Adding Wonders - quick & dirty


Retired Wonder Architect
Oct 1, 2003
Tervuren, Belgium
Because I keep getting this question...
This should work for PTW and C3C.

To start, create your own scenario folder (something like ...\Scenarios\Mymod) and make a copy of the original .biq (...\Scenarios\Mymod.biq). Make all of below changes in these.

In short:

1/ Put the 2 icons in ..\Art\Civilopedia\Icons\Buildings

2/ Put the splash in ..\Art\Wonder Splash

3/ Edit the buildings-large.pcx & buildings-small.pcx (..\Art\City Screen) with a graphics editor (copy/paste the new building at the bottom, just under the last building already present).

4/ Add 2 correct entries in pediaIcons.txt (..\Text). Example:

art\wonder splash\CburySplash.pcx

5/ Add correct entry in Civilopedia.txt (..\Text), starting with:

6/ Use the editor. Go to "Rules > Edit Rules > Improvements and Wonders" and add the building + set it up completely to your wishes/needs.
In Conquests, the new civilopedia entry you made will be listed in the dropdown box "Civilopedia Entry" for you to select.

PS. Conquests: If you replace a wonder/building instead of adding one, make sure you keep the relevant number (1 – 81) in the pediaIcons.txt entry. This number indicates in which graphics slot the program has to look for the image.


PS. You can get the buildings-pcx's with some extra free slots HERE
wouldent you also need to alter the buildings-large.pcx and buildings-small.pcx?

Or... If you in the pediaicons.text , after the:
"#ICON_BLDG_Canterbury" enter a number, will it use the same pictures as the number shows to in buldings-large and small.pcx?
Originally posted by Risbinroch
wouldent you also need to alter the buildings-large.pcx and buildings-small.pcx?

Read nr. 3/ :confused: ?

You add it at the bottom. When you add a new wonder in the editor, it will automatically pick the next image down on the buildings-large.pcx

As for the nrs in pediaIcons of C3C; so far I haven't found any use for these...

I don't know exactly why the developers started using them in Conquests, but surely they are not necessary to just add a wonder. I added many without the nrs. and it works just fine...
If you replace an existing wonder on the other hand, yes, then you will need to keep the correct number in your pediaIcons.txt entry.
What an excellent well put forth explaination. And the question about the numbers cleared my confusion on the matter. Thankyou for taking the time to post this. Well done.:goodjob:

A few Hour Later....

UPDATE: I tried this right away and it worked. Except when I used no numbers it went blank for the building icons in the editor. So I looked at the large icon graphic sheet and realized in c3c (at least on my pc) it has room for only 81 slots I think. So I pasted the Gallows icon on slot 73 a spaceship casing in the large and small city view pcx. Then in the text file changed the gallows to number 73 and it was working good. Now Im just wonding how to unuse the unwanted spaceship casing without crashing the game (havent tried to remove it from the editor yet) Anyways for what its worth I thought Id offer some feedback on the number issue concerning my situation anyways. :D
I suppose you are talking about Conquests.

Yep, if you follow the steps in that order, when you go to the editor, and "add" a new wonder, you will see the new building displayed bottom left. You also have to choose the civilopedia from the list in the dropdown box. The entry name you made in step 5 will automatically be added to that list, so you can choose it.

@ Sleepy Eyes: if you do it step by step exactly like I explained, you don't need the numbers. Thing is you have to add the building graphic at the bottom (make a new slot). If you copy it over an existing building, yes, you need the numbers to indicate the slot you used.
If you just want to add a building, you need to enlarge the .pcx and then paste it under the last building already present.
If you want to replace a building (or if you start deleting existing buildings), you need to paste it over the existing building, but then you will need to indicate the number of the slot in your PediaIcons entry.

Anyway, I think I'll post the Conquests .pcx enlarged with some empty slots this weekend.

Hy AK... I followed all the steps above except for step 3, and the new Entry doesn't yet appear in the Editor, do I have to add the graphics in the buildings-large and buildings-small for it to work?
I posted those Conquests buildings .pcx that I promised. Both (small and large) have 5 extra slots to add buildings + some room to add more. Check top of the thread to download.

Originally posted by aeldrik
Hy AK... I followed all the steps above except for step 3, and the new Entry doesn't yet appear in the Editor, do I have to add the graphics in the buildings-large and buildings-small for it to work?

Normally not. I Just tested it and it works without.
As soon as the Civilopedia/PediaIcons entries are correctly in the text, you can go to the editor. Then click"Add" type in a name, and then choose the entry you made in the dropdown box called "civilopedia entry", example BLDG_Gallows.
nice one this's helped me a lot
Thats the very strange thing, there are no error message .

Just goes black and the closes the program.

And then when i delete the new wonder (Cantabury), and put back the original buildings-large.pcx & buildings-small.pcx. There are no problems, but also no new Wonder :confused:

Have a nice day
Can you send me:
your .biq, the buildingslarge and small, the building icons, civilopedia & pediaicons.
Zipped in a correct folder structure please. I'll have a look.
kris.verhelst @

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