budget Surplus: £172 K
Net Revenue: £499 K
Net Spending: £327 K
Tax Rate (Max): 7.00% (50%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 6835.15384615385 Infantry, 3037.84615384615 Cavalry, 12 Artillery (MANPOWER LOW)
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 2 Experience
Army Supply: 25.00%
Navy: 0 Frigates
Navy Stats: Poor Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £12.00 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £1.75

Tag: #ECU
Government: Democracy
Ruling Faction: President Rocafuerte - Liberal Party
Politics: Conservado (C/30), Liberal (L/45), Reaccionario (R/25)
Population (Growth): 914,493 (+4.24%)
GDP (Trend): £3,759 K (Shrinking)
Agriculture: 348
Industry: 1
Development: 4 Army; 2 Navy; 3 Commerce; 3 Culture; 2 Industry
Focus: Army
Treasury: £256 K
Budget Surplus: £80 K
Net Revenue: £156 K
Net Spending: £76 K
Tax Rate (Max): 7.00% (50%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 3000 Infantry, 1000 Cavalry, 2 Artillery
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 2 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 2 Frigates
Navy Stats: Poor Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £16.63 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £1.03

Tag: #VNZ
Government: Democracy
Ruling Faction: President Vargas - Partido de Conservado
Politics: Conservado (C/50), Liberal (L/30), Reaccionario (R/20)
Population (Growth): 1,018,121 (+3.89%)
GDP (Trend): £5,346 K (Shrinking)
Agriculture: 387
Industry: 2
Development: 4 Army; 2 Navy; 3 Commerce; 3 Culture; 2 Industry
Focus: Army
Treasury: £372 K
Budget Surplus: £120 K
Net Revenue: £225 K
Net Spending: £105 K
Tax Rate (Max): 7.00% (50%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 3000 Infantry, 1000 Cavalry, 10 Artillery
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 2 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 5 Frigates
Navy Stats: Poor Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £14.01 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £1.31

Tag: #URU
Government: Democracy
Ruling Faction: President Oribe - Partido Colorado
Politics: Blancos (C/60), Colorados (L/40)
Population (Growth): 93,868 (+4.15%)
GDP (Trend): £1,238 K (Expanding)
Agriculture: 36
Industry: 0
Development: 4 Army; 2 Navy; 3 Commerce; 3 Culture; 2 Industry
Focus: Army
Treasury: £60 K
Budget Surplus: £35 K
Net Revenue: £58 K
Net Spending: £23 K
Tax Rate (Max): 7.00% (50%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 500 Infantry, 100 Cavalry, 2 Artillery (MANPOWER LOW)
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 3 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 0 Frigates
Navy Stats: Poor Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £11.02 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £3.30

Tag: #PAR
Government: Democracy
Ruling Faction: President Rodriguez de Francia - Autoritaristas
Politics: Autoritaristas (C/70), Liberal (L/30)
Population (Growth): 675,135 (+0.77%)
GDP (Trend): £3,673 K (Expanding)
Agriculture: 257
Industry: 1
Development: 4 Army; 2 Navy; 3 Commerce; 3 Culture; 2 Industry
Focus: Army
Treasury: -£60 K
Budget Surplus: £90 K
Net Revenue: £155 K
Net Spending: £66 K
Tax Rate (Max): 7.00% (50%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 2500 Infantry, 500 Cavalry, 10 Artillery
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 3 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 0 Frigates
Navy Stats: Poor Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £13.71 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £1.36

Tag: #BOL
Government: Presidential Dictatorship
Ruling Faction: President Andres de Santa Cruz - Reaccionario
Politics: Reaccionario (R/80), Conservado (L/20)
Population (Growth): 1,440,191 (+0.77%)
GDP (Trend): £7,096 K (Expanding)
Agriculture: 547
Industry: 3
Development: 4 Army; 2 Navy; 3 Commerce; 3 Culture; 2 Industry
Focus: Army
Treasury: £306 K
Budget Surplus: £83 K
Net Revenue: £297 K
Net Spending: £214 K
Tax Rate (Max): 7.00% (50%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 12889.7142857143 Infantry, 1148.28571428571 Cavalry, 5 Artillery (MANPOWER LOW)
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 2 Experience
Army Supply: 20.00%
Navy: 0 Frigates
Navy Stats: Poor Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £14.62 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £1.23

