
Congrats! :goodjob:

I've been looking forward to this one for a long time. Don't have any room on this comp but downloading anyway.
Congrats! :goodjob:

I've been looking forward to this one for a long time. Don't have any room on this comp but downloading anyway.
Thank you sir. I hope that you get a chance to give it a try, and that you enjoy the challenge.

You know, of course that I'll be looking forward to any help I can give here.
Thank you, as always. I was thinking of pillaging the Anno Domini civilopedia for some Indian building entries, would you be OK with that? One other thing - do you have any records of how the Magadhans and Mauryans used chariots? I am assuming that they did have them, but I don't know whether they were used as an archer platform, anti-cavalry, infantry line breakers etc.

What would you consider the "beginning" to be? Personally, I'd start with Bactria, as a lead in to India.

What do you think of eventually (whoever might take up the task :mischief:) importing the rules into an enlarged Bactria/India map, with an appropriately adjusted start?
I had considered the possibility, certainly. There could be a series of scenarios:

1 - The Macedonian advance into Asia Minor, with the goal to fight your way through to Issus by a certain date, would work as a reverse capture the flag, with Alex as the flag. Map to include just a few cities in Europe and all of Asia Minor.
2 - The Persian Campaigns. Starting where the last left off, with a map extended to include Egypt (with a Nile that you could sail down properly), Kyrene, Persia as far East as Persepolis. Would be a straight fight to get as many victory point locations as possible.
3 - Bactria / Sogdiana. Not quite sure how I'd structure that one, possibly regicide, with many tribal groups to track down and eliminate, or a simple mass kill fest (which is what it ultimately turned into) with VPs for killing enemy units. Map would include from Ecbatana Eastwards to the edge of India.
4 - The Indian campaign. Again, not quite sure how to structure it. Possibly just VP locations to capture by a certain date. The map would cut off just North of Taxila/Gandhara, and would basically feature the Indus valley down to the sea.

I have considered the possibility of lumping Bactria/Sogdiana with the Indian Campaign, but Bactria is hardly a prelude, (:lol:) Alex spent three years invading, conquering, re-conquering and slaughtering his way across the Afghan areas, which is nearly as long as he spent in India.

These short scenarios should be possible, but would take quite some time to set up - the victory conditions and maps wouldn't be too hard to sort out, but you'd have to place all the cities and units by hand. I certainly won't be doing it anytime that soon, maybe towards the end of this year though?
As far as ADC, you'd have to ask R8XFT's permission, but I'll happily help with any revisions or additions.

The Kshatrya "code" recognized two forms of warfare. Chariots were elite units, often leaders, in both. In "righteous" battle equals fought equals - chariots were archer platforms, and fought each other. Plus no ambushes, no night attacks, etc. "All's fair" in "unrighteous" war. Attack anybody, use any subterfuge. They'd still be primarily archer platforms - their role would probably be similar to heavy cavalry, although I'll have to check my book shelf for more certain details.
These short scenarios should be possible, but would take quite some time to set up - the victory conditions and maps wouldn't be too hard to sort out, but you'd have to place all the cities and units by hand. I certainly won't be doing it anytime that soon, maybe towards the end of this year though?
That's why I hinted that someone else might ghost the maps for you. When he runs out of steam, etc. :mischief:
Alright, so far I'm just missing Sacred_Band_Astarte_Large and Small.pcx
As usually happens with these things I was innocently scrolling through the civilopedia when wham! I would have just fixed it instead of coming here to whine but the file doesn't appear to be there, checked both the unit folder and around in the appropriate civilopedia folder. For the present, of course, one can still play without it. :cool:
I haven't been able to log in for the last few days, but got a bit of time to post now. As long as I don't get this message wiped out again by the site giving me a message from our sponsors...

Alright, so far I'm just missing Sacred_Band_Astarte_Large and Small.pcx
As usually happens with these things I was innocently scrolling through the civilopedia when wham! I would have just fixed it instead of coming here to whine but the file doesn't appear to be there, checked both the unit folder and around in the appropriate civilopedia folder. For the present, of course, one can still play without it. :cool:
As you say, just work around it for now, it will be an easy fix once I get home. Thanks for reporting the problem. :) I remember that this unit was one of the last placeholders that I replaced, so that must be when I missed something. The unit has standard cavalry rules, so stealth attack and retreat.

