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All Things Star Wars

Sith or Jedi?

  • Sith

    Votes: 33 37.1%
  • Jedi

    Votes: 51 57.3%
  • Chuck Norris

    Votes: 5 5.6%

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I just got back from seeing TRoS. I'm still processing it but my initial reaction is that it is a convoluted mess. Why things are happening is given the flimsiest of excuses if any is given at all. I feel like it's definitely near the bottom of Star Wars for me and that is saying something.

Spoiler :
How did Palpatine come back? If that was explained I totally missed it. I know there was that bit at the end where he said his spirit would transfer to Rey if she killed him, but Palpy was still in his old body throughout the movie. He was also hooked up to that mechanical arm thing but I don't see how that keeps him alive.
Cloning. It's mentioned once near the beginning and it's obviously meant to be a reference/homage/something to the old EU storyline where Palpatine did the same.

With Disney at this point what was an EU is now not supplementary reading but compulsory reading without which you'll understand nought.

Also, Star Wars Spoiler Generator:
Nah, the clones are Snoke. If Palpatine had been cloned he would be young and wouldnt need the yung'uns to refill his life energy, so the whole movie would have been pointless.
I understood that as Snoke having been a different person altogether. Maaaybe the the Emperor's body was rescued and reused, as Darth Maul's was in the Legends!EU?
I mean clearly Snoke wasnt Palpatine, but his bodies in vats indicate he was manufactured.

How the Emperor lived hardly matters to Abrams. That is for the writer of the tie-in novel to decide.
Jason Ward’s Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker spoiler free review!
The Rise of Skywalker is messy but delightful!

Strangely, there are times when I can’t believe the Star Wars prequel trilogy even exists. I never took it for granted that Star Wars could just end. Something was always better than nothing. Star Wars has ended on me before. Then we got more and I was grateful. Then we got more but without George Lucas and it was a risk to get involved or to even care. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker closed out The Skywalker Saga and it all seems like a really rad fever dream.

Did this trilogy need to exist? Should it have been made? Having kids myself, I can say that the answer is yes. My kids experienced the sequel trilogy as it happened. It is their Star Wars. I claim ownership too. But I would never take the experience of the wait, enthusiasm, potential, and thrill I saw in their eyes as this saga unfolded. Of all the new films, Star Wars: The Last Jedi has been my favorite. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker reconfigures a moment from that film for Luke and one moment from The Force Awakens that makes me see those moments in a new light. I don’t feel that The Rise of Skywalker disparaged or glorified The Last Jedi and perhaps people are seeing what they want to in that respect.

The film is very fun but very clunky. The movie feels like Star Wars: The Force Awakens but without A New Hope’s structure to fall back on. Every scene or scenario is fantastic, how they fit together is maybe less so. The structure and shape is peculiar but the character work is stellar. I think fans of character work are going to love it and those who want a really clean film are going to be annoyed by the mess.

For much of the film, Poe and Finn are along for Rey’s ride. See-Threepio steals the movie with some of the character’s best moments in the saga.There’s a moment with Chewbacca reacting emotionally that will punch you in the gut. D-O (voiced by J.J. Abrams) came off better than expected by was still largely unnecessary to the film save for one plot point. Lando was fun but perhaps handled with a bit too much whimsical reverence. Rey’s character is a successful hero that ultimately worked out as the hero. Kylo Ren’s arc was really strong and satisfying.

The Leia material in terms of plot is fantastic. However, the chemistry between Leia and everyone in the scenes she’s in felt off. Abrams was in between a rock and a hard place. The Leia story beats are good. The execution is as good as it can be using CGI to make the performance happen without recasting. They did a good job and it was handled well. But it isn’t flawless by any stretch. There are moments that felt like a prank call using a soundboard to force a conversation. But what else could they have done? I think it was admirable and done pretty well.

One minor character’s death felt very flat to me. But was then followed up by my favorite moment in the film when the fleet arrives (seen in the trailer). The music that plays is John Williams’ classic Star Wars theme but very closely to how it appeared on the original soundtrack and I loved every moment of that part of the movie.

