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aCK-3 The Cat with the Hat

Alright, sounds good.

I'm going to have a tough time doing the turn set this week, so when you are done I'll have to do the turnset in parts if Silver doesn't want to go.

What's our current priority for tech btw? Our we looking to kill HC when we get rifleing?
Ok, here is my proposal for my turnset.

We can beg all the money HC and Toku have. We can make a trade of clams for 1gpt to Toku (or Shaka). We can trade wine for 1gpt to Hannibal. I would suggest making the trades. 1gpt isn't much but it may get us a diplo boost, and Hannibal is behind on score.

We have no academies. Shouldn't the GS be sent to Ulundi to found one?

Ulundi is working on a grocer, but doesn't have health problems, bank would be a bigger economic boost. I can up the production also without removing any scientists, just slowing/stopping growth. I would probably remove one specialist.

Nicomedia needs a lighthouse. Instead of building a monestary for production, how about a workshop west of the ivory?

After grocer in Nobamba, lighthouse, then bank or barracks.

After Monestary, Gem city needs a Library.

If I change a city tile from a farm to the ivory in Kassite, growth goes from 3 to four turns, temple from 11 to 6 turns.

Take the corn back to Constantinople

Need to get a worker up to Trebizond. I think we should build granary first. Tundra by river can be farmed.

If we are going to build the Taj lets build it. I can work both unworked workshops and shorten the time to 12 turns. It will be twenty turns before we lose a population due to starvation, we won't allow that to happen. I want that place producing units as soon as possible.

Lets get that university build in Berlin. Fire the bankers, and get those mines working. The begged money will pay for it. Next is the National Epic.

don't need harbor in Adrianople right now. I would suggest a couple of workers, then how about a bank? I think 1W of corn needs to be a farm instead of a workshop. Other workshop should get built. If its going to be a production city, lets make it a production city. This place probably needs to produce units also very shortly.

Lets work the hammers in Nicaea, and get that university built.

Get that plains hill mine built for Antioch, get the forge done sooner.

work an ocean tile instead of the woods in Iron Will. After the Library, a forge.

After Chemistry, Replacable Parts?

As far as civics.. Bureau for Nationalism? it costs us 8 - 12 hammers in Ulundi but saves us lots of money. And change to OR
Ok, here is my proposal for my turnset.

We can beg all the money HC and Toku have. We can make a trade of clams for 1gpt to Toku (or Shaka). We can trade wine for 1gpt to Hannibal. I would suggest making the trades. 1gpt isn't much but it may get us a diplo boost, and Hannibal is behind on score.
I'd be careful about this one- imo that's definitely where the benefit to us is outweighed by the benefit to the AI.

Other than that I'm content. :)
After Chemistry, Replacable Parts?

What about going for Steel for cannons then start building cannons while researching to Rifling then draft an army?

Bureau for Nationalism? it costs us 8 - 12 hammers in Ulundi but saves us lots of money.

Sounds good. If we decide to go for Steel, when completed we could switch to Vassalage to give our cannons +2XP then switch back to Nationalsim to draft our army when Rifling completed.
I am going to do this turn a bit differently, posting the result of each turn as I do it (unless it's a :sleep: turn). Hopefully I'll keep better records this way, play more carefully and if any of you happen to be on right now, you could post a message yelling at me for the bonehead thing I just did :)

1485 AD :
Changing civics to Organized Religion and Nationhood. Income goes from -2 to +17. I have no intention to use Nationhood to draft, going to it because it's cheap. I agree with S.ilver that drafting should normally be used minimally or in emergencies as untrained troops just aren't worth much. And when we do go to war, it will probably be with an equal tech opponent, making trained troops that much more important.

Ulundi: I fire two scientist, hire one Engineer. Work both mines, switch to bank. Bank is now 6 turns away.

Nicomedia: I switch to a lighthouse. Start working the unimproved forest until I can build a workshop.

Nobamba: I fire a scientist, start working the riverside mine. Grocer is four turns away.

Gem City: I notice workers building a farm. I think on jungle, you should always remove the jungle first then build whatever. I could be wrong.

Kassite: I change two farms to the ivory and the Hamlet. This is one city that we should cottage. Stopping the work farming over the town.

Angora: I fire one merchant, stop working the corn, work a farm and the dye instead.

Trebizond: Start on a Granary

Constantinople: I take back the corn.

Thessalonica: I maximize production, slight food shortage. Taj in 11 turns

Berlin: I fire one merchant, 2 farmers, hire three miners. University in 6 turns. I tried firing more bankers, working another mine, hiring an engineer, but only got it down to 5 turns. It wasn't worth the loss in gold.

