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Mar 3, 2008
North of America (can you guess?)
Can anyone explain airports for me? They make no sense, one turn I am able to airlift a unit, the next I can't.

Sorry if this has already been asked...
Im probably wrong, but i thought it happened like this

You can airlift from one airport to ANY of your cities, but that city can only recieve one unit per turn. Its either that or the airlift city can only airlift once per turn - possibly both.

I dont use it a great deal unless im reinforcing islands or new continental beachheads.
An airport can send one unit by airlift each turn. The unit must not have already moved that turn - I suspect this may be your problem. There is one other possibility - automated workers/misionaries/etc. will use airlifting automatically to get around. It is possible that this is using up your airlift option in the city some turns without you noticing.

A city with no airport can receive one unit by airlift per turn. A city with an airport can receive an unlimited number of units by airlift (you're only limited by how many other airports you have).
Ahhh, I automated my units to build a road network, they probably went on the airport. Even so, I often move the unit then put them on the airport.

On the other, thanks, these suggestions solves my problem.
There are trade benefits for cities with an airport--extra trade route.

You can also house four add'l aircraft (total of eight) in a city. This can be helpful in a war push into a distant continent. You can put bombers here, whereas they can't get on an aircraft carrier.
Is the extra trade route in BtS? Because I only have Warlords (mac user)...
What the real problem with airports is...

You can move a T-Nuke from one city to another, even on the other side of the world, even into a city you just captured that turn.... even if that new city doesn't have an airport...

Hell, you can even take an airship and move it to ANY open border AI you want, and park it there, airport or not..

Hell you can even do it with planes, airports or not...

But... the one thing you CAN'T DO....

Absolutely never ever do......

Is transport a spy from one airport to another.
No no no!!!

Note: Modern day airports have enough trouble trying to catch a well known (but dumb) criminal from flying out of a country.... so how do they stop a professional spy?!!
BtS does give a Trade Route to Airports, but I thought that was true in all editions. In BtS, Airports give Air units some experience (3 or 4, can't remember which). That's pretty much the only way you're going to get XP for Air units.
:eek: :rolleyes:

That really sucks. Never knew that.

It's not true. Not sure what he's doing wrong, or what he really meant, but I just tested it and spies can hop from one of my airports to another just like any other unit.
Try hoping to an airport that ISN'T your airport.

I generally try not to run spy missions on my OWN cities.
Can you be specific? I can't see what point you are making about using airports to transfer spies. They are treated exactly the same as any other unit. You can only use an airport to send a unit (including a spy) to either one of your own cities or the city of a vassal. It doesn't matter if that city has an airport or not (as long as only one unit is sent that turn)

I have just tested sending a spy to a vassal's city with an airport and it worked just fine.
In the modern day & age of airports, it is rediculous that one must have to put a spy into a submarine, and then spend many turns sneaking around the globe, just to place it into another civ's territory.
Also it should be possible to send a corporation executive to open borders-civ by airline instead of carrying him on a military transport. I understand that sending military units is not possible, but for spies and executives, airports don't work like they should.
In the modern day & age of airports, it is rediculous that one must have to put a spy into a submarine, and then spend many turns sneaking around the globe, just to place it into another civ's territory.

It wasn't clear from your first post that you were only complaining about the way the game actually plays. You seemed to be saying that spies can't be sent between airports as though that was something exceptional. They are treated just like any other land units.

This is the Strategy and Tips forum; so if you want make suggestions, complaints, wishful thinking or whatever it would good if you did it in the correct forum or at least made it clear that your comments are not about actual gameplay.
Funny thing I've noticed is that if i have four cities each with an airport I can air lift one unit from each city into a vassals city making for a total of four units in the vassals city very usefull for cross continental warfare
I think thats an exploit and it was corrected in a update.
I suspect the vassals city had an airport in which case that is exactly what you would expect.

In my game I tested sending units to vassal cities. If the city had an airport I could send any number. If they did not have an airport only one unit could be sent per turn.

I'm patched up to 3.17 currently

@ UncleJJ

Thanks for doing the tests, I'm not going to get to play again until Monday night so I could test anything myself, it's good to know.
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