The Palpatine explanations and implications work if you let them. If you demand too much you may not be satisfied. I enjoyed the moments with him. The final version of his plan was satisfactory and his eventual confrontation with Rey was really well done.

The Knights of Ren were pretty much wasted. They had some cool shots but ultimately it amounted to nothing that interesting. I’m glad they’re in the film but I also did not find myself caring too much about them. When one bad guy from The First Order helped the good guys, the audience in my screening cheered but not so much for anything The Knights of Ren did.

The film does not feel like an ending to me but a new beginning. One of the main character’s fate is left rather open with a lot of new potential. Others are tied up but very loosely. It even felt like the film side stepped committing too much to the fate of certain characters for future opportunities in storytelling. I do not for a second feel that this is the end of these characters in Star Wars universe on screen. It does end the Skywalker story if traced from The Phantom Menace to The Rise of Skywalker. But another original trilogy character is almost promised more adventures that I’m not sure they’ll be able to deliver on in live action.

I loved the movie. I think it will deliver for general audiences. I think it will underdeliver to certain fan groups that attempted to make an identity out of certain hopes and wants. Star Wars fans will enjoy the character work and I think most will feel the sequel trilogy was worth it. I do. I loved the movie. It was messy but delightful. It felt like it was passionately brought into existence and I was never bored and I left the theater very happy for the experience as a fan.
With Disney at this point what was an EU is now not supplementary reading but compulsory reading without which you'll understand nought.
I mean clearly Snoke wasnt Palpatine, but his bodies in vats indicate he was manufactured.

How the Emperor lived hardly matters to Abrams. That is for the writer of the tie-in novel to decide.
It seems that we are in agreement.
Between the CW & Ranger Solo, Darth Maul's return was never really Legends or Expanded Universe.
*facepalm* I liked that comic!
I kind of dug this summary of all the corrections/retcons/whatever that RoS issued. I think this also in a roundabout way gets to the heart of the matter; every single Disney Star Wars movie has had extensive, last second rewrites, reshoots, and/or directorial changes. RoS had writing finished last second while filming was going on, TLJ had the order of the film switched up by Kennedy late, we all know the directorial changes RoS had and Solo had, etc., etc. RoS didn't just fight against some of TLJ stuff, but also TFA, which again in retrospect looks a lot worse, whether because it introduced unsolvable issues, or because it's original story path was completely abandoned by the utterly calamitous production this series has undergone.
So the opening crawl referenced Palpatine's message that he sent out to the galaxy. The message was in a Fortnite event of all places and not the actual movie. It's annoyingly short and vague.

Discussion on wee Traitorfishy's post:
Spoiler why am I even spoilering this when Sommerswerd and Syn-chan are not even posting? :
The core narrative and main character arcs were mostly solid, resolve satisfactorily, and so on, but there were a lot of weird contrivances which didn't really impact the plot, but will get under people's skin.

Rey and Ren resolved acceptably. We got the much-predicted redemption arc, but not doing that would have been almost as predictable, and running into the late-season Game of Thrones trap of averting expectation for the sake of averting expectation, and the Season 8 Game of Thrones trap of not even successfully averting.

It's OK, they are not a couple and Kylo doesn't get away with his crimes scot-free.

Rose was hardly in it, which was weird given that they she was a central character in the last one. I guess nobody outside of the main trio gets any guarantees.

I wonder how much of this was due to the bad reaction after Ep. 8 and how much to genuine insight that having too many love stories ruins it (looking at the prequel trilogy cof cof)

Finn was in it a bunch, but was kinda just following everyone else around. I guess he completed his arc over the first two films.

Well, yes, at some point the Force-users have to take centre stage and Finn is never relegated to the position of absolute idiot.

There were two new female supporting characters who did look very cool, but were undercut slightly by the fact that the words "coming soon to a spinoff near you" were implicitly floating over their heads in each scene.

Definitely. ‘Rise of the defecting troopers’ + Zorii being in The Mandalorian is my bet.

Palpatine worked, still a classic villain. Some of the logic of his evil scheme was a bit frayed, but the character is so extra that he makes it work for him in a way the more understated Snoke didn't.

