Age of Abundance Discussion Thread


Unofficial Civilization Cartographer
Super Moderator
Jun 20, 2004
"You start with two cities and 1000 gold, close to valuable resources, and on the exact same map as other Civilization VI players around the world"

Is this a scenario or just a preselected map?
"You start with two cities and 1000 gold, close to valuable resources, and on the exact same map as other Civilization VI players around the world"

Is this a scenario or just a preselected map?
It's a scenario of sorts: The map is a custom one but there are no mechanical innovations
This is so very very unfortunate. I thought it will be a real patch based on steam repo update speculations. But a scenario with standard ruleset. Serious? Did anyone play it? Is it fun or in any way interesting at least?
Did anyone play it? Is it fun or in any way interesting at least?

I'm playing it right now. It's weird playing basic rules again, no governors, no loyalty (ai forward settled right next to my capital). You start off on a continent by yourself, so no danger of being attacked, especially if you make friendships.

It's only Prince so it's fairly easy. That said, I'm having trouble "finishing this one out" since the AI keeps generating so much culture. No things like Rock bands to help me out. I'm kind of stuck between 40 and 45 tourists from victory. But I will get steel soon, and build Eifel tower. It's not really challenging, more tedious than anything. But I am a completionist.

I was able to theme everything except for one art museum. AI is refusing to trade at this point. I have quite a few themed buildings though.

edit: I'm down to 29 tourists left to go now. And I never knew I could remove a mine from a city state (enabling me to put another seaside resort), kind of funny.

edit: okay this one is done. Yay, I got a Hall of Fame badge (whatever that is). Never even finished Eiffel.

edit: Also I noticed at the end screen the AI didn't build a single wonder. Strange.
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My game ate my writings, I got the first Great Writer (rushed an artist and writer) and when I started filling out the museum the Great Works of Writing just disappeared which was veyr frustrating.
When I try to start this, I get an error message (see screenshot).
Which mods do I have to disable to make this work?
Wait, this is with just the basic rules set? Where was this 7 years ago? ;)

Might be a fun change, actually.
I'd suggest all of them tbh. Most mods probably aren't designed to support vanilla ruleset.
Thanks for responding.
To be honest, I think this "challenge" is the most primitive thing that was ever officially released for Civ6. The game is more or less dead, and there is no sign on the horizon for a "Civ7". On Youtube, Ursa Ryan is the only guy left (as far as I know) who releases Civ6 let's-play-videos on a regular basis while people like Boesthius or Potato McWhiskey have already abandoned the game.
Does Firaxis really think that some "challenge" keeps people interested where they have to play the game like six years ago?
Wait, this is with just the basic rules set? Where was this 7 years ago? ;)

Yeah. 7 years too late.

I think it's Firaxis new CEO.
Pulled their finger out just in much as I love Marvel's Midnight Suns, clearly it didn't really take off as hoped whereas Civ is Firaxis bread and butter.

What I dislike the most about the event is that I've forgotten how much change there has been since Standard Rules.
Thanks for responding.
To be honest, I think this "challenge" is the most primitive thing that was ever officially released for Civ6. The game is more or less dead, and there is no sign on the horizon for a "Civ7". On Youtube, Ursa Ryan is the only guy left (as far as I know) who releases Civ6 let's-play-videos on a regular basis while people like Boesthius or Potato McWhiskey have already abandoned the game.
Does Firaxis really think that some "challenge" keeps people interested where they have to play the game like six years ago?
Potato's latest game ended one week ago. He doesn't seem to have abandoned anything, yet.
Thanks for responding.
To be honest, I think this "challenge" is the most primitive thing that was ever officially released for Civ6. The game is more or less dead, and there is no sign on the horizon for a "Civ7". On Youtube, Ursa Ryan is the only guy left (as far as I know) who releases Civ6 let's-play-videos on a regular basis while people like Boesthius or Potato McWhiskey have already abandoned the game.
Does Firaxis really think that some "challenge" keeps people interested where they have to play the game like six years ago?
Umm.. The game is far from "dead", fairly sure it still reaches a lot of players on a daily basis. And there are so many signs that Civ 7 is coming (the officiall annoucement for annoucement).

While it is weird they stuck to the regular ruleset, it is a challenge and honestly, could easily be a test run for the system (Which It hink this is, possibly even for Civ 7), and c'mon, it's the FIRST one.
Umm.. The game is far from "dead", fairly sure it still reaches a lot of players on a daily basis.
Its the most played game in the genre. Someone's been maintaining a thread over on the Paradox forums if anyone wants the details.
I like the concept of it, but if I have to play on a pre-set difficulty like Prince, it will just bore me unfortunately.
I hope they make the difficulty adjustable in the future.
I still contend that this is designed to hold the attention of low-information casual players. They won't consistently have the expansions or DLCs and they won't consistently be playing at higher difficulties. That's why you have a vanilla ruleset Prince-rated challenge.
I still contend that this is designed to hold the attention of low-information casual players.
Its still kind of annoying how people on forums, or the internet generally, still assume that they are representative of majority of players when they are not and never have been and its been like that for decades at this point.

If this is indeed a trial run for a feature on Civ7, then I feel like doing it the way Firaxis is doing it make sense because it allows them to test systems before having do deal with the additions of DLC or multiple difficulty levels to choose from.
Did anyone play it? Is it fun or in any way interesting at least?

I also had a playthrough.

TBH as in any 4X the general strategy is to DOMINATE 😑
Only in scenarios with special VPs is it possible to provide an alternative victory.

The one thing is on lower difficulty levels it is possible to build wonders.

But Pericles LT means he wants to control city states for culture...that means dominating.

Kongo is in the game, so no surprise in my first (half) play through Kongo is the main culture competitor.
In a culture game you can afford to eliminate one civ usually. It's your main culture competitor.

Being Standard Rules, rushing a religion is the way to go IMO.

Also in Standard Rules forward settling is a thing. Don't forget that.
WOW !! Going back to basic Vanilla on this one. Can't do it. I always want to play at the most modern current version at all times. Once Civ 7 is released I will jump ship on 6 and never look back. Playing Civ 6 on Vanilla base game which came out like 7 years a go...with all the Mods I have running in game now is like going way way back in time.

Hope the next Month Challenge will be updated to today's time.

Was looking towards to this but know that there is no way I could load this game with all the mods I have.

Brew God
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