So what sorts of events do you have planned? I've heard a little about them here and there, also would some events be linked to random cities or are they world wide?
We're still talking about the Empires mod's events, I assume, but to answer your question: most likely, a little of both. The original idea was to create pseudo-eras, where for a 10- or 20-turn period everyone would have extra food but less research, or something like that, sort of like a more balanced version of the current Golden Age mechanism. These'd be worldwide effects, benefit-neutral (more or less), applying to every player and every city in the same way. As these sorts of events would only come up every 40-50 turns, you'd still spend most of your time under the normal rules, but it'd add a little bit of unpredictability to the game.
I didn't originally want it to include the sort of targeted disasters you'd normally associate with a random event system, where one player gets crushed while everyone else is fine, but upon reflection I thought that it could be good to have something "local" if it was handled fairly. So if I do add a "Natural Disaster" event, it'd be one where every major player (i.e., not city-states) has its largest non-capital city hit by some kind of negative event at the same time. Is it unrealistic that all of these would happen on a single turn? Sure, but it'd be necessary for balance.
Generally speaking, though, the majority would be global things that are less "events" than "eras", and most would involve modifying yields (an age of enlightenment, when research and culture are boosted but production suffers), but not all. You might have an age of piracy, when Barbarian ships spawn all over the world (kinda like a certain event in this mod...), an age of warfare when diplomatic relations between all major empires get worse (or when your empire is just outright forced into a war, whether or not you wanted one), and so on. A few of the events might be "instantaneous" (Everyone gains one tech! Every city's production progress resets to zero!), but most would be persistent.
Like I said, I'm trying to design these parts of the Empire mod such that they'd be usable with either Mythology or Ascension content without causing problems. So if you're doing Empire+Ascension, you'll have these long-term events as you play through the future content; that's why my last post tried to draw a distinction between the two event styles, because if you're using both mods then you might not feel like the Ascension mod needs its own dedicated event setup as well.
Also, about what time would you say the Ascension mod will be compatible with the Mythology mod?
It WOULD have been mostly compatible* this last weekend, if my machine hadn't fried itself. Pretty sure it's the motherboard that's gone kaput, but replacing that will involve replacing the CPU and RAM as well, which means a week or two from now until I have my machine back up.
The "mostly" in the first sentence is almost solely in regards to the number of promotions. The Mythology and Ascension mods just have too many promotions once they're combined, and there are only a couple obvious places to trim. My best hope for making up the difference is my previously stated plan to remove the Accuracy and Barrage promotion lines (the vs-Open and vs-Rough ranged attack promos the archers and such get) and roll those effects into the Shock/Drill lines. That, right there, frees up 6 slots, and I THINK the database is dynamic enough that this'd count against the hard limit; there are a couple others that might get merged (Blitz vs Logistics). If I can get the total number low enough, then Mythology and Ascension will work together, but if I can't then it just won't work.
Beyond that, the only remaining conflict involves turn numbers/game speeds. What I really want to do is have the Base mod set up a 700-turn baseline, with the Ascension mod adding 200 turns to the high end of the list and the Mythology mod adding 100 turns on the low end. That's going to require some strange SQL modification to adjust the percentages, and I'm honestly not sure how well it'll work, but I THINK I've worked it out.
Other than that, everything should be perfectly compatible*. I've tried to be very careful with my UI modifications to ensure that it all still works together, even if that made certain bits (especially TopPanel) way more complicated than they needed to be.
*- There's one remaining issue I haven't mentioned: cross-tables. The original idea was that the Base mod would include things like the "Building Resources" mod and the <Building_Bonuses> table to handle all of the Wonder effects, with each content mod simply adding the necessary elements to that table to give the effects to its own Wonders. Unfortunately, it just doesn't seem to work; if I define the table schema in the Base mod, and try to fill the table in the other mods, it fails the Database initialization, saying that Building_Bonuses is undefined when it tries to add the content mods.
So right now, each of the three content mods has a duplicate version of everything like these. There's a Building_EmpiresBonuses table that has the exact same layout as the Building_MythologyBonuses table, and the Empires mod contains a "Empires_Buildings.lua" file parsing the former while the Myth mod contains a "Mythology_Buildings.lua" file parsing the latter. It's VERY ugly, but it works without the cross-compatibility issues. It's playable. (Note: this is one of the reasons why the Mythology mod has no buildings that generate resources, even though I was originally going to do that.)
My hope is that the devs will add the mod dependency logic in the near future, and this layout will work the way I'd intended.
My dream is to play a 1000+ turn game from ancient era to ascension on the YNAEMP Giant map
We've discussed your masochistic streak before. Again, in theory it'll work; in practice, you might hit a point in the Industrial-ish where you know you've won and it's all mopping up. Also, I'm not sure if YNAEMP has any sort of conflict in terms of resource allocation. I wanted to check that one this last weekend, but my computer fried.