Tag: #UCA
United States of Central America
Government: Democracy
Ruling Faction: President Francisco Morazan - Liberal Party
Politics: Conservado (C/30), Liberal (L/45), Reaccionario (R/25)
Population (Growth): 1,657,443 (+2.68%)
GDP (Trend): £9,779 K (Expanding)
Agriculture: 630
Industry: 2
Development: 4 Army; 2 Navy; 3 Commerce; 3 Culture; 2 Industry
Focus: Army
Treasury: £685 K
Budget Surplus: £216 K
Net Revenue: £415 K
Net Spending: £200 K
Tax Rate (Max): 7.00% (50%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 7000 Infantry, 3000 Cavalry, 2 Artillery (MANPOWER LOW)
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 3 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 6 Frigates
Navy Stats: Poor Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £13.07 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £1.48

Tag: #TEX
Government: Democracy
Ruling Faction: President Lorenzo de Zavala - Liberal Party
Politics: Liberal (L/90), Mexophiles (R/10)
Population (Growth): 37,988 (+21.06%)
GDP (Trend): £251 K (Expanding)
Agriculture: 2
Industry: 0
Development: 5 Army; 2 Navy; 3 Commerce; 5 Culture; 4 Industry
Focus: Army
Treasury: -£2,670 K
Budget Surplus: -£598 K
Net Revenue: £65 K
Net Spending: £662 K
Tax Rate (Max): 100.00% (50%)
Tariffs: 100.00%
Army: 1500 Infantry, 500 Cavalry, 5 Artillery (MOBILIZED)
Army Stats: Average Training; Excellent Leadership; 3 Experience
Army Supply: 100.00%
Navy: 0 Frigates
Navy Stats: Poor Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £12.39 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £1.65

Tag: #SWI
Government: Democracy
Ruling Faction: President Karl Friedrich Tscharner - Conservative Party
Politics: Conservative (C/60), Liberal (L/25), Reactionary (R/15)
Population (Growth): 2,187,636 (+0.77%)
GDP (Trend): £46,844 K (Shrinking)
Agriculture: 831
Industry: 4
Development: 5 Army; 5 Navy; 5 Commerce; 5 Culture; 4 Industry
Focus: Commerce
Treasury: -£6,828 K
Budget Surplus: £1,799 K
Net Revenue: £2,412 K
Net Spending: £612 K
Tax Rate (Max): 7.00% (50%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 25000 Infantry, 5000 Cavalry, 20 Artillery (MANPOWER LOW)
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 2 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 0 Frigates
Navy Stats: Poor Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £13.33 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £5.35

Tag: #SER
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Ruling Faction: King Obrenovic I - Conservative Party
Politics: Conservative (C/60), Liberal (L/25), Reactionary (R/15)
Population (Growth): 804,531 (+0.57%)
GDP (Trend): £5,793 K (Expanding)
Agriculture: 306
Industry: 2
Development: 4 Army; 2 Navy; 3 Commerce; 3 Culture; 2 Industry
Focus: Army
Treasury: £115 K
Budget Surplus: £148 K
Net Revenue: £251 K
Net Spending: £103 K
Tax Rate (Max): 7.00% (50%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 3000 Infantry, 500 Cavalry, 15 Artillery
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 2 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 0 Frigates
Navy Stats: Poor Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £11.87 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £1.80