Adrianople: Started on a worker (3 turns), changed the workshop building to a farm. Stopped the two workers on the plains from workshops. One will build a workshop on the grass ne. The other head for the furs.

Nicaea: emphasized hammers, University in 15.

Antioch: moved worker from farm to iron mine. Cut forge time from 24 to 12 turns.

Iron Will: started working sea instead of forest for a couple more coins, and a bit of growth.

Begged 410 Gold from HC. Begged 120 gold from Toku. Made trade of clams to Toku for 1gpt. Decided not to trade Wine to Hannibal per advice.

Not sure what to do with Merchant. Sounds like Silver would like to extend a golden age with it. I left it in Cuzco for the spying it gives us.

We now have 560 gold, +6 per turn. No matter what I did to research, Chemistry was still 3 turns away. So left research alone for now.

1490: (1)

Started building workshop two south of Kassite for optional extra hammers. Plan to slowly cottage over the farms as the city grows.

Gem City: Monastery -> Library

Sury gets 190 gold from somewhere, but won't give it up.

1495: (2)

Trouble up north

I think the quarry and road are worth 7 gold.

Not sure what to do with our spy down in Tokuland. I've moved him onto Osaka.

Started on a cottage 1 W of Gem City

Angora: Granary -> Lighthouse

I spend a little bit of money and upgrade our Trireme to a Caravel.

1500: (3)

Chemistry is finished, I start on Replaceable Parts

Someone poisoned the water supply in Ulundi. Perhaps we should use that spy, once it gets to 50% to steal some money and be recalled to Ulundi where it can stay?

Worker - > worker in Adrianople. I send the worker south to help with the jungle around Angora.

Our Caravel sails to our lake to give the nobles some free boat rides. Also it can respond to either coast from here.

I send a scientist to the farms to help the food problems in Ulundi, a result of the poisoning. But I find I can change the engineer to a scientist and the 3 turns to a bank remains unchanged.

I increase research to 70%, -29gpt, Replaceable Parts in 10.

I can trade Chemistry to Sury for any one of Liberalism, Economics, Divine Right. Plus his World Map. Should I do so? Going to take a break.
I believe we are going after HC next. But I am afraid of us giving the AI too many techs. I'll hold off for now.
Another vote for not trading Chemistry.

Re drafting & untrained troops - if we have enough seige then drafted rifles are good. As we're Spiritual, we could always swap to Theocracy for 10 or so turns of drafting to boost the unit XP.
1505 AD: (4)

Someone is mad at us. Adrianople's water supply is poisoned.

But we find some nice black pearls

I renegotiate the wine deal with HC from 8gpt to 10gpt.

Constantinople finishes the temple I think it was, starts on a University.
Re drafting & untrained troops - if we have enough seige then drafted rifles are good. As we're Spiritual, we could always swap to Theocracy for 10 or so turns of drafting to boost the unit XP.

I thought drafted troops were always untrained regardless of barracks/civics. But I could very well be wrong.
I thought drafted troops were always untrained regardless of barracks/civics. But I could very well be wrong.

They get half XP. So barracks (3) + Theocracy (2) = either 2 or 3 XP. I can't remember if it rounds down or up. Will need to check if we would still get a promo. Also 1/2 XP from settled generals.
1510: (5)
Kassite: Buddhist Temple -> Library

Ulundi: Bank - > Grocer

1515: (6)
I can sell Music to Hannibal for 180 gold. Going to wait a turn to see if he gets more gold.

Berlin: University-> National Epic

Kassite takes the mine away from Sury. That makes the workshop I'm building less important.

Bah, even with the sign, I forgot about the Great Scientist in Ulundi, I create an academy.

With a little micro management, another specialist in Berlin, with no change to NE build, I get Replaceable Parts down to 6 turns. Losing 21gpt now.

1520: (7)
Adrianople finishes a worker, I start on a Settler.

Nobamba finsihes a Lighthouse and starts on a Barracks. It also celebrates!

Anyone know the details about "We love our ruler day"? It seems to have lowered our deficit a bit.

1525: (8)
Close but no cigar. We had just 2 turns left on the Taj

I start a cataphract. Thought about a University, we need more of those for Oxford.. we can make it here pretty quick if its needed.

I steal all of 15 gold from Toku, cost us very little EP's. Spy is back in Ulundi.

Hannibal no longer has the money. I'll keep an eye on this and sell him an outdated tech if he gets some.

1530: (9)
We get 879 gold for the work on the Taj.

We have a load of money now, but no matter what I do, still 3 turns to Replaceable Parts, so I keep the slider where it is.

Now what should we do with the Merchant? I'm thinking of bulbing him to help with Economics.