I think it's mostly due to Ian McDiarmid letting himself go and enjoying the hamminess inherent to being the most evil being in the entire storyline (ha-ha-ha-ha!) just as he did in the prequel trilogy.

Unclear why Rey needed to be Palpatine's grandaughter. Didn't add anything to the story except wrenching the series back to weird dynastic fixations. I guess it was meant to heighten Rey's anxiety about falling to the Dark Side, but Rey is already on the record as disbelieving that ancestry is fate so it wasn't clear how.

I think that was a saving throw.

Knights of Ren were a disappointment. We finally get a good look at them, they look great, but instead of a miniboss squad fight, they're dispatched like anonymous mooks.

+1. They are worse than Phasma.

I don't know why the emperor need a fleet of ten trazillion star destroyers, each with a miniature death star. I think they were trying too hard to crank up the sense of peril, when really the emperor himself supplied all the peril needed.

See my comments on the Chris Carter effect above.

C3-PO got a heroic turn, which I quite enjoyed. And his comedic lines were a bit more varied than just "lol he's a stuffy old Brit".

I thought there was too much comic relief because (again!) the half the audience ended up laughing whenever the mood wasn't as dark as in the Sith temple.
But C3PO being crucial to the plot and having character depth for once was refreshing.

Babu Frik is love, Babu Frik is life.)

Hmmmm, not sure. Again, too much comic relief, but the character itself is not bad.

Thanks Tak. Just an FYI for anyone else who was kindly stroking my already outsized ego by spoiler'ing just for me... I saw it last night so I am among the initiated :D
Opinion! Opinions!
You have until Return of the Jedi ends to post an opinion or I shall take away your blaster, Sommerswerd.

(three and a half hours later)

*chirping crickets*
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Opinion! Opinions!

You have until Return of the Jedi ends to post an opinion or I shall take away your blaster, Sommerswerd.
You two sure you wanna start this already? The War??:eek: So early?? Before more of the combatants have had a chance to see it for themselves???

OK... I'll dip my toe in the water with a few spoiler free-ish impressions.

1. I think this move was a shameless love letter to the folks who were upset/disappointed/pissed-off/dissatisfied with TLJ. Its basically a "Let's make up and be friends" message. Whether folks will accept the apology or slap away the olive branch remains to be seen, but make no mistake... If you had problems with TLJ... they made this movie to at least try to win you back. They obviously put alot of thought into avoiding many of the things that TLJ was criticized for.
Spoiler :
Luke delivers what can not be described as anything but an explicit apology for his introduction, and ongoing flippant attitude in TLJ
2. Even more than TLJ and maybe even as much as, if not more than TFA... this movie tried to track the basic framework/structure of its OT counterpart... in this case RoTJ. In other words...this movie was A LOT like RoTJ.

3. TRoS essentially returned to the TFA formula, with endless amounts of fan service and kisses blown to the OT (and the PT) throughout the film.

4. The pacing was relentless, even more so than TFA. There was no time whatsoever to think about what was going on or process anything. If you leaned over to a companion to comment to them about anything, you missed something. If you went to the bathroom you missed something important. If you turned away from the screen for even a second you missed something important. Anticipating this (I went with five kids under 10yo), I stocked my kids, nieces, nephews up with snacks during the previews, and forbade them to have their drinks until the final battle... so I avoided the numerous potty breaks that typify my usual movie excursions.

5. In addition to the pacing, they took numerous shortcuts, relying on the typical Sci-Fi/Fantasy fan to be able to make a bunch of assumptions and be intimately familiar with certain concepts, and able to suspend disbelief, with little or no exposition or explanation. They really seemed to just assume that we (the audience) were mostly seasoned Sci-Fi/Fantasy big-boys and girls and didn't need our hands held through things... "You guys watch Star Trek? LoTR? Supernatural? Twilight? Stargate? The Matrix? etc., don't you? Good so we don't need to explain this particular thing to you." or "You know this character isn't going to die at this juncture, right? OK so we don't need to waste screen-time on showing a tension-less scene for you." Because of this approach, they were able to keep the pacing extremely frenetic for the whole film.