Tag: #HAI
Government: Presidential Dictatorship
Ruling Faction: President Jean Pierre Boyer - Conservative Party
Politics: Conservative (C/60), Liberal (L/25), Reactionary (R/15)
Population (Growth): 645,350 (+0.72%)
GDP (Trend): £3,511 K (Expanding)
Agriculture: 245
Industry: 1
Development: 4 Army; 2 Navy; 3 Commerce; 3 Culture; 2 Industry
Focus: Army
Treasury: £259 K
Budget Surplus: £86 K
Net Revenue: £148 K
Net Spending: £63 K
Tax Rate (Max): 7.00% (50%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 1000 Infantry, 500 Cavalry, 10 Artillery
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 2 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 1 Frigates
Navy Stats: Poor Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £13.71 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £1.36

Tag: #PER
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Ruling Faction: Mohammad Shah Qajar - Shahist Faction
Politics: Shahist (C/80), Westernizers (L/10), Islamist (R/10)
Population (Growth): 6,003,038 (+0.39%)
GDP (Trend): £35,627 K (Receding)
Agriculture: 1426
Industry: 0
Development: 0 Army; 0 Navy; 0 Commerce; 0 Culture; 0 Industry
Focus: Stagnant
Treasury: £1,899 K
Budget Surplus: £822 K
Net Revenue: £1,447 K
Net Spending: £625 K
Tax Rate (Max): 7.00% (40%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 0 Infantry, 45000 Irregulars (MANPOWER LOW)
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 2 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 0 Frigates, 16 Junks
Navy Stats: Poor Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £20.57 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £1.48

Tag: #BUR
Government: Absolute Monarchy (Tributary State of Qing)
Ruling Faction: King Bagyidaw - Conservative Party
Politics: Conservative (C/75), Westernizers (L/10), Sinophile (R/15)
Population (Growth): 3,720,205 (+0.38%)
GDP (Trend): £22,152 K (Shrinking)
Agriculture: 884
Industry: 0
Development: 0 Army; 0 Navy; 0 Commerce; 0 Culture; 0 Industry
Focus: Stagnant
Treasury: £1,271 K
Budget Surplus: £158 K
Net Revenue: £1,174 K
Net Spending: £1,017 K
Tax Rate (Max): 9.00% (40%)
Tariffs: 40.00%
Army: 3000 Infantry, 1000 Cavalry
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 2 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 0 Frigates
Navy Stats: Poor Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £20.57 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £1.49

Tag: #DAI
Viet Nam
Government: Absolute Monarchy (Tributary State of Qing)
Ruling Faction: King Minh Mang - Conservative Party
Politics: Conservative (C/75), Westernizers (L/10), Sinophile (R/15)
Population (Growth): 6,022,995 (+0.38%)
GDP (Trend): £31,590 K (Receding)
Agriculture: 1430
Industry: 0
Development: 0 Army; 0 Navy; 0 Commerce; 0 Culture; 0 Industry
Focus: Stagnant
Treasury: -£1,412 K
Budget Surplus: £239 K
Net Revenue: £1,660 K
Net Spending: £1,422 K
Tax Rate (Max): 9.00% (40%)
Tariffs: 40.00%
Army: 0 Infantry, 40000 Irregulars (MANPOWER LOW)
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 2 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 0 Frigates, 10 Junks
Navy Stats: Poor Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £20.69 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £1.31

Tag: #SIA
Government: Absolute Monarchy (Tributary State of Qing)
Ruling Faction: King Borommarachathirat Ramathibodi - Conservative Party
Politics: Conservative (C/75), Westernizers (L/10), Sinophile (R/15)
Population (Growth): 4,938,857 (+0.38%)
GDP (Trend): £28,017 K (Stagnant)
Agriculture: 1173
Industry: 0
Development: 0 Army; 0 Navy; 0 Commerce; 0 Culture; 0 Industry
Focus: Stagnant
Treasury: £465 K
Budget Surplus: £182 K
Net Revenue: £1,480 K
Net Spending: £1,298 K
Tax Rate (Max): 9.00% (40%)
Tariffs: 40.00%
Army: 0 Infantry, 23000 Irregulars
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 2 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 0 Frigates
Navy Stats: Poor Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £20.58 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £1.42