Congratulations Keroro :)
Thank you sir. If you get a chance to play then do let me know if any of the Greek sounds garbled. Us barbarians do have trouble speaking the civilized language. :D
May I ask what the intended order of conquest should be? Should I ever conquer Macedonia and Greece? Thanks. I noticed that Weat Steppe Camp should probably be called West Steppe Camp. When I was playing on chieftain difficulty because I'm not very good at civ, I found that unless you go straight for Halicarnassus and bypass all cities with your 3 movement cavalry, it's nearly impossible to capture the city. You get stuck trying to kill one Memnon's army, and by the time you kill it another one appears. Also, I found that conquered cities that are perfectly happy and Macedonian just randomly rebel and join Persia, even when the city is far away from Persian territory.
It would be helpful to more than one person.
Just downloaded this and am now trying to put down the upstart eastern greeks. Looks like a great mod, veeeeery well researched :goodjob:

Just one question: are slaves the only ones that can build roads? :cry:
Keroro, buried somewhere in one of the development threads you had a brief of the suggested goals in order. Maybe you could repost it here for our benefit - & include a readme in your next update.
I'd really like to get back into playing this, but don't feel I can contribute effectively without a list or a link to the old post(s).
Just downloaded this and am now trying to put down the upstart eastern greeks. Looks like a great mod, veeeeery well researched :goodjob:

Just one question: are slaves the only ones that can build roads? :cry:

Ok... ignore this, stupid question :( for some reason, I couldn't get the workers to build a road on the 1st turn, saw the slaves and made the wrong asumption :blush:

One question: an elite unit created a hero. How do I turn it into an army? Took it to a couple of cities but no luck...
Work has been stupid since I got back from holiday, sorry for not posting sooner. :(

@ Pinktilapia - thanks for dropping in. :)

Awesome mod! I hope I can get more time to play this. Good job!
Thank you Lord - I hope the below pointers help you out a bit. I'd recommend that you don't split your forces too much - Memnon historically fought at the Granacus (at the beginning of the mod) and then fought a rear-guard at Halicarnassus, so I've tried to make sure that you'll have to fight him twice in this mod too! Bear in mind that a lot of the Eastern Greek cities are quite lightly defended, with the obvious exception of Halicarnassus.

Keroro, buried somewhere in one of the development threads you had a brief of the suggested goals in order. Maybe you could repost it here for our benefit - & include a readme in your next update.
That's something I could add to the civilopedia in fact, good idea. There's an idea of how I recommend approaching the first turns below.

Ok... ignore this, stupid question :( for some reason, I couldn't get the workers to build a road on the 1st turn, saw the slaves and made the wrong asumption :blush:

One question: an elite unit created a hero. How do I turn it into an army? Took it to a couple of cities but no luck...
Bit strange, glad the workers are working now. The elite created unit doesn't build armies in this scenario - it can be sacrificed and contributes culture points. It's intended to be used to help in getting a single city cultural victory near the end of the game. I think that I may have screwed up by assigning it to be generated in battle though since now you can only ever have one of them, I'll fix that in the first patch.

Right, as requested, some suggestions on how to tackle the first turns and what kind of order to try to take the cities in. Essentially you're going Asiatic Greeks - Phoenicians - Egyptians - Persians - Bactrians - Sogdians - Indians. That's the order Alex did it in, and if it's good enough for him...

First turn, deal with the first Memnon - bombard as much as you can to begin. Use cavalry to take out any supporting ranged troops and then hit with some of the tougher troops you have - try not to attack accross the river! Take Zelea asap.

Second turn, a small force should be enough to deal with Dascylium, one army and a few cavalry should be plenty. The rest I would send accross the hills to the south towards the cty of Sardis.

Third turn, you should be able to take Dascylium, and get plenty of troops well within range of Sardis.

Fourth turn, take Sardis and move towards Ephesus. Your army from Dascylium can now be directed towards Chalcedon.

Fifth turn, get within range of Ephesus.

Sixth turn, take Ephesus. Memnon's second army should be spawned in Halicarnassus now.