Nicomedia: Lighthouse -> Monastery

Ulundi: Grocer -> Barracks

Taking a break. I think we need to start building our military now, for hopefully a war next turnset. I'll be building barracks and units as the buildings get done. Noticed right now our spending on units is 11, if that goes up, I may delete units as I create them.
Anyone know the details about "We love our ruler day"? It seems to have lowered our deficit a bit.
If I remember right it reduces the maintainence costs for that city by a certain percentage.

As for the science slider remember that beaker overflow carries over into the next tech we research, so although it might not reduce the time on this tech it could quite possibly do so for the next tech we research.
I remember from some games I've followed, that CRII Rifleman are great. I think the only way to get them is to promote Macemen (preferably) or Axe/Swordsmen. So I'm thinking after RP I should research steel, and we can make cannons, Macemen. Then promote CR2 macemen to Riflemen once we get that tech. This would mean keeping all the money we have now.
They get half XP. So barracks (3) + Theocracy (2) = either 2 or 3 XP. I can't remember if it rounds down or up.

Civ IV always rounds down. Or, rather, I believe that it truncates. So any fraction is rounded down.

IamJohn said:
If I remember right it reduces the maintainence costs for that city by a certain percentage.

"We love the king day" reduces maintenance costs in the affected city to 0. However, unlike in Civ III, I'm not sure how to maintain those celebrations for long periods of time.

Regarding the set: Unfortunately, I don't think that I'll have time to look at this save, but based on the report . . . honestly, I'm OK with the result of the Taj. That's a fair chunk of money we got, so it can give us some leeway with deficit research.

Merchant: I doubt that we should use him to bulb a tech that we could trade for. I'm no expert in bulbing, but I think that it's most effective to bulb a tech no one has and trade it, or bulb a tech that's on one's selected tech path. Maybe S.ilver has a plan.

War: I really, really don't think we're going to war any time soon. I know you guys are eager to bash heads, but our economy has a band-aid on. That's all. Our army is also horrendously out-dated, so it'll take a lot of time to replace it, even with drafting. Rifles and Cannons will probably be mandatory.

The barracks in Ulundi is probably a good idea. The city could probably produce some units if it's reconfigured for hammers rather than specialists . . . .
1535: (10)
A Mr. Shaka came by, with his version of begging.
Spoiler :

I refused :lol:

Cataphract made in Thessa, the military cost went up. I'm going to delete something old without promotions. One chariot and one HA bit the dust.

Gem City: Library -> Forge
Nobamba: Barracks -> University
Adrianople: Settler - > University

I know I said units now. But it will be a while before we get Cannons and Rifling. And if we pay for some units to be upgraded, Thessa making units now, and other making units after a civics switch for more experience should be enough. Civics switch to Theocracy and/or Vassalage when Rifling is started to be researched? Or actually start producing units... but don't complete them... keep the non-war civics as long as possible, then switch civics and produce a unit/turn as you complete about 3-4 units queued up and almost build in each city.

Sorry for mixing ideas for future and report :blush:

1540: (11)

Ulundi Barracks - > Jail
I remember from some games I've followed, that CRII Rifleman are great. I think the only way to get them is to promote Macemen (preferably) or Axe/Swordsmen. So I'm thinking after RP I should research steel, and we can make cannons, Macemen. Then promote CR2 macemen to Riflemen once we get that tech. This would mean keeping all the money we have now.

I'm not sure I like this idea, if we do go on the rampage and are able to start conquering cities we're going to have, as pointed out above, maintainence issues. I think 1 or2 might be nice, but an organized plan to make cr2 rifleman would just be too expensive.

Another thought: if we are going to go down the peacenik path here it's going to mean we're either going to try to win by space or diplo. Are we happy with that? Just because it's the most efficient path to victory doesn't mean that it's the one we have to do. :) I'm happy to do what ever the team wants to do, just putting it out there. :)
I don't think we can win the space race. Diplo maybe. Right now we are being out tech'ed badly by HC especially, which is why we need to war with him. Hopefully getting techs from him to make peace.

Anyone know where to look for upgrade costs? Wonder how many macemen we can afford to upgrade. I think 5 or so CRII Riflemen would make a difference.
1545: Iconium is founded on the marble east of Constantinople.

Antioch: Forge -> Library

Thessa: Maceman - > Maceman I'm replacing the axemen, spearmen and swordsmen we have. They even may prove useful as they are without upgrade. And if we have the money, we can upgrade to Riflemen. And replacing our Warrior garrisons with macemen will help our power I think. I'll also make some crossbowmen for garrisons. Thessa can make one of those per turn.

Replaceable parts done, starting Steel.

Toku will give us 1000 Gold for Nationalism, going to do that if no one yells in the next 10 minutes :)
Giving Toku Nationalism? Sounds somewhat questionable. Why not steal the money from him instead?
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