6. If the pacing was slowed down and less of the assumptions allowed... this could have (would have to have) been two movies. They packed A TON into this move. There really was a lot going on all at once. Which created a bunch of timing issues, but again, you had almost no time to think about it... everything was moving way too fast.

7. Despite how dense the movie was, the focus was very tightly kept on the main characters. They were joined at the hip half the time, to the point of it being a little awkward at times.

8. Bottom line, I really enjoyed the film and I want to go see it again. I can't call it the best Star Wars film, but it was really good and a really satisfying conclusion. Overall they ended things just the right way, to the point of being somewhat predictable and contrived. But in that way it was the polar opposite of the expectation-subversion that put folks off so much with TLJ.

I could say a ton more (obviously:p) but I don't want to spoiler too hard.

As an aside, I will say that I am a little humbled and embarrassed that you would even care that much what I have to say.:blush: Thanks CFC pals that made me feel loved :love:
1) Certainly, at least they ignored the more ridiculous aspects of TLJ (especially the ones that were obvious meddling by the producers).

2) Yes. With the Chris Carter effect in place.

3) Yup, fanservice.

4) I had no such trouble. I went alone. But a second watching, with friends, might be cool.

5 & 6) Definitely. A lot of things were assumed. As JoanK points out, this movie really shouldn't work because of the many plot holes but it does. Perhaps it's because of the pacing that you never have time to poke too deep.

7) I'm not sure whether you say it's a good thing or a bad one.

8) I don't think that any of these films are at the level of the original trilogy (which I rewatched for the umpteenth time this week just this afternoon) but they ended up being collectively salvaged. It's OK, they make do. But, as a closing, Return of the Jedi is far better.
two posts , as one would have the typical r16 baggage/garbage while this is a translation of sorts . Of the lightsaber fights in Star Wars intented for some kid seen , and likely to require the mother to watch movies in the cinema for a little more time , too , because of small age , under 10 to begin with . In case wondering what this was about and like ı have been interested in SW for like 40 years now , like obviously more years than the mother has lived , in a way of saying ...

Spoiler :

there are two sides , in general terms . One the good people , the other the bad people . They have warriors that fight in their name , magicians in practical terms . Some of the time the warrior/magicians are not equals and the fights are over quickly . And some the time they are equals , so they start "talking" instead of "fighting" . Good people's power supports the good magician , evil power supports the evil magician . So , when the fighters are equals and they can't beat the other , the evil magician would try to make the good magician angry . Because anger leads to the dark side and good power would stop supporting the good guy if he/she was to get angry . While the good people start telling the evil people how they are actually nice people who love kittens and give donations to the charities , because if the evil were to be surprised and discover they were like good people they would be abandoned by the evil power .

the latest triology has seen the guy in black custome casting aspersions on the parents of the girl in white custome , telling lies about them . First it was that her family had abandoned her , then asks her to embrace them . He is evil , she is good but a bit young to handle to stress . Mark (who was the guy in white in my time) has raised proper trouble to stop what they were planning to do in Episode VIII , so like nothing like that , it's just a trick because the guy can not win a proper sword fight , and it's not a thing between a boy and and a girl and who beats who . They are simply vessels through which the Good and Evil battle and their gender do not matter . So , the only times he can gain the upper hand are when she's distracted . By anger , fear , childish competition between them , on who can grab a stone or anything and move it to some side while the other wants the same stone and move it the other way , and she panics that she is losing , that sort of thing . So , he is telling lies ...

