Adjusting Worker Time


Dec 18, 2005
I have tweaked the time it takes to terraform in the Quot Capita mod, but I'm not sure it's working properly.

I adjusted the iTime parameter in Terraform-CIV4BuildInfos.xml. I expected this to be the time it would take the worker to build the terraform pod, but when I mouse over a worker, it still reports the time as 20 turns, which was the original value. Now the worker might actually be completing the work in the new timeframe (I lost track :blush:), so it might just be the text reporting incorrectly.

If I have adjusted the time properly, then how do I fix the time reported when I move the mouse over the worker while he's building the improvement?

I'm not concerned about the time it takes to transform from a terraform pod to the terraformed plot - that seems to be working. I adjusted iUpgradeTime in Terraform-CIV4ImprovementInfos.xml and the time it takes for the transformation is fine.

When did you change what?
I ask, because it could be, that the changes in the BuildInfos haven't been applied, but that would only work, if you did that change after the change in the ImprovementInfos.

If this is the case, you should check the value now again, it might have changed.
Hmmmm, so it sounds like I changed it properly then (so I should see the correct time when moving the mouse over the workers). I'm not sure which order I did the changes in because I was going back and forth a bit until I got the values I was happy with. To some extent I was still figuring out what some of the parameters did :) What is odd about this is that the time is reported properly when the worker is sitting on a plot waiting for orders and I highlight the terraform option. Then the time is correct. It's just when the worker is actually building the terraform that the time is incorrect. I wasn't sure if I needed to change another file so that the time matched. I couldn't figure out what that file would be though.

Anyway I tried to start a new game to make sure the values were being loaded properly but QC started to act up a bit and I was getting CTD's. That issue is addressed in the QC thread, so once I've got things sorted, I'll have to get to the point in the game when I can see the effects of my changes.

Thanks for the response. Is there another file I should check and possibly adjust the time in?
And did you check, if it's really only the display, which shows the wrong numbers, or do the workers also really need this time?

The buildInfos.xml is the only XML file, which specifies build times for only 1 improvement, so no, that's it (as far as i know).
Ok, thanks. I have to admit it was hard for me to track in-game because I didn't think to record when I ordered a worker to start terraforming. I just checked their progress later and noticed that the time was much higher than I expected.

When I play again, I'll have to be a little more careful in recording the start date so I can see if it's just a text issue or something else is screwy. There may not be any issues at all because it will be a new game with a fresh install of QC (and my modifications).

Thanks again!
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