Adding a custom trait to a civilization

The project and database:
Create a new project in Mod Buddy called "Custom Leader Trait Tutorial" and create two subdirectories, 'xml' and 'lua'.

In the xml directory create a new sql file called traits.sql. In the file put the following code:

INSERT INTO Language_EN_US (Tag, Text, Gender, Plurality) VALUES ('TXT_KEY_TRAIT_POPULATION_GROWTH', 'Food buildings add 1 [ICON_CITIZEN] Population when constructed.[NEWLINE]Starts with a Worker instead of a Warrior.', '', '');

ALTER TABLE Traits ADD NoWarrior boolean;

INSERT INTO Trait_YieldFromConstruction (TraitType, BuildingType, YieldType, Yield)
FROM Buildings WHERE Type IN (

This code first deletes the description of Ghandi's trait in the database, then adds our own new one.

Next it alters food builds to add an additional population when built. This is an xml trait that will require no lua but is included here for completeness.
The xml:
Add a new file to the xml directory called traits.xml. In it, put the following xml:

			<Set CityUnhappinessModifier="0"

Make sure you use the Mod Buddy template because it automatically adds in the basic framework. You insert your code inbetween the <GameData> tags.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Created by ModBuddy on 4/4/2013 7:25:05 AM -->


This xml alters the trait TRAIT_POPULATION_GROWTH (Ghandi's trait) to add our new NoWarrior attribute, and to give Ghandi a free worker on startup.
The lua code:

Create a new file called traits.lua in the lua subdirectory. In it place:

print("***[ This is the Custom Leader Trait Tutorial ]***")

function PlayerStartBonuses(player)
	local trait
	local leaderType
	local traitType
	local UNITAI_WORKER = 2


	-- Loop through the players
	for playerID, player in pairs(Players) do

		-- Make sure player is alive and not a barbarian or minor civ
		if player and player:IsEverAlive() and not player:IsBarbarian() and not player:IsMinorCiv() then
			-- Get the trait info for this player
			leaderType = GameInfo.Leaders[player:GetLeaderType()].Type
			traitType = GameInfo.Leader_Traits("LeaderType ='" .. leaderType .. "'")().TraitType
			trait = GameInfo.Traits[traitType]
			-- If the player has the NoWarrior trait (custom trait) kill the warrior
			if trait and trait.NoWarrior then

				-- If this is a reload/reseed whatever, create the worker again
				if UI:IsLoadedGame() then
					player:AddFreeUnit(GameInfo.Units.UNIT_WORKER.ID, UNITAI_WORKER) 
				-- Another mod may have changed starting units so if this is ERA ancient, just kill them all. 
				-- The game already supplies you with a worker if you start above ancient ERA
				print(player:GetName() .. 'Starting Unit(s) Killed!')
				for unit in player:Units() do
					for unit in player:Units() do
						if player:GetCurrentEra() == GameInfoTypes.ERA_ANCIENT and unit:GetUnitType() ~= GameInfoTypes.UNIT_WORKER and unit:GetUnitType() ~= GameInfoTypes.UNIT_SETTLER then


	print("PlayerStartBonuses Done")


You will see we add an event handler at the bottom, that causes our code to be called when the game is initialized. There are comments in the code to explain what it is doing, as well as some prints to help with Fire Tuner debugging.
The project again:

Make sure under properties in the project you have the sql and xml files set to load and update the database. Make sure you define the lua/traits.lua file as an InGameUIAddin.

See attached completed working project.


Hambil, instead of removing the Warrior and adding the Worker in Lua, can't you do that in XML


<Set Count="0" />

P.S: Hambil, my #1 Tutorial Request would be a Guide to Lua in Civilization V Modding.... Is that possible?
Hambil, instead of removing the Warrior and adding the Worker in Lua, can't you do that in XML


<Set Count="0" />

P.S: Hambil, my #1 Tutorial Request would be a Guide to Lua in Civilization V Modding.... Is that possible?
I don't know the XML side well enough to say, yet. But even if it could there would be plenty of other traits players might add that would require lua, so I think the tutorial is okay.

"Guide to Lua in Civilization V Modding" is a very broad topic. Can you be more specific about your needs?
I have a question that's nagging at me...

The example is good at showing how I can integrate Lua and XML, and I'm interested in experimenting with it a bit... however, I'm a bit baffled at the code for Trait_YieldFromConstruction doesn't actually exist in the files for Civ V. I'm guessing that there's some code in CivUP or GEM that enables this, but I can't find it.

So I was wondering if you could tell me where the code for Trait_YieldFromConstruction is found?

EDIT: Bah, just found it in CivUP_Events.lua ... now to just figure out how it works...
Sorry about that - was my first tutorial. I didn't realize it was incomplete. I will look up that trait code also and add it to the tutorial.

Eh, it's fine -- the "No Warriors" tag is the more important part of it the lesson.

Trait_YieldFromConstruction is actually kind of a pain, because it calls City_ChangeYieldStored, which is buried in the YieldLibrary.lua. Another interesting function, but having to include both functions for your example might be a bit much. X3
I have been trying but I can't think on how to do this: A trait that gives production on land military units
I have been trying but I can't think on how to do this: A trait that gives production on land military units

Production in what way? Making it easier to build them? You can do that by having the trait give every city a free building that gives a bonus to the production of land units...
Production in what way? Making it easier to build them? You can do that by having the trait give every city a free building that gives a bonus to the production of land units...

That's exactly what I would need which one is that one? I tried this but I couldn't get it to worlk I'm very new to modding.
I basically used an update to make warriors only use 30 Hammers instead of 40 which is a 25% off, then I'd do this with all other units are you saying there's an easier way?
BTW this is for a Cuba mod and Patria O Muerte means "Homeland or death."
So I found out I could just use the <freebuilding> tag to give a free building but how do I make that building <yield>PRODUCTION<yield/> to only military units? NOT other buildings or civilian units. If anyone helps it means alot! Thanks in advance!
So I found out I could just use the <freebuilding> tag to give a free building but how do I make that building <yield>PRODUCTION<yield/> to only military units? NOT other buildings or civilian units. If anyone helps it means alot! Thanks in advance!

You can't add production to a unit directly, but under buildings you have Buildings_UnitCombatProductionModifiers which allows you to increase the rate of unit production by a certain percentage. The Forge in the standard unit files has an example of this, set to 15% for melee units, I think.
You can't add production to a unit directly, but under buildings you have Buildings_UnitCombatProductionModifiers which allows you to increase the rate of unit production by a certain percentage. The Forge in the standard unit files has an example of this, set to 15% for melee units, I think.

Thank you thats perfect. I'll just make a DummyBuilding that appears in all the cities and gives production to military units that way. Thanks!
Is there a way to tie all great people to golden ages? Something like, "double great person generation during golden ages."

What about tying growth to golden ages: "+50% growth during golden ages"?

Can additional yields output be tied to building types? Say, "+1 production per science building"?

Finally, can yields be tied to river adjacent tiles?
You can't add production to a unit directly, but under buildings you have Buildings_UnitCombatProductionModifiers which allows you to increase the rate of unit production by a certain percentage. The Forge in the standard unit files has an example of this, set to 15% for melee units, I think.

Sorry to bother you with this, but you seem to know what you're talking about, and I haven't gotten a reply anywhere else.

I'm looking to make a custom civ with a special trait that causes any offensive spies to produce faith, while defensive spies and diplomats produce culture. Any ideas how I could make this work. Thank you so much.
How Do I make using XML a trait that reduces hurry cost basically -25% purchase cost modifier?
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