all the evil magicians tell lies ... Theirs is a way of life that depend on lies . Because they can't share anything because they each other as bad as they hate the Good , the evil magicians were once in a battle with the good magicians and they would fight the Good in one day and back stab each other the next . So , one of the most capable evil magicians created the Rule of Two . One Evil teacher , teaches all the secrets to his/her student , with the full knowledge that the student will one day try to kill the teacher and become the teacher him/herself . If the student succeeds , OK , if he/she fails the teacher will find a new student . And now that this is a fairy tale in the end , the teacher might cheat and destroy the student's soul and take his/her body to live like forever .
spoileryness will be respected , but like it might have been seen in trailers . Force Lightning (and this post returns to the normals of this thread so not a translation anymore) was a Dark Side speciality and it has no specific relation to bloodlines . The only Sith who lacked Force Lightning was Darth Vader , because he was like expertly cut off on Mustafar and had to live in some metal suit that made it "impossible" for him to use it , an impulse of sorts on part of Kenobi , because he couldn't kill his padawan and goaded Anakin to an error and the end result would be some other Jedi killing Anakin (who was no longer Anakin) as the Sith would be unable to use the most effective Sith method of fighting . Making Palpatine safer in some evil twist of irony , because Anakin Skywalker was a very highly capable swordmaster that would chop Palpatine into tiny pieces , possibly to become the best ever Jedi in lightsaber use if he could remain a Jedi that long . If only Skywalker/Vader could come close enough while Darth Sidious is of course a master of "ranged" fighting .

as a half practising Muslim and it would be naturally half translated , Palpatine haşa wants to become a god , the word impliying that ı wouldn't ever believe he could , with the implicit belief that there is but one God . ı don't like this dead men talking in Star Wars but it can be trimmed in a more controlled environment . Like Starfleet editions and stuff .

the Disney Triology has not been an overall loss . First thing first , ı was apparently not accused of making a claim on the lead actress , which is a good thing and an improvement , to say the least . Am a guy who claims to have actual starships and actually ı claim nothing else ... Them 3D glasses hurt my nose so ı watch without them . All the ships on the screen then gain a double , because the viewers must be thrilled by the depth perception , while when her face fills the screen , everything fits together , and it's also true that she looks good or something , glorious to say the correct statement ... Like if ı wasn't a 50 years old virgin , ı would have kids older than her by now kind of thing .

short on concepts , not a bike guy myself , though the final ship to ship fighting might have interesting stuff , but was seeing everything in double .

the story arc ? One must really admit Disney was handicapped , despite their intentional failings . That you , too , would become gay if your girlfriend was Rose Tico will not be forgiven . Once again some historic narrative or something but ı wasn't surprised to learn some business newspaper declaring IX to be the worst SW film ever , because some person in the end rises up as a Skywalker , despite the very premise the Skywalker name would be laid under some thick layer of excrement ... A very thick layer , too ...

see , George Lucas was a nobody who didn't fit in with the Studio System of his days . He made a successful movie and the cinema history are full with directors/producers/writers with one hits . He then had a B-movie in mind , that might perhaps do good in Japan , where the norm was a guy in a Godzilla suit made of rubber , breathing out cigaratte smoke as F/X . Which might then go on provide the financial background for Lucas to make his own movies . No studio in the US would "help" him , but his pals were the coming generation of directors and he would be made to fail to make the rest conform . So , he went to UK , to film . Where they had some sort of financial trouble and not much of movie making , so the rent for the sets were cheap . Anglosaxon financial world is truly borderless , let me tell you and London knew George Lucas would fail . The Brits did their school bullying , Lucas would almost have an heartattack to discover some of the best scenes were like exposed or something .

lucas didn't fail . His success would surprise even himself . The British press were like totally against him in 1979 , though perhaps not in print . Empire was tough on nerves so Lucas turned Wookies into Ewoks , because it would stop Nazis taking an interest and would imply he was just into money-making and London would perhaps give up , now that Wall Street had fully embraced Lucasarts and the millions it was making ? He didn't have an heart attack in the Return of the Jedi , but it was still hard , the pressure high , fraying the nerves .

the waiting for the Phantom Menace was intense , the letdown epic , but Lucas gained an ease of mind for the rest of the triology . As it would tank totally , he didn't have to watch his back all the time ... He might have started with Nixon , but you must never forget Palpatine was in the end created by Lucas , he might have learned stuff from his creation sort of thing . ı always like to talk of the glow ı felt back in 2005 as ı walked out of the theater . Actually ı crossed the street and went into some bookstore and bought an English language aviation magazine , with the F-14 on the cover , like making me feel even better .