Seventh turn, take Miletus. If Memnon has not already come at you then you can usually rely on the AI to keep him in the city.

Eighth turn, get in range and bombard Halicarnassus with everything you have.

Ninth turn, rinse and repeat if needed, or take him out if you can.

Now a list of cities to hit in order, if you're playing historically. It's not absolutely exhaustive, but these are the most important cities to take - you'll probably want to take all the other cities in your path too, but the order and speed will depend on you.

Zelea - Dascylium - Sardis - Ephesus - Halicarnassus - Side/Iconium/Gordium - Ancyra - Tyana - Tarsus.
Byblos - Sidon - Tyre - Samaria/Jerusalem - Damascus - Palmyra.
Egypt - any order you fancy.
Then back to Persia - Resaina/Thapsacus - Nisibis - Arbela - Opis - Babylonia/Callone - Orchoe - Susa - Pasargadae - Persepolis - Aspadana - Ecbatana - the rest in the order you find them.
Bactria - Kabul, then ignore India for the moment, go north through the pass to Bactria - Drapasca - Bactria - Nautaca - Samarkand.
Hopefully you'll be able to bribe Embolima and Taxilas.
India - Try not to stray into Mauryan lands to the east, just take on the other Indian power down the Indus valley towards Pattala
Optional - back westwards through the Gedrosian desert via Cocala - Gouadar - Pura and finally Hormozela. Hard core historians should make sure they take this journey. ;)

After that the options open up more. Maurya makes a good target, as does Italy. You can reclaim Macedon and Thrace if you intend to push westwards, but you should expect either a fight (Antipater wouldn't be keen to give up power to a Medized despot) or you'll have to spend a lot in bribes.

Missing entry in "text/pediaicons.txt": ICON_BLDG_Capitol
Hi Rickyson.

This sounds like the infamous 'folder within a folder' bug. Check whether you have the Alexanders Conquests main folder and the .biq file within the Civilization 3/Conquests/ folder.
Right, as requested, some suggestions on how to tackle the first turns and what kind of order to try to take the cities in. Essentially you're going Asiatic Greeks - Phoenicians - Egyptians - Persians - Bactrians - Sogdians - Indians. That's the order Alex did it in, and if it's good enough for him...

Good to know I'm in the right track then ;)

A few problems...

Terrain vs resources: severall resources are stuck on a terrain called "passes". Can't do a thing about this terrain: mine, road, anyhting. This means the resource is useless...

I can't build a "Great port" on the asian side, despite having the wood for it. This means I can't link the 2 sides, thus maximising resources (spectially luxuries!). Am I doing something wrong or is this as it should be? (PS: is this also why I can't upgrade engineers to siege engineers in Asia?)

There's a unit called Hypaspists that requires an "Impossible resource". I assume this means that it cannot be built, simply "spwaned" by wonders?
Good to know I'm in the right track then ;)

A few problems...

Terrain vs resources: severall resources are stuck on a terrain called "passes". Can't do a thing about this terrain: mine, road, anyhting. This means the resource is useless...

I can't build a "Great port" on the asian side, despite having the wood for it. This means I can't link the 2 sides, thus maximising resources (spectially luxuries!). Am I doing something wrong or is this as it should be? (PS: is this also why I can't upgrade engineers to siege engineers in Asia?)

There's a unit called Hypaspists that requires an "Impossible resource". I assume this means that it cannot be built, simply "spwaned" by wonders?

In reverse order:
Hypaspists require the impossible resource so that they cannot be built - they were a real elite in the Mack army. If you could build them then they'd quickly dominate the army and things would be too easy. Look after the ones you get. ;)

The Great Port is a small wonder, and I think I pre-placed it in Perinthus. You'll be able to link Egypt through the Port of Alexandria late in the game. Keeping the areas separate is intentional to keep turn times quick, and to (hopefully) create distinct recruitment areas. The Siege Engineers need the Macedonians resource to upgrade, so if you want to upgrade them you'll need to do so before they get too far east.

The resources on passes - they will provide their bonus if worked from a city, for instance the gold around Sestus should give your economy a bit of a boost. The passes are there for a few reasons, it's intentional that you can't build mines and roads over all of them. They're to represent hills that are higher than usual and harder to improve.
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