Tag: #GRE
Government: Liberal Monarchy
Ruling Faction: King Otto - Demokratos Faction
Politics: Conservatives (C/20), Demokratos (L/45), Bavarians (R/35)
Population (Growth): 930,094 (+0.44%)
GDP (Trend): £5,390 K (Booming)
Agriculture: 316
Industry: 0
Development: 4 Army; 2 Navy; 3 Commerce; 3 Culture; 2 Industry
Focus: Army
Treasury: £134 K
Budget Surplus: -£31 K
Net Revenue: £186 K
Net Spending: £217 K
Tax Rate (Max): 10.00% (50%)
Tariffs: 30.00%
Army: 2000 Infantry, 1000 Cavalry, 50 Artillery, 37000 Irregulars (MANPOWER LOW)
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 2 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 6 Frigates, 74 Junks
Navy Stats: Poor Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £13.27 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £1.45

Tag: #EIC
East India Company
Government: Royal Charter (Vassal of British Empire)
Ruling Faction: Governor General George Eden - Imperialist Faction
Politics: Conservative (C/50), Imperialists (L/25), Charterites (R/25)
Population (Growth): 203,403,651 (+0.40%)
GDP (Trend): £1,222,090 K (Expanding)
Agriculture: 50851
Industry: 0
Development: 4 Army; 5 Navy; 3 Commerce; 3 Culture; 2 Industry
Focus: Army
Treasury: £71,799 K
Budget Surplus: £14,624 K
Net Revenue: £40,356 K
Net Spending: £25,732 K
Tax Rate (Max): 10.00% (50%)
Tariffs: 50.00%
Army: 35000 Infantry, 80000 Irregulars
Army Stats: Poor Training; Average Leadership; 2 Experience
Army Supply: 20.00%
Navy: 0 Frigates
Navy Stats: Poor Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £12.74 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £1.50

Tag: #OMN
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Ruling Faction: Said bin Sultan - Imperialist Faction
Politics: Imperialists (C/65), Traders (L/25), Islamists (R/10)
Population (Growth): 401,543 (+0.39%)
GDP (Trend): £5,004 K (Stagnant)
Agriculture: 95
Industry: 0
Development: 1 Army; 1 Navy; 1 Commerce; 0 Culture; 0 Industry
Focus: Commerce
Treasury: £671 K
Budget Surplus: £777 K
Net Revenue: £1,045 K
Net Spending: £268 K
Tax Rate (Max): 8.00% (40%)
Tariffs: 20.00%
Army: 1000 Infantry, 200 Cavalry, 700 Irregulars
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 2 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 10 Frigates, 119 Junks
Navy Stats: Modest Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £10.93 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £3.12