london never forgives . While it's not alone in that field , they had a day when Disney bought the company . Episode VII was so much liked , because it replicated IV , with so much flashier CGI . If Lucas was man enough , he would do that , back in 1977 , before he like led all the way for the invention of CGI itself , still busy with the basics by 1997 . With all the years and thousands of books and stuff slighted immediately by the girl who knows nothing and like immediately beats off some guy in black who had years of training , including some by Luke Skywalker ! Her face would have been the only consolation , but as the silly history books will say in the future , the Counter-Revolution in this country was failing , the Russians were coming back , the Chinese were coming back , people had other things to work on .

the glorious VIII and we fatty nerds were treated to "Luke Supremacy" . If Mark didn't like what actually happened , he did like what was supposed to happen even less . Once again , am a Starfleet Admiral , nothing about me is real and ı really do not have to know people to refer them in the first person ... Of course the director was changed , because as we might all have noticed , fandom in the 21st Century is big business and they needed a need to explain what might happen ... as "creative differences" . As you might have noticed Darth Vader tends to appear in "popular uprisings" to imply the world is watching ... The head of the Turkish Branch of the 501th wore one to the Gezi Events , only because why not . ı certainly wouldn't let that happen , because we have then had a statement that will never die that the foreign intelligence services trying to assassinate the PM with telekinesis , Islamist newspapers attacking a chain store for selling SW stuff -ı think at VIII- because SW is satanist and stuff . Far more dangerous in the West , say America and UK , because if too much insulted , people might stop buying mugs and t-shirts ! VIII insulted the nerds in more specific terms , because size matters not and the fans know Yoda is little and packs so much whack and punch and it's only that Rey had so much power that she would chew Ren without any training and fatty nerds found a long list of stuff that would distract Ren to make him loose concentration ...

and then ? Because fans are loyal and fat and dumb and unshaken , a stunner . Despite the claims to come that it was on the cards even before the filming of VII started . Nope , Rey was daughter of nobody and no one , two nameless persons no single person cared for and she DID what the superlative Skywalkers failed to achieve , or something like that . That any family connection meant nothing . Let me repeat that , NOTHING ! Yeah , she still says that in some interview like not two months old ... And yet by the end the moviegoers will discover some person rises as a Skywalker . Not likely to be Finn , nor Poe . Not the round droid , Chewbacca is Chewbacca , doesn't the need the surname . Will it be Ben Skywalker , atoning for his grandfather or whatever rising as Darth Vader ? Or the girl ? Skywalkers , damn them , have won again !

ı don't know why the UK , as it's in the end a Monarchy or whatever , gets so much riled by the Skywalkers . Could it be even one of the Princes of the 1980s was dating , ı don't know Koo Stark (?) and she appeared at the filming (?) at Anchorhead (?) and it was trimmed out as it was slowing down the pace as we would soon understand Luke was just an immature farmboy anyhow ?

the usual r16 garbage at the end , like costing the equivalent of something like 2.5 dollars (so it's a world standart now ?), about 13 to 15 people in the theater , which is a packing crowd in my standarts as ı was all alone in Terminator in November ... ı imagine ı saw the mother-kid pair who were also at VIII , too . Walking home , weather was disasterously good . Global warming , man , we have like 4 or 5 nights a year that it might go below freezing , and these days should have been cold . The weather is so good that the newspaper tells us the arrival of winter is "prevented" by some means . Because without winter there are like no rains and it's only when Kemalists are in charge the "Muslims" tell people that God is punishing the country for the godless who do not wash after sex ... They can not be punished by God , because that would ruin their whole PR operation , so , America is using some satellite or something ...
sorry , ı know , am asking for trouble but this must also happen :

hollywood is not trying to bring down New Turkey

if they could bring anyone down , that would be Trump and am pretty sure no one has ever threatened Americans with nuclear weapon usage if anything happened or something .

finished my two posts on Saturday , would add a line or two as required . Then ı saw the mood myself , some TV report that says the sixpack by Lucas was art or something while the Abrams trio is mere industrial production . There were two people before me here in the thread on Friday , both liking the movie somewhat and expressing a certain amount of doubt about the critics' reports ... ı have always felt the movie editor of the newspaper is a SW fan and like he wouldn't want to be a sore thumb , so the piece is published on Sunday , the whole page divided into two . Below holds the part where a guy who rants on things and the geeky fat fans get it a bit . The editor notes a couple of failures to be not a sore thumb , implies it's not that bad ...

