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Civilization III Conquests Plus

I attempted to start a game and received the following error message.
FF Error 1.png

How do I correct this? Or does someone have a corrected file?
Edit: Answer to post 20 of this thread.

The simple answer is: No. If you have a deeper look into the well documented CCM succession games, you will notice, that these situations there are happening, too.
Last edited:
Civilization III Conquests Plus 2.04 Update
- Added the burial mound
- Made teching faster by adding the philosophy techs, free tech bonus to physics, atomic theory and miniaturization
- Also did some bug fixes, Balance changes and Civilopedia improvements.
How do I correct the problem I stated in post 21 of this thread?
I attempted to start a game and received the following error message.
View attachment 712305
How do I correct this? Or does someone have a corrected file?
That looks like an error in your download or from copying the folders to the Civ folder. I don't get the error when I load the mod. I also looked at the pediaicons and biq and everything looks correct.
That looks like an error in your download or from copying the folders to the Civ folder. I don't get the error when I load the mod. I also looked at the pediaicons and biq and everything looks correct.
My browser is too old to download it from the site it is stored on. Such is life. I used a different computer to download it.
timerover51, unfortunately at present I don´t have that mod on my pc, so here I cannot help you yet.
timerover51, I have downloaded that mod. The complete mod is too large for a complete attachment to this post, but I made a zip-file of nearly the complete mod without the units.

1. Simply unzip the scenario into your Conquests/scenarios folder

You should now have in the scenarios folder a folder named Civilization III Conquests Plus and a biq Civilization III Conquests Plus outside that folder.

2. In the folder scenarios\Civilization III Conquests Plus\Art the folder units is missing as it was too big for an upload here.


You have three options to add those missing units:

a) Add in the folder scenarios\Civilization III Conquests Plus\Art the Units folder of your current download or

b) Create a folder Units in the folder scenarios\Civilization III Conquests Plus\Art and copy the missing units from the different C3C conquests and the PTW\ extras folder into the units folder or

c) Even better: Copy those units into your C3C Units mainfolder, so you can use them in other scenarios, too.

The units to search and copy are listed in both screenshots below. The unit Fusilier is the Napoleonic Infantry from the Napoleonic conquest.




timerover51, I have downloaded that mod. The complete mod is too large for a complete attachment to this post, but I made a zip-file of nearly the complete mod without the units.

1. Simply unzip the scenario into your Conquests/scenarios folder

You should now have in the scenarios folder a folder named Civilization III Conquests Plus and a biq Civilization III Conquests Plus outside that folder.

2. In the folder scenarios\Civilization III Conquests Plus\Art the folder units is missing as it was too big for an upload here.

View attachment 712355
You have three options to add those missing units:

a) Add in the folder scenarios\Civilization III Conquests Plus\Art the Units folder of your current download or

b) Create a folder Units in the folder scenarios\Civilization III Conquests Plus\Art and copy the missing units from the different C3C conquests and the PTW\ extras folder into the units folder or

c) Even better: Copy those units into your C3C Units mainfolder, so you can use them in other scenarios, too.

The units to search and copy are listed in both screenshots below. The unit Fusilier is the Napoleonic Infantry from the Napoleonic conquest.

View attachment 712361

View attachment 712362
Thank you so much, Civinator.
Edit: Answer to post 20 of this thread.

The simple answer is: No. If you have a deeper look into the well documented CCM succession games, you will notice, that these situations there are happening, too.
I understood! No, I didn't look in the CCM or RARR documentation, but as I said, in both games it seemed to me that "Heroes" don't appear that often... Obviously, as you say, that setting is there too! My mistake! :)
We make the defense stronger and we won't have too many problems! :)
Thanks for the explanations and understanding!

PS It seems to me to be a very good Game-Mod concept, but it still needs some improvements! I like it! Every game has its beauty! :)
I'm glad everyone is enjoying the mod!

I would love to add more modern-era units, but unfortunately, Civ 3: Conquests doesn't include scenarios for that era. I also couldn't find any units or assets that match the base game's aesthetic, which is why no modern-era units have been added. Additionally, there aren't any suitable base game icons for that era, that I can use. If anyone has recommendations for custom assets that fit the style of the game, I'd consider updating the mod.
Otherwise, it's essentially complete.

Unfortunately, I'm quite busy with work right now.

To answer the previous question: yes, this mod is fully compatible with C3X.
I'm glad everyone is enjoying the mod!

I would love to add more modern-era units, but unfortunately, Civ 3: Conquests doesn't include scenarios for that era. I also couldn't find any units or assets that match the base game's aesthetic, which is why no modern-era units have been added. Additionally, there aren't any suitable base game icons for that era, that I can use. If anyone has recommendations for custom assets that fit the style of the game, I'd consider updating the mod.
Otherwise, it's essentially complete.

Unfortunately, I'm quite busy with work right now.

To answer the previous question: yes, this mod is fully compatible with C3X.
I am very happy with all of the additional WW2 units.
Dountela, with this mod you have done a great work in puzzling the other parts of C3C into the C3C epic game. :hatsoff:

I have a modding project with a similar name in work, Civ 3 Plus, but my "plus" is different to your "plus". To avoid a mix up, I will rename my project to CCR (Civ Conquests Revisited).

The reason why I make this post is, that I have noticed, that the zip file of your mod, that I made to help another civer, in one day had 2,212 views (= downloads ?) and I am wondering, if I should delete that post again, or if it would be better to attache the zip file to post 1 of this thread, combined with a list, where in Civ 3 the units can be found, that must be copied into the units folder. If you want I can do such a list, too.

Thank you, Civinator! It's high praise coming from you.
I did a lot of thinking to piece it all together, so I'm glad you appreciate the effort. :D

You can definitely keep your post up, if it helps more people try out the mod, the better!
I've also provided a Nexus link in my first comment for anyone who might have trouble downloading it from Mega.

Good luck with your CCR project, I'm looking forward to trying it out when it's ready! :)
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