Tag: #SAX
Kingdom of Saxony
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Ruling Faction: King Clement - Austrian Faction
Politics: Austria (C/60), Zollvereiners (L/30), Anti-Confederates (R/10)
Population (Growth): 1,669,406 (+0.57%)
GDP (Trend): £23,867 K (Stagnant)
Agriculture: 523
Industry: 8
Development: 5 Army; 5 Navy; 5 Commerce; 5 Culture; 4 Industry
Focus: Army
Treasury: £1,610 K
Budget Surplus: £427 K
Net Revenue: £1,001 K
Net Spending: £574 K
Tax Rate (Max): 8.00% (50%)
Tariffs: 20.00%
Army: 4000 Infantry
Army Stats: Average Training; Average Leadership; 2 Experience
Army Supply: 10.00%
Navy: 0 Frigates
Navy Stats: Poor Quality; 2 Experience; 350 Force Limit
Navy Supply: 10.00%
Supply Cost: £11.01 (Limited Exports)
Labor Cost: £3.57
Spoiler Unplayable Countries :
Tag: #MON
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Population: 104,260
GDP: £753 K
Development: Civilized
Army: 200 Infantry
Navy: 0 Frigates
Tag: #BAD
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Population: 1,304,253
GDP: £16,279 K
Development: Civilized
Army: 3000 Infantry
Navy: 0 Frigates
Tag: #WUR
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Population: 1,619,038
GDP: £20,208 K
Development: Civilized
Army: 4000 Infantry
Navy: 0 Frigates
Tag: #NG
North German States (various)
Government: Various Monarchies (Includes Duchy of Holstein)
Population: 6,256,582
GDP: £89,353 K
Development: Civilized
Army: 14000 Infantry, 50 Artillery
Navy: 0 Frigates
Tag: #TUS
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Population: 1,604,000
GDP: £24,062 K
Development: Civilized
Army: 3500 Infantry
Navy: 0 Frigates
Tag: #AFG
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Population: 3,506,986
GDP: £21,044 K
Development: Civilized
Army: 0 Infantry, 8000 Irregulars
Navy: 0 Frigates
Tag: #LBR
Government: Democracy
Population: 457,140
GDP: £2,743 K
Development: Civilized
Army: 1000 Infantry
Navy: 0 Frigates
Tag: #TIB
Government: Absolute Monarchy (Satellite of Qing)
Population: 300,750
GDP: £1,805 K
Development: Civilized
Army: 0 Infantry, 700 Irregulars
Navy: 0 Frigates
Tag: #NEP
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Population: 300,750
GDP: £1,805 K
Development: Civilized
Army: 0 Infantry, 700 Irregulars
Navy: 0 Frigates
Tag: #MAD
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Population: 1,941,642
GDP: £11,651 K
Development: Civilized
Army: 0 Infantry, 4500 Irregulars
Navy: 0 Frigates
Tag: #MOR
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Population: 1,616,150
GDP: £9,698 K
Development: Civilized
Army: 0 Infantry, 4000 Irregulars
Navy: 10 Frigates, 10 Junks
Tag: #NEJ
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Population: 412,509
GDP: £2,475 K
Development: Civilized
Army: 0 Infantry, 1000 Irregulars
Navy: 0 Frigates, 5 Junks
Tag: #SOK
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Population: 5,413,500
GDP: £32,484 K
Development: Civilized
Army: 0 Infantry, 13500 Irregulars
Navy: 0 Frigates
Tag: #ZUL
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Population: 603,385
GDP: £3,621 K
Development: Civilized
Army: 0 Infantry, 1500 Irregulars
Navy: 0 Frigates
Tag: #YEM
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Population: 501,250
GDP: £3,008 K
Development: Civilized
Army: 0 Infantry, 1200 Irregulars
Navy: 0 Frigates, 5 Junks
Tag: #ABU
Abu Dhabi
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Population: 250,625
GDP: £1,504 K
Development: Civilized
Army: 0 Infantry, 600 Irregulars
Navy: 0 Frigates, 10 Junks
Tag: #ALG
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Population: 1,243,100
GDP: £7,459 K
Development: Civilized
Army: 0 Infantry, 3000 Irregulars
Navy: 0 Frigates
Tag: #ETH
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Population: 1,604,000
GDP: £9,625 K
Development: Civilized
Army: 0 Infantry, 4000 Irregulars
Navy: 0 Frigates
Tag: #HAW