of course a valid point on how the noble are not the only worthy ... But Star Wars is Tolkien in space at the end of it and nobles were a big thing for like thousands of years in literature . SW at least has the excuse of nobles are nobles because of their Force sensitivity and a commoner actually decides the whole in one little scene , like on par with Han Solo coming up at the end of the trench run , providing a legal excuse for Darth Vader not shooting Luke down so that the kid could blow up the Death Star . Actually a great scene , because the commoner is not up to physically handle the task , the noble will do it on his/her own . Took me a day to grasp it too , because the noble does not want the commoner to fail ...

the rest of the newspaper gets more interesting . ı personally fell for the ad by some Opposition Party ... Mimicking Yoda reading the opening crawl , promising to bring back the Republic ... Even more interesting is the history lesson of sorts by a Party guy in the Parliament , from which we learn Marie Antoinette did not say "Let them eat cake" and it was more of an advice to conserve bread , that the politics naturally involve lies and making up fake things about things [ı don't know , like the things New Turkey did perhaps] but revolutions are dangerous and Communists take over ... For that , you will have to remember Episode VIII involved some bizarre plot of making a phone call on the galaxy to rise and rebel ...

oh-kay , Rogue One was an accident . Which also had the Space Kung Fu guy because it helps ticket sales . ı have read it somewhere , the joy some Kenyan moviegoer felt , when the co-pilot of Millennium Falcon over Endor spoke Kenyan . So , the entire Ergenekon thing in VIII , people massacred , people taking refuge in "valley surrounded by mountains" , led there by crystal foxes a wolf , fire that melts walls of iron in a twist of things , the producers had no idea on what they were doing , right ? And Luke fighting the creep of a nephew of his is still worth the admission money , and it has more good moments and the like , too ... Has also created a chance to troll the Stuntwoman until the end of time , too , hence not that bad ! This one had "şahmeran" instead (Google if you must , but after seeing the movie) ... It's far more of an Iranian thing that ı have never studied . But works fully , good deeds go without getting punished some of the time ; sets us to grasp what happens , proves the real persona of the person that interacts , reinforces the "obligation" of the said person even in most extreme cases . Can also be an homage to the guy who voiced Darth Vader in the movies , having held a similar position in some Conan movie . Bold font again :

star Wars is "Turkish history" but not this one . Will not tolerate any attempt to make connections . IT'S A GODDAMNED MOVIE ! And the boys from Langley have the best search engines , but ı don't think they will find the r16 refrain of years past that New Turkey will invade Andromeda which like arises from past stuff that only makes me stuff . Let us losers enjoy some fairy galaxy so far away , so long ago , right ? Don't you people have the world to conquer ?

the reason is apparently this Opposition promise that they will not pay PPP credits when they win the next elections and the possible awakening of London to that risk and calling on the Party to behave . After seeing the movie , ı think the Congregation's irritation stems from the plot within a plot and the way it fails . ı don't know what makes them to think anyone would pay attention to them in making a Star Wars movie . Oh , well , the anti-Turkishness of XI is well established by "Look, a gay person!" / "Oh, look another one!" / "Gaaay!" / "Also gay!" In any case , if one wonders ...

finally as Starfleet pays me for my efforts at February thirty-second of each year , at the rate of 1000 words at half a cent : J'accuse , for ı have discovered some scene where the Stuntwoman does not provide the heroinette with a proper flash-light ! Not in SW ; even if the scene in XI was the only one ı laughed . The Trek way of moving around , specifically Khan way of moving bugs me intensely , but there's talk against me of letting it be because of the claimed close connections of the Rey Ben duo .

alright , any other negativity ? Oh , yes , ı found it : IX sucks because nub nub ... Or was it yub yub ?
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You two sure you wanna start this already? The War??:eek: So early?? Before more of the combatants have had a chance to see it for themselves???

