I used to feel the same way until I started working in software development. Developers, QA, Porduct Managers, etc. work very hard to get these products out to their customers. Often working 80 hour weeks and responding day and night to issues. It is incredibly hard to test every aspect of any software in a short amount of time, so a lot of it will be automated and not hit the things that thousands of players simultaneously using it the way each of them likes to can test. So there will always be issues, no matter what they do.
The simple fact is, the company will need a break after a major release or big patch. They have been working their butts off right up to the release date and will want to see their families, go on vacation, and basically return to a somewhat normal life again.
Gamers have strong feelings about playing their games bug free, but you need to realize that the people that can fix it need to have a REAL LIFE that is reasonably comfortable, or they will quit developing games and you will see much worse bugs and delays than before. I have much stronger feelings about people maintaining a work-life balance that is reasonable, avoiding divorce, their children not getting quality time with their parents, or that geeky developer getting a chance to maybe get laid occaisionally, than I do about living with a bug in a GAME for another week while they test and get it right.