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Population: 100,250
GDP: £602 K
Development: Civilized
Army: 0 Infantry, 200 Irregulars
Navy: 0 Frigates
Tag: #HED
Government: Absolute Monarchy (Client State of Egypt)
Population: 300,750
GDP: £1,805 K
Development: Civilized
Army: 0 Infantry, 700 Irregulars
Navy: 0 Frigates
Tag: #BRU
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Population: 53,133
GDP: £319 K
Development: Civilized
Army: 0 Infantry, 100 Irregulars
Navy: 0 Frigates
Tag: #ITA
Italian States (various)
Government: Various Monarchies
Population: 6,617,039
GDP: £99,199 K
Development: Civilized
Army: 14000 Infantry, 50 Artillery
Navy: 0 Frigates
Tag: #WAL
Government: Absolute Monarchy (Satellite of Ottoman Empire)
Population: 1,232,273
GDP: £8,873 K
Development: Civilized
Army: 3000 Infantry
Navy: 0 Frigates
Tag: #MOL
Government: Absolute Monarchy (Satellite of Ottoman Empire)
Population: 1,002,500
GDP: £7,219 K
Development: Civilized
Army: 2000 Infantry
Navy: 0 Frigates
Tag: #TUN
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Population: 348,720
GDP: £2,093 K
Development: Civilized
Army: 500 Infantry, 300 Cavalry
Navy: 2 Frigates, 3 Junks
Tag: #KRA
Republic of Krakow
Government: Democracy
Population: 146,365
GDP: £1,464 K
Development: Civilized
Army: 200 Infantry, 50 Cavalry, 1 Artillery
Navy: 0 Frigates
Tag: #HOL
Duchy of Holstein
Government: Duchy
Population: 800,998
GDP: £10,951 K
Development: Civilized
Army: 1500 Infantry
Navy: 0 Frigates
Tag: #KAL
Government: Khanate
Population: 1,408,513
GDP: £8,452 K
Development: Civilized
Army: 0 Infantry, 3000 Irregulars
Navy: 0 Frigates
Tag: #JOH
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Population: 595,485
GDP: £3,573 K
Development: Civilized
Army: 0 Infantry, 1300 Irregulars
Navy: 0 Frigates
Tag: #ATJ
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Population: 243,608
GDP: £1,462 K
Development: Civilized
Army: 0 Infantry, 600 Irregulars
Navy: 0 Frigates
Tag: #TRI
Government: Principaity (Satellite of Ottoman Empire)
Population: 27,719
GDP: £166 K
Development: Civilized
Army: 0 Infantry, 60 Irregulars
Navy: 0 Frigates
Tag: #ORA
Government: Democracy
Population: 50,125
GDP: £301 K
Development: Civilized
Army: 0 Infantry, 120 Irregulars
Navy: 0 Frigates
Tag: #TRA
Government: Democracy
Population: 25,063
GDP: £150 K
Development: Civilized
Army: 0 Infantry, 60 Irregulars
Navy: 0 Frigates
Tag: #BAL
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Population: 74,650
GDP: £448 K
Development: Civilized
Army: 0 Infantry, 150 Irregulars
Navy: 0 Frigates
Tag: #

Government: 0
Population: 0
GDP: £ K
Development: Civilized
Army: Infantry
Navy: Frigates
Tag: #

Government: 0
Population: 0
GDP: £ K
Development: Civilized
Army: Infantry
Navy: Frigates
Tag: #

Government: 0
Population: 0
GDP: £ K
Development: Civilized
Army: Infantry
Navy: Frigates

Map of the World, 1837

Spoiler Map :

Open map in new window.

Spoiler Industry,1836 :

Spoiler Industry,1837 :



Império do Brasil checking in.
Sweden reporting in.
The Qing will educate you filthy barbarians

Mohammad Shah Qajar of Persia is present.​
Dona Maria II, the Good Mother, Queen of Portugal and the Algarves is present.
We really require a list of ongoing wars, crises, and major treaty obligations on the front page.

'Twill be generated. I'll attempt to drum one up for the here and now but I can't promise comprehensiveness.
Mexico taking a nap nearby.
Denmark is here.

The Danish Virgin Islands look as though they're British. Could you check the colour?
Also, will the Danish Gold Coast and the French, Portuguese, and Danish colonies in India be represented?
Finally, the British didn't control or dispute that much of Maine- this map would probably be more appropriate.
The Sublime Porte is here. The crescent moon is rising.
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