OK... I'll dip my toe in the water with a few spoiler free-ish impressions.

1. I think this move was a shameless love letter to the folks who were upset/disappointed/pissed-off/dissatisfied with TLJ. Its basically a "Let's make up and be friends" message. Whether folks will accept the apology or slap away the olive branch remains to be seen, but make no mistake... If you had problems with TLJ... they made this movie to at least try to win you back. They obviously put alot of thought into avoiding many of the things that TLJ was criticized for.
Spoiler :
Luke delivers what can not be described as anything but an explicit apology for his introduction, and ongoing flippant attitude in TLJ
2. Even more than TLJ and maybe even as much as, if not more than TFA... this movie tried to track the basic framework/structure of its OT counterpart... in this case RoTJ. In other words...this movie was A LOT like RoTJ.

3. TRoS essentially returned to the TFA formula, with endless amounts of fan service and kisses blown to the OT (and the PT) throughout the film.

4. The pacing was relentless, even more so than TFA. There was no time whatsoever to think about what was going on or process anything. If you leaned over to a companion to comment to them about anything, you missed something. If you went to the bathroom you missed something important. If you turned away from the screen for even a second you missed something important. Anticipating this (I went with five kids under 10yo), I stocked my kids, nieces, nephews up with snacks during the previews, and forbade them to have their drinks until the final battle... so I avoided the numerous potty breaks that typify my usual movie excursions.

5. In addition to the pacing, they took numerous shortcuts, relying on the typical Sci-Fi/Fantasy fan to be able to make a bunch of assumptions and be intimately familiar with certain concepts, and able to suspend disbelief, with little or no exposition or explanation. They really seemed to just assume that we (the audience) were mostly seasoned Sci-Fi/Fantasy big-boys and girls and didn't need our hands held through things... "You guys watch Star Trek? LoTR? Supernatural? Twilight? Stargate? The Matrix? etc., don't you? Good so we don't need to explain this particular thing to you." or "You know this character isn't going to die at this juncture, right? OK so we don't need to waste screen-time on showing a tension-less scene for you." Because of this approach, they were able to keep the pacing extremely frenetic for the whole film.

6. If the pacing was slowed down and less of the assumptions allowed... this could have (would have to have) been two movies. They packed A TON into this move. There really was a lot going on all at once. Which created a bunch of timing issues, but again, you had almost no time to think about it... everything was moving way too fast.

7. Despite how dense the movie was, the focus was very tightly kept on the main characters. They were joined at the hip half the time, to the point of it being a little awkward at times.

8. Bottom line, I really enjoyed the film and I want to go see it again. I can't call it the best Star Wars film, but it was really good and a really satisfying conclusion. Overall they ended things just the right way, to the point of being somewhat predictable and contrived. But in that way it was the polar opposite of the expectation-subversion that put folks off so much with TLJ.

I could say a ton more (obviously:p) but I don't want to spoiler too hard.

As an aside, I will say that I am a little humbled and embarrassed that you would even care that much what I have to say.:blush: Thanks CFC pals that made me feel loved :love:

So like everything you talk about, you seem to come away liking it, while I saw all the pacing issues as negatives. I REALLY need to go watch it again to get it all sorted out, because I want to love it but man, relentless is a great way to describe it. I felt like I was under a constant barrage of information I couldn't process fast enough. My fault for going to a super late showing after drinks. Honestly I just want to watch this on my couch by myself on disney plus. I guess I'll have to wait a while.
So like everything you talk about, you seem to come away liking it, while I saw all the pacing issues as negatives. I REALLY need to go watch it again to get it all sorted out, because I want to love it but man, relentless is a great way to describe it. I felt like I was under a constant barrage of information I couldn't process fast enough. My fault for going to a super late showing after drinks. Honestly I just want to watch this on my couch by myself on disney plus. I guess I'll have to wait a while.
You don't have to like it man... its Star Wars! You're a fan... we're all fans... none of us have anything to prove to anyone by liking or hating any individual installation of the franchise. You like Star Wars in general, and that's enough... we're all family.

Also... Merry Christmas! :